lib/macroape/cli/preprocess_collection.rb in macroape-4.0.2 vs lib/macroape/cli/preprocess_collection.rb in macroape-4.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,161 +1,169 @@
-require_relative '../../macroape'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'shellwords'
-module Macroape
- module CLI
- module PreprocessCollection
- def self.main(argv)
- doc = <<-EOS.strip_doc
- Command-line format:
- #{run_tool_cmd} <file or folder with PWMs or .stdin with filenames> <output file> [options]
- Options:
- [-p <list of P-values>] - comma separated(no spaces allowed) list of P-values to precalculate thresholds
- [-d <rough discretization>,<precise discretization>] - set discretization rates, comma delimited (no spaces allowed), order doesn't matter
- [--silent] - hide current progress information during scan (printed to stderr by default)
- [--pcm] - treat the input file as Position Count Matrix. PCM-to-PWM transformation to be done internally.
- [--boundary lower|upper] Upper boundary (default) means that the obtained P-value is greater than or equal to the requested P-value
- [-b <background probabilities] ACGT - 4 numbers, comma-delimited(spaces not allowed), sum should be equal to 1, like 0.25,0.24,0.26,0.25
- The tool preprocesses and stores Macroape motif collection in the specified YAML-file.
- Example:
- #{run_tool_cmd} ./motifs collection.yaml -p 0.001,0.0005,0.0001 -d 1,10 -b 0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2
- if argv.empty? || ['-h', '--h', '-help', '--help'].any?{|help_option| argv.include?(help_option)}
- $stderr.puts doc
- exit
- end
- data_model = argv.delete('--pcm') ? Bioinform::PCM : Bioinform::PWM
- default_pvalues = [0.0005]
- background = [1,1,1,1]
- rough_discretization = 1
- precise_discretization = 10
- max_hash_size = 10000000
- data_source = argv.shift
- output_file = argv.shift
- raise 'No input. You should specify file or folder with pwms' unless data_source
- raise "Error! File or folder #{data_source} doesn't exist" unless Dir.exist?(data_source) || File.exist?(data_source) || data_source == '.stdin'
- raise 'You should specify output file' unless output_file
- pvalues = []
- silent = false
- pvalue_boundary = :upper
- until argv.empty?
- case argv.shift
- when '-b'
- background = argv.shift.split(',').map(&:to_f)
- raise 'background should be symmetric: p(A)=p(T) and p(G) = p(C)' unless background == background.reverse
- when '-p'
- pvalues = argv.shift.split(',').map(&:to_f)
- when '-d'
- rough_discretization, precise_discretization = argv.shift.split(',').map(&:to_f).sort
- when '--max-hash-size'
- max_hash_size = argv.shift.to_i
- when '--silent'
- silent = true
- when '--boundary'
- pvalue_boundary = argv.shift.to_sym
- raise 'boundary should be either lower or upper' unless pvalue_boundary == :lower || pvalue_boundary == :upper
- end
- end
- pvalues = default_pvalues if pvalues.empty?
- collection = rough_discretization,
- precise_discretization: precise_discretization,
- background: background,
- pvalues: pvalues)
- data_source = data_source.gsub("\\",'/')
- if
- motifs = Dir.glob(File.join(data_source,'*')) do |filename|
- pwm =
- ||= File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename))
- pwm
- end
- elsif File.file?(data_source)
- input =
- motifs = data_model.split_on_motifs(input)
- elsif data_source == '.stdin'
- filelist = $
- motifs = []
- filelist.each do |filename|
- motif =
- ||= File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename))
- motif.set_parameters(background: background)
- motifs << motif
- end
- else
- raise "Specified data source `#{data_source}` is neither directory nor file nor even .stdin"
- end
- pwms =
- pwms.each_with_index do |pwm,index|
- $stderr.puts "Motif #{}, length: #{pwm.length} (#{index+1} of #{pwms.size}, #{index*100/pwms.size}% complete)" unless silent
- # When support of onefile collections is introduced - then here should be check if name exists.
