app/assets/javascripts/luca/core/ in luca-0.9.8 vs app/assets/javascripts/luca/core/ in luca-0.9.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,128 +1,280 @@
+# `Luca.View` is an enhanced `Backbone.View` which provides common patterns for view components,
+# and various helper methods and configuration conventions.
+# #### Instance caching / naming
+# If you provide a `@name` property to your views, they will be accessible by that property
+# using the Application helper.
+# view = new Luca.View(name:"my_view")
+# Luca("my_view") === view
+# #### CSS @className conventions
+# In order to make it easier to componentize your views, extending from `Luca.View` will
+# enable CSS class based inheritance based on the names of the view class.
+# ##### For Example:
+# base = Luca.register "App.views.BaseViewClass"
+# base.extends "Luca.View"
+# base.defines
+# className: "some-other-class"
+# child = Luca.register "App.views.ChildViewClass"
+# child.extends "App.views.BaseViewClass"
+# child.defines
+# myClasses: ()->
+# @$el.attr('class')
+# view = new App.views.ChildViewClass()
+# view.myClasses() #=> "app-base-view-class app-child-view-class some-other-class"
+# This establishes a convention for css class names, and allows you to componetize your css
+# along with the component by joining them based on the name of your view class. When using
+# Sass scoping / nesting it fits very nicely together.
+# #### Internal state machine
+# Any `Luca.View` class which defines a `@stateful` property will automatically generate a
+# `@state` model that can be used to get/set attributes on the view as well as bind to change events on these attributes.
+# This gives your views a dedicated place to store state, and you can bind to your data models separately
+# and update the DOM without confusing the two.
+# statefulView = Luca.register "App.views.StatefulView"
+# statefulView.extends "Luca.View"
+# statefulView.defines
+# # Passing an object allows you to set default values on the @state model.
+# stateful:
+# attribute: "value"
+# # Whenever the attribute specified changes, call the specified method.
+# stateChangeEvents:
+# "attribute" : "onAttributeChange"
+# onAttributeChange: (stateMachine, attributeValue)->
+# @doSomethingWhenAttributeChanges()
+# If this type of declarative style isn't your thing, you can still bind to events in code:
+# view = new App.views.StatefulView()
+# view.on "state:change:attribute", (stateMachine, attributeValue)=> @$el.html("New Attribute: #")
+# view.set "attribute", "something"
+# #### Event binding helpers
+# In addition to the `@stateChangeEvent` bindings documented above, you have available
+# to you similar configuration helpers for binding to events emitted by the singletons:
+# - `Luca.Application` via `@applicationEvents`
+# - `Luca.CollectionManager` via `@collectionEvents`
+# - `Luca.SocketManager` via `@socketEvents`
view = Luca.register "Luca.View"
view.extends "Backbone.View"
# includes are extensions to the prototype, and have no special behavior
view.includes "Luca.Events",
- "Luca.concerns.DomHelpers"
+ "Luca.concerns.DomHelpers",
+ "Luca.concerns.DevelopmentToolHelpers"
# concerns are includes with special property / method conventions
# which customize the components through the use of __initializer and
# __included method names. These will be called every time an instance
# is created, and the first time the mixin is used to enhance a component.
-view.mixesIn "DomHelpers",
+view.mixesIn "DomHelpers",
# Luca.View classes have the concept of special events called hooks
-# which allow you to tap into the lifecycle events of your view to
+# which allow you to tap into the lifecycle events of your view to
# customize their behavior. This is especially useful in subclasses.
-# You can utilize a @hook method by camelcasing the triggers defined below:
+# You can utilize a @hook method by camelcasing the triggers defined below:
view.triggers "before:initialize",
+ # Specifying a `@name` for your views is useful for views which
+ # there will only be one instance. This allows you to reference
+ # the view instances by name using the application helper:
+ # Luca("my_view_name")
+ name: undefined
+ # Setting this property to true will automatically bind the context
+ # of your event handler methods to the instance of this view. This
+ # saves you from having to manually do:
+ #
+ # Luca.View.extend
+ # events:
+ # "click .one" : "oneHandler"
+ # "click .two" : "twoHandler"
+ # initialize: ()->
+ # _.bindAll(@, "oneHandler", "twoHandler")
+ #
+ # Instead:
+ #
+ # Luca.View.extend
+ # autoBindEventHandlers: true
+ # events:
+ # "click .one" : "oneHandler"
+ #
+ # Optionally, you can define an array of method names you want bound
+ # to this view:
+ #
+ # Luca.View.extend
+ # bindMethods:["oneHandler","twoHandler"]
+ #
+ autoBindEventHandlers: false
+ # Supplying configuration to `@_inheritEvents` will ensure that this configuration
+ # is present on views which extend from this view. In normal Backbone behavior
+ # the `@events` property can be overridden by views which extend, and this isn't
+ # always what you want from your component.
+ _inheritEvents: undefined
# Luca.View decorates Backbone.View with some patterns and conventions.
identifier: ()->
(@displayName || @type ) + ":" + (@name || @role || @cid)
+ # Calls Backbone.View::remove, and removes the view from the
+ # instance cache. Triggers a "before:remove" event.
+ remove: ()->
+ @trigger("before:remove", @)
+ Luca.remove(@)
+ Backbone.View::remove.apply(@, arguments)
initialize: (@options={})->
@trigger "before:initialize", @, @options
_.extend @, @options
if @autoBindEventHandlers is true or @bindAllEvents is true
@cid = _.uniqueId(@name) if @name?
