src/core/ in luca-0.9.2 vs src/core/ in luca-0.9.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,186 +1 @@
-# Component Definition Helpers
-# We have customized the core Backbone.extend process to use a slightly
-# different syntax, which allows us to intercept the component definition at
-# various points, and maintain information about classes being defined, and
-# the relationships between inherited classes, etc.
-# _.def, or Luca.define returns a chainable object which allows you to define
-# your components with a readable syntax. For example:
-# _.def("Luca.View").extends("Backbone.View").with the_good:"shit"
-# _.def("MyView").extends("Luca.View").with the_custom:"shit"
-Luca.define = (componentName)->
- new DefineProxy(componentName)
-Luca.component = Luca.define
-# The define proxy chain sets up a call to Luca.extend, which is a wrapper around Luca and Backbone component class' extend function.
-class DefineProxy
- constructor:(componentName)->
- @namespace = Luca.util.namespace()
- @componentId = @componentName = componentName
- if componentName.match(/\./)
- @namespaced = true
- parts = componentName.split('.')
- @componentId = parts.pop()
- @namespace = parts.join('.')
- # automatically add the namespace to the namespace registry
- Luca.registry.addNamespace( parts.join('.') )
- # allow for specifying the namespace
- in: (@namespace)-> @
- # allow for multiple ways of saying the same thing for readability purposes
- from: (@superClassName)-> @
- extends: (@superClassName)-> @
- extend: (@superClassName)-> @
- # an alias for with, or a readability helper in multi-line definitions
- enhance: (properties)->
- return @with(properties) if properties?
- @
- # which properties, methods, etc will you be extending the base class with?
- with: (properties)->
- at = if @namespaced
- Luca.util.resolve(@namespace, (window || global))
- else
- (window||global)
- # automatically create the namespace
- if @namespaced and not at?
- eval("(window||global).#{ @namespace } = {}")
- at = Luca.util.resolve(@namespace,(window || global))
- at[@componentId] = Luca.extend(@superClassName,@componentName, properties)
- if Luca.autoRegister is true
- componentType = "view" if Luca.isViewPrototype( at[@componentId] )
- componentType = "collection" if Luca.isCollectionPrototype( at[@componentId] )
- componentType = "model" if Luca.isModelPrototype( at[@componentId] )
- # automatically register this with the component registry
- Luca.register( _.string.underscored(@componentId), @componentName, componentType)
- at[@componentId]
-# The last method of the DefineProxy chain is always going to result in
-# a call to Luca.extend. Luca.extend wraps the call to Luca.View.extend,
-# or Backbone.Collection.extend, and accepts the names of the extending,
-# and extended classes as strings. This allows us to maintain information
-# and references to the classes and their prototypes, mainly for the purposes
-# of introspection and development tools
-Luca.extend = (superClassName, childName, properties={})->
- superClass = Luca.util.resolve( superClassName, (window || global) )
- unless _.isFunction(superClass?.extend)
- throw "#{ superClassName } is not a valid component to extend from"
- properties.displayName = childName
- properties._superClass = ()->
- superClass.displayName ||= superClassName
- superClass
- properties._super = (method, context, args)->
- @_superClass().prototype[method]?.apply(context, args)
- superClass.extend(properties)
- def: Luca.define
-# Luca.Events
-# These helpers will get mixed into Luca.Collection, Luca.View, and Luca.Model.
-# They allow for syntactic sugar like:
-# view.defer("someMethodOnTheView").until("collection","fetch")
-# or
-# view.defer( myCallback ).until("triggered:event")
-class DeferredBindingProxy
- constructor: (@object, operation, wrapWithUnderscore=true)->
- if _.isFunction(operation)
- fn = operation
- else if _.isString(operation) and _.isFunction(@object[operation])
- fn = @object[operation]
- unless _.isFunction(fn)
- throw "Must pass a function or a string representing one"
- if wrapWithUnderscore is true
- @fn = ()=>
- _.defer(fn)
- else
- @fn = fn
- @
- # until accepts an object to bind to, and a trigger to bind with
- # if you just pass a trigger, the object getting bound to
- # will implicitly be @object
- until: (watch, trigger)->
- if watch? and not trigger?
- trigger = watch
- watch = @object
- watch.once(trigger, @fn)
- @object
-Luca.Events =
- defer: (operation, wrapWithUnderscore=true)->
- new DeferredBindingProxy(@, operation, wrapWithUnderscore)
- once: (trigger, callback, context)->
- context ||= @
- onceFn = ()->
- callback.apply(context, arguments)
- @unbind(trigger, onceFn)
- @bind trigger, onceFn
-class Luca.ScriptLoader
- @loaded: {}
- constructor: (options={})->
- _.extend(@, Backbone.Events, Luca.Events)
- @autoStart = options.autoStart is true
- @scripts = options.scripts
- ready = ()-> @trigger("ready")
- @ready = _.after( @scripts.length, ready)
- _.bindAll @, "load", "ready"
- @defer("load").until(@, "start")
- if @autoStart is true
- @trigger("start")
- @bind "ready", @onReady
- applyPrefix: (script)->
- script
- onReady: ()->
- console.log "All dependencies loaded"
- start: ()->
- @trigger("start")
- load: ()->
- Luca.util.loadScript( @applyPrefix(script), @ready ) for script in @scripts
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