- # Otherwise it should skip motif and tell you about this
- # Also two command line options to fail on skipping or to skip silently should be included
- info = {}, precise: {})
- pwm.set_parameters(background: background, max_hash_size: max_hash_size)
- skip_motif = false
- fill_rough_infos = ->(pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue) do
- if real_pvalue == 0
- $stderr.puts "#{} at pvalue #{pvalue} has threshold that yields real-pvalue 0 in rough mode. Rough calculation will be skipped"
- else
- info.rough[pvalue] = threshold / rough_discretization
- end
- end
- fill_precise_infos = ->(pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue) do
- if real_pvalue == 0
- $stderr.puts "#{} at pvalue #{pvalue} has threshold that yields real-pvalue 0 in precise mode. Motif will be excluded from collection"
- skip_motif = true
- else
- info.precise[pvalue] = threshold / precise_discretization
- end
- end
- if pvalue_boundary == :lower
- pwm.discrete(rough_discretization).thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_rough_infos)
- else
- pwm.discrete(rough_discretization).weak_thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_rough_infos)
- end
- if pvalue_boundary == :lower
- pwm.discrete(precise_discretization).thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_precise_infos)
- else
- pwm.discrete(precise_discretization).weak_thresholds(*pvalues,&fill_precise_infos)
- end
- collection.add_pm(pwm, info) unless skip_motif
- end
- $stderr.puts "100% complete. Saving results" unless silent
-, 'w') do |f|
- f.puts(collection.to_yaml)
- end
- puts{|infos|
- infos.add_parameter('P', 'P-value list', pvalues.join(','))
- infos.add_parameter('VR', 'discretization value, rough', rough_discretization)
- infos.add_parameter('VP', 'discretization value, precise', precise_discretization)
- infos.add_parameter('PB', 'P-value boundary', pvalue_boundary)
- infos.background_parameter('B', 'background', background)
- }.result
- rescue => err
- $stderr.puts "\n#{err}\n#{err.backtrace.first(5).join("\n")}\n\nUse --help option for help\n\n#{doc}"
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+require_relative '../../macroape'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'shellwords'
+module Macroape
+ module CLI
+ module PreprocessCollection
+ def self.motif_infos_from_file(filename)
+ input =
+ motif_input =
+ { matrix: motif_input[:matrix],
+ name: motif_input[:name] || File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)) }
+ end
+ def self.main(argv)
+ doc = <<-EOS.strip_doc
+ Command-line format:
+ #{run_tool_cmd} <file or folder with PWMs or .stdin with filenames> <output file> [options]
+ Options:
+ [-p <list of P-values>] - comma separated(no spaces allowed) list of P-values to precalculate thresholds
+ [-d <rough discretization>,<precise discretization>] - set discretization rates, comma delimited (no spaces allowed), order doesn't matter
+ [--silent] - hide current progress information during scan (printed to stderr by default)
+ [--pcm] - treat the input file as Position Count Matrix. PCM-to-PWM transformation to be done internally.
+ [--boundary lower|upper] Upper boundary (default) means that the obtained P-value is greater than or equal to the requested P-value
+ [-b <background probabilities] ACGT - 4 numbers, comma-delimited(spaces not allowed), sum should be equal to 1, like 0.25,0.24,0.26,0.25
+ The tool preprocesses and stores Macroape motif collection in the specified YAML-file.
+ Example:
+ #{run_tool_cmd} ./motifs collection.yaml -p 0.001,0.0005,0.0001 -d 1,10 -b 0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2
+ if argv.empty? || ['-h', '--h', '-help', '--help'].any?{|help_option| argv.include?(help_option)}
+ $stderr.puts doc
+ exit
+ end
+ data_model = argv.delete('--pcm') ? :pcm : :pwm
+ default_pvalues = [0.0005]
+ background = Bioinform::Background::Wordwise
+ rough_discretization = 1
+ precise_discretization = 10
+ max_hash_size = 10000000
+ data_source = argv.shift
+ output_file = argv.shift
+ raise 'No input. You should specify file or folder with pwms' unless data_source
+ raise "Error! File or folder #{data_source} doesn't exist" unless Dir.exist?(data_source) || File.exist?(data_source) || data_source == '.stdin'
+ raise 'You should specify output file' unless output_file
+ pvalues = []
+ silent = false
+ pvalue_boundary = :upper
+ until argv.empty?
