src/core/ in luca-0.9.1 vs src/core/ in luca-0.9.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# This is a helper for creating the DOM element that go along with
# a given component, if it is configured to use one via the topToolbar
# and bottomToolbar properties
-attachToolbar = (config={})->
+attachToolbar = (config={}, targetEl)->
config.orientation ||= "top"
config.ctype ||= @toolbarType || "panel_toolbar"
id = "#{ @cid }-tbc-#{ config.orientation }"
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
when "top", "left"
if hasBody then "before" else "prepend"
when "bottom", "right"
if hasBody then "after" else "append"
- @$bodyEl()[action]( container )
+ (targetEl || @$bodyEl() )[action]( container )
# A Panel is a basic Luca.View but with Toolbar extensions
# In general other components should inherit from the panel class.
@@ -40,14 +40,17 @@
# Load Mask will apply a transparent overlay over the form
# upon submission, with a moving progress bar which will be
# hidden upon successful response
loadMask: false
loadMaskTemplate: ["components/load_mask"]
+ loadMaskTimeout: 3000
initialize: (@options={})->
Luca.View::initialize.apply(@, arguments)
+ _.bindAll @, "applyLoadMask", "disableLoadMask"
if @loadMask is true
@defer ()=>
if @$('.load-mask').length is 0
@@ -59,27 +62,39 @@
@on "disable:loadmask", @applyLoadMask
loadMaskTarget: ()->
if @loadMaskEl? then @$(@loadMaskEl) else @$bodyEl()
+ disableLoadMask: ()->
+ @$('.load-mask .bar').css("width","100%")
+ @$('.load-mask').hide()
+ clearInterval(@loadMaskInterval)
+ enableLoadMask: ()->
+ @$('.load-mask').show().find('.bar').css("width","0%")
+ maxWidth = @$('.load-mask .progress').width()
+ if maxWidth < 20 and (maxWidth = @$el.width()) < 20
+ maxWidth = @$el.parent().width()
+ @loadMaskInterval = setInterval ()=>
+ currentWidth = @$('.load-mask .bar').width()
+ newWidth = currentWidth + 12
+ @$('.load-mask .bar').css('width', newWidth)
+ , 200
+ return unless @loadMaskTimeout?
+ _.delay ()=>
+ @disableLoadMask()
+ , @loadMaskTimeout
applyLoadMask: ()->
if @$('.load-mask').is(":visible")
- @$('.load-mask .bar').css("width","100%")
- @$('.load-mask').hide()
- clearInterval(@loadMaskInterval)
+ @disableLoadMask()
- @$('.load-mask').show().find('.bar').css("width","0%")
- maxWidth = @$('.load-mask .progress').width()
- if maxWidth < 20 and (maxWidth = @$el.width()) < 20
- maxWidth = @$el.parent().width()
+ @enableLoadMask()
- @loadMaskInterval = setInterval ()=>
- currentWidth = @$('.load-mask .bar').width()
- newWidth = currentWidth + 12
- @$('.load-mask .bar').css('width', newWidth)
- , 200
applyStyles: (styles={},body=false)->
target = if body then @$bodyEl() else @$el
for setting, value of styles
@@ -112,11 +127,11 @@
$wrap: (wrapper)->
- if !wrapper.match(/[<>]/)
+ if _.isString(wrapper) and not wrapper.match(/[<>]/)
wrapper = @make("div",class:wrapper)
@$el.wrap( wrapper )
$template: (template, variables={})->
@@ -138,6 +153,6 @@
renderToolbar: (orientation="top", config={})->
config.parent = @
config.orientation = orientation
-, config)
+, config, config.targetEl )
\ No newline at end of file