lib/lucid/spec_file.rb in lucid-0.1.1 vs lib/lucid/spec_file.rb in lucid-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -71,10 +71,12 @@
raise e
rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
if @path == "specs"
STDOUT.puts ["\nYou don't have a 'specs' directory. This is the default specification",
"directory that Lucid will use if one is not specified. So either create",
- "that directory or specify where your test repository is located."].join("\n")
+ "that directory or specify where your test repository is located.\n\n"].join("\n")
+ #e.message << "."
+ raise e
STDOUT.puts ["\nThere is no '#{@path}' directory. Since that is what you specified as",
"your spec repository, this directory must be present."].join("\n")