app/assets/javascripts/luca/core/ in luca-0.9.89 vs app/assets/javascripts/luca/core/ in luca-0.9.91
- old
+ new
@@ -134,15 +134,15 @@
# Luca.View.extend
# bindMethods:["oneHandler","twoHandler"]
autoBindEventHandlers: false
- # Supplying configuration to `@_events` will ensure that this configuration
+ # Supplying configuration to `@_inheritEvents` will ensure that this configuration
# is present on views which extend from this view. In normal Backbone behavior
# the `@events` property can be overridden by views which extend, and this isn't
# always what you want from your component.
- _events: undefined
+ _inheritEvents: undefined
# Luca.View decorates Backbone.View with some patterns and conventions.
@@ -172,18 +172,18 @@
@setupHooks _( Luca.View::hooks.concat( @hooks ) ).uniq()
- @delegateEvents()
+ @delegateEvents() unless _.isEmpty(@events)
@trigger "after:initialize", @
_.bindAll(@, @bindMethods...) if @bindMethods?.legth > 0
- unless _.isEmpty(@_events)
- for eventId, handler of @_events
+ unless _.isEmpty(@_inheritEvents)
+ for eventId, handler of @_inheritEvents
@registerEvent(eventId, handler)
debug: (args...)->
if @debugMode is true or window.LucaDebugMode is true
@@ -196,19 +196,30 @@
Luca.ViewObserver ||= new Luca.Observer(type:"view")
Luca.ViewObserver.relay @, arguments
Backbone.View::trigger.apply @, arguments
+ # Backbone.View.prototype.make is removed in 0.9.10.
+ # As we happen to rely on this little utility heavily,
+ # we add it to Luca.View
+ make: (tagName, attributes, content)->
+ el = document.createElement(tagName);
+ if (attributes)
+ Backbone.$(el).attr(attributes)
+ if (content != null)
+ Backbone.$(el).html(content)
+ el
registerEvent: (selector, handler)->
@events ||= {}
if _.isObject(selector)
@events = _.extend(@events, selector)
- @events[selector] = handler
+ if _.isFunction(handler) || (_.isString(handler) && @[handler]?)
+ @events[selector] = handler
# Returns a reference to the class which this view is an instance of.
@@ -237,9 +248,17 @@
# - before:render : beforeRender()
# - after:render : afterRender()
# - after:initialize : afterInitialize()
# - first:activation : firstActivation()
setupHooks: Luca.util.setupHooks
+# In order to support some Luca apps which rely
+# on Backbone.View.make.
+view.afterDefinition ()->
+ if not Backbone.View::make?
+ Backbone.View::make = ()->
+ console.log "Backbone.View::make has been removed from backbone. You should use Luca.View::make instead."
+ Luca.View::make
Luca.View._originalExtend = Backbone.View.extend