+ case argv.shift
+ when '-b'
+ background = Bioinform::Background.from_string(argv.shift)
+ raise 'background should be symmetric: p(A)=p(T) and p(G) = p(C)' unless background.symmetric?
+ when '-p'
+ pvalues = argv.shift.split(',').map(&:to_f)
+ when '-d'
+ rough_discretization, precise_discretization = argv.shift.split(',').map(&:to_f).sort
+ when '--max-hash-size'
+ max_hash_size = argv.shift.to_i
+ when '--silent'
+ silent = true
+ when '--boundary'
+ pvalue_boundary = argv.shift.to_sym
+ raise 'boundary should be either lower or upper' unless pvalue_boundary == :lower || pvalue_boundary == :upper
+ end
+ end
+ pvalues = default_pvalues if pvalues.empty?
+ data_source = data_source.gsub("\\",'/')
+ pcm2pwm_converter = :log, background: background)
+ if
+ motif_inputs = Dir.glob(File.join(data_source,'*')){|filename| motif_infos_from_file(filename) }
+ elsif File.file?(data_source)
+ input =
+ motif_inputs ={|motif_input| }
+ elsif data_source == '.stdin'
+ filelist = $
+ motif_inputs ={|filename| motif_infos_from_file(filename) }
+ else
+ raise "Specified data source `#{data_source}` is neither directory nor file nor even .stdin"
+ end
+ pwms ={|motif_input|
+ if data_model == :pwm
+ pwm =[:matrix]).named(motif_input[:name])
+ elsif data_model == :pcm
+ pcm =[:matrix]).named(motif_input[:name])
+ pwm = pcm2pwm_converter.convert(pcm)
+ end
+ }
+ collection = rough_discretization,
+ precise_discretization: precise_discretization,
+ background: background,
+ pvalues: pvalues)
+ pwms.each_with_index do |pwm,index|
+ $stderr.puts "Motif #{}, length: #{pwm.length} (#{index+1} of #{pwms.size}, #{index*100/pwms.size}% complete)" unless silent
+ # When support of onefile collections is introduced - then here should be check if name exists.
+ # Otherwise it should skip motif and tell you about this
+ # Also two command line options to fail on skipping or to skip silently should be included
+ info = {rough: {}, precise: {}, background: background}
+ skip_motif = false
+ fill_rough_infos = ->(pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue) do
+ if real_pvalue == 0
+ $stderr.puts "#{} at pvalue #{pvalue} has threshold that yields real-pvalue 0 in rough mode. Rough calculation will be skipped"
+ else
+ info[:rough][pvalue] = threshold / rough_discretization
+ end
+ end
+ fill_precise_infos = ->(pvalue, threshold, real_pvalue) do
+ if real_pvalue == 0
+ $stderr.puts "#{} at pvalue #{pvalue} has threshold that yields real-pvalue 0 in precise mode. Motif will be excluded from collection"
+ skip_motif = true
+ else
+ info[:precise][pvalue] = threshold / precise_discretization
+ end
+ end
+ rough_counting =, background: background, max_hash_size: max_hash_size)
+ precise_counting =, background: background, max_hash_size: max_hash_size)
+ if pvalue_boundary == :lower
+ rough_counting.thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_rough_infos)
+ else
+ rough_counting.weak_thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_rough_infos)
+ end
+ if pvalue_boundary == :lower
+ precise_counting.thresholds(*pvalues, &fill_precise_infos)
+ else
+ precise_counting.weak_thresholds(*pvalues,&fill_precise_infos)
+ end
+ collection <<, info) unless skip_motif
+ end
+ $stderr.puts "100% complete. Saving results" unless silent
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f.puts(collection.to_yaml)
+ end
+ puts{|infos|
+ infos.add_parameter('P', 'P-value list', pvalues.join(','))
+ infos.add_parameter('VR', 'discretization value, rough', rough_discretization)
+ infos.add_parameter('VP', 'discretization value, precise', precise_discretization)
+ infos.add_parameter('PB', 'P-value boundary', pvalue_boundary)
+ infos.background_parameter('B', 'background', background)
+ }.result
+ rescue => err
+ $stderr.puts "\n#{err}\n#{err.backtrace.first(5).join("\n")}\n\nUse --help option for help\n\n#{doc}"
+ end
+ end
+ end