lib/machinist.rb in machinist-1.0.6 vs lib/machinist.rb in machinist-2.0.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,110 +1,16 @@
-require 'sham'
+require 'machinist/blueprint'
+require 'machinist/exceptions'
+require 'machinist/lathe'
+require 'machinist/machinable'
+require 'machinist/shop'
+require 'machinist/warehouse'
module Machinist
- # A Lathe is used to execute the blueprint and construct an object.
- #
- # The blueprint is instance_eval'd against the Lathe.
- class Lathe
- def, object, *args)
- blueprint = object.class.blueprint
- named_blueprint = object.class.blueprint(args.shift) if args.first.is_a?(Symbol)
- attributes = args.pop || {}
- raise "No blueprint for class #{object.class}" if blueprint.nil?
- lathe =, object, attributes)
- lathe.instance_eval(&named_blueprint) if named_blueprint
- klass = object.class
- while klass
- lathe.instance_eval(&klass.blueprint) if klass.respond_to?(:blueprint) && klass.blueprint
- klass = klass.superclass
- end
- lathe
- end
- def initialize(adapter, object, attributes = {})
- @adapter = adapter
- @object = object
- attributes.each {|key, value| assign_attribute(key, value) }
- end
- def object
- yield @object if block_given?
- @object
- end
- def method_missing(symbol, *args, &block)
- if attribute_assigned?(symbol)
- # If we've already assigned the attribute, return that.
- @object.send(symbol)
- elsif @adapter.has_association?(@object, symbol) && !nil_or_empty?(@object.send(symbol))
- # If the attribute is an association and is already assigned, return that.
- @object.send(symbol)
- else
- # Otherwise generate a value and assign it.
- assign_attribute(symbol, generate_attribute_value(symbol, *args, &block))
- end
- end
- def assigned_attributes
- @assigned_attributes ||= {}
- end
- # Undef a couple of methods that are common ActiveRecord attributes.
- # (Both of these are deprecated in Ruby 1.8 anyway.)
- undef_method :id if respond_to?(:id)
- undef_method :type if respond_to?(:type)
- private
- def nil_or_empty?(object)
- object.respond_to?(:empty?) ? object.empty? : object.nil?
- end
- def assign_attribute(key, value)
- assigned_attributes[key.to_sym] = value
- @object.send("#{key}=", value)
- end
- def attribute_assigned?(key)
- assigned_attributes.has_key?(key.to_sym)
- end
- def generate_attribute_value(attribute, *args)
- if block_given?
- # If we've got a block, use that to generate the value.
- yield
- else
- # Otherwise, look for an association or a sham.
- if @adapter.has_association?(object, attribute)
- @adapter.class_for_association(object, attribute).make(args.first || {})
- elsif args.empty?
- Sham.send(attribute)
- else
- # If we've got a constant, just use that.
- args.first
- end
- end
- end
+ # Call this before each test to get Machinist ready.
+ def self.reset_before_test
+ Shop.instance.restock
- # This sets a flag that stops make from saving objects, so
- # that calls to make from within a blueprint don't create
- # anything inside make_unsaved.
- def self.with_save_nerfed
- begin
- @@nerfed = true
- yield
- ensure
- @@nerfed = false
- end
- end
- @@nerfed = false
- def self.nerfed?
- @@nerfed
- end