@$el.attr("data-luca-id", @name || @cid)
Luca.registry.cacheInstance( @cid, @ )
@setupHooks _( Luca.View::hooks.concat( @hooks ) ).uniq()
- @delegateEvents()
+ @delegateEvents() unless _.isEmpty(@events)
@trigger "after:initialize", @
_.bindAll(@, @bindMethods...) if @bindMethods?.legth > 0
- #### Hooks or Auto Event Binding
- #
- # views which inherit from Luca.View can define hooks
- # or events which can be emitted from them. Automatically,
- # any functions on the view which are named according to the
- # convention will automatically get run.
- #
- # by default, all Luca.View classes come with the following:
- #
- # before:render : beforeRender()
- # after:render : afterRender()
- # after:initialize : afterInitialize()
- # first:activation : firstActivation()
- setupHooks: Luca.util.setupHooks
+ unless _.isEmpty(@_inheritEvents)
+ for eventId, handler of @_inheritEvents
+ @registerEvent(eventId, handler)
+ debug: (args...)->
+ if @debugMode is true or window.LucaDebugMode is true
+ args.unshift @identifier()
+ console.log args...
+ trigger: ()->
+ if Luca.enableGlobalObserver
+ if Luca.developmentMode is true or @observeEvents is true
+ Luca.ViewObserver ||= new Luca.Observer(type:"view")
+ Luca.ViewObserver.relay @, arguments
+ Backbone.View::trigger.apply @, arguments
+ # Backbone.View.prototype.make is removed in 0.9.10.
+ # As we happen to rely on this little utility heavily,
+ # we add it to Luca.View
+ make: (tagName, attributes, content)->
+ el = document.createElement(tagName);
+ if (attributes)
+ Backbone.$(el).attr(attributes)
+ if (content != null)
+ Backbone.$(el).html(content)
+ el
registerEvent: (selector, handler)->
@events ||= {}
- @events[ selector ] = handler
if _.isObject(selector)
- _.extend(@events, selector)
+ @events = _.extend(@events, selector)
+ else
+ if _.isFunction(handler) || (_.isString(handler) && @[handler]?)
+ @events[selector] = handler
+ # Returns a reference to the class which this view is an instance of.
definitionClass: ()->
Luca.util.resolve(@displayName, window)?.prototype
- collections: ()->
+ # Returns a list of all of the collections which are properties on this view.
+ _collections: ()->
Luca.util.selectProperties( Luca.isBackboneCollection, @ )
- models: ()->
+ # Returns a list of all of the models which are properties on this view.
+ _models: ()->
Luca.util.selectProperties( Luca.isBackboneModel, @ )
- views: ()->
+ # Returns a list of all of the views which are properties on this view.
+ _views: ()->
Luca.util.selectProperties( Luca.isBackboneView, @ )
- debug: (args...)->
- if @debugMode is true or window.LucaDebugMode is true
- args.unshift @identifier()
- console.log args...
+ # views which inherit from Luca.View can define hooks
+ # or events which can be emitted from them. Automatically,
+ # any functions on the view which are named according to the
+ # convention will automatically get run.
+ #
+ # by default, all Luca.View classes come with the following:
+ #
+ # - before:render : beforeRender()
+ # - after:render : afterRender()
+ # - after:initialize : afterInitialize()
+ # - first:activation : firstActivation()
+ setupHooks: Luca.util.setupHooks
- trigger: ()->
- if Luca.enableGlobalObserver
- if Luca.developmentMode is true or @observeEvents is true
- Luca.ViewObserver ||= new Luca.Observer(type:"view")
- Luca.ViewObserver.relay @, arguments
+# In order to support some Luca apps which rely
+# on Backbone.View.make.
+view.afterDefinition ()->
+ if not Backbone.View::make?
+ Backbone.View::make = ()->
+ console.log "Backbone.View::make has been removed from backbone. You should use Luca.View::make instead."
+ Luca.View::make
- Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply @, arguments
Luca.View._originalExtend = Backbone.View.extend
# Note:
# I will be removing this prior to 1.0. Optimizing for collection based
# views does not belong in here, so the deferrable / collection binding stuff
-# needs to go.
+# needs to go.
# Being able to defer rendering until the firing of an event on another object
# is something that does ask for some syntactic sugar though, so need to rethink.
-Luca.View.renderStrategies =
+Luca.View.renderStrategies =
legacy: ( _userSpecifiedMethod )->
view = @
# if a view has a deferrable property set
if @deferrable
@@ -130,14 +282,15 @@
unless Luca.isBackboneCollection(@deferrable)
@deferrable = @collection
target ||= @deferrable
- trigger = if @deferrable_event then @deferrable_event else Luca.View.deferrableEvent
+ trigger = if @deferrable_event then @deferrable_event else Luca.View.deferrableEvent
deferred = ()->
+ @rendered = true
view.trigger("after:render", view)
view.defer(deferred).until(target, trigger)
view.trigger "before:render", @
@@ -153,21 +306,21 @@
return @
@trigger "before:render", @
_userSpecifiedMethod.apply(@, arguments)
+ @rendered = true
@trigger "after:render", @
return @
improved: (_userSpecifiedMethod)->
@trigger "before:render", @
deferred = ()=>
_userSpecifiedMethod.apply(@, arguments)
- @trigger "after:render", @
+ @trigger "after:render", @
console.log "doing the improved one", @deferrable
if @deferrable? and not _.isString(@deferrable)
throw "Deferrable property is expected to be a event id"
@@ -201,10 +354,10 @@
bindAllEventHandlers = ()->
for config in [@events, @componentEvents, @collectionEvents, @applicationEvents] when not _.isEmpty(config)
-, config)
+, config)
bindEventHandlers = (events={})->
for eventSignature, handler of events
if _.isString(handler)