in lorj-1.0.1 vs in lorj-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -11,20 +11,29 @@
### How forj cli implemented Lorj lib
This case was implemented by forj cli to implement services on any kind of cloud solution.
forj cli needs to build a forge (collection of servers) on a cloud.
-It requires to ensure that everything is in place (network properly configured if not create it, router exists, flavors available, etc.) to create the first server.
+It requires to ensure that everything is in place (network properly configured
+ if not create it, router exists, flavors available, etc.) to create the first server.
-For **Lorj**, how to create the forge and ensure that everything is in place is the **process**.<br>
-And then how to manipulate the cloud (get the network, create the network, create the server, etc...) is the **controller**. <br>
+For **Lorj**, how to create the forge and ensure that everything is in place is
+the **GENERIC process**.<br>
+And then how to manipulate the cloud (get the network, create the network,
+create the server, etc...) is the **controller**. <br>
Usually, the controller is a wrapper to an API, which do actions, like 'create server'.
+But depending on what you defined in your GENERIC process, a controller can define
+a controller process, which will deal with the complexity of the controller to execute the
+GENERIC process task requested.
-Then, at runtime, while changing the controller to aws, hpcloud, openstack, or even docker or decker, forj cli process will be still the same.
-It simplifies forj cli extension, by just adding new controller to support more clouds providers.
+Then, at runtime, while changing the controller to aws, hpcloud, openstack, or
+even docker or decker, forj cli GENERIC process will be still the same.
+It simplifies forj cli extension, by just adding new controller to support more
+clouds providers.
-Currently, forj cli has implemented *hpcloud* and *openstack* providers, using *fog*. Docker controller is under development.
+Currently, forj cli has implemented *hpcloud* and *openstack* providers, using
+*fog*. Docker controller is under development.
## Getting started
As playing by example is better than a long discussion, let's start playing with a simple example.
@@ -52,598 +61,49 @@
Imagine you have an API code which today manages students database in yaml format.<br>
We have written a small class to illustrate this API. (See examples/yaml_students/yaml_students.rb)
This api has everything to create, query, edit and delete a student in a yaml file.
-Using Lorj, you want to propose multiple storage system (not only using the yaml format) to your application, by supporting several storage systems, like mysql DB.
+Using Lorj, you want to propose multiple storage system (not only using the yaml
+ format) to your application, by supporting several storage systems, like mysql DB.
next, we will write 3 versions, which will introduce how to deal with process and controllers:
* version 1:
- Writing your first 'do nothing' process, with no controller.
+ Writing your first 'do nothing' process, with no controller.
+ [Details is explained here](example/students_1/student_v1_md.html)
* version 2:
- Complete the process to have create/query/get and delete capability, with mock controller.
- The mock controller is basically a controller keeping data in memory.
+ Complete the process to have create/query/get and delete capability, with mock controller.
+ The mock controller is basically a controller keeping data in memory.
+ [Details is explained here](example/students_2/student_v2_md.html)
* version 3:
- Update the version 2 to fully implement the example of an yaml_student API.
+ In this version, we will just create a controller, to replace mock.
- The main is `examples/yaml_students/students.rb`<BR>
- The API is `examples/yaml_students/yaml_students.rb`
+ [Details is explained here](example/students_3/student_v3_md.html)
-We have created a full example version 4 which implements some interesting way to improve your code available in `examples/students_4/`
+* version 4:
+ In this version, we are going to improve the process, to find way to simplify
+ the previous code.
-#### Writing student version 1
+ [Details is explained here](example/students_4/student_v4_md.html)
-**NOTE**: following example is available in `examples/students_1/`
+* version 5:
+ Update the version 4 to fully implement the example of an yaml_student API.
+ ie :
+ Reproducind what the main `examples/yaml_students/students.rb` is doing.<BR>
+ The API is `examples/yaml_students/yaml_students.rb`
-First of all, write your first main. Create a file `example.rb` with following content:
+ [Details is explained here](example/students_5/student_v5_md.html)
-##### File `students.rb`
+# What next?
-``` ruby
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+If you want to understand the concept, check [here](lib/concept_md.html)
- $APP_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- require 'lorj'
- # If you want to see what is happening in the framework, uncomment debug settings.
- # PrcLib.level = Logger::DEBUG # Printed out to your console.
- # PrcLib.core_level = 3 # framework debug levels.
- # Initialize the framework
- hProcesses = [ File.join($APP_PATH, 'process', 'students.rb')]
- oStudentCore = nil, hProcesses)
- # Ask the framework to create the object student 'Robert Redford'
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, {:student_name => "Robert Redford"})
-##### File `process/Students.rb`
-Now, let's write our first process. We are going to create a file Students.rb under a sub-directory 'process'.
-``` ruby
- # Students process
- class StudentsProcess
- def create_student(sObjectType, hParams)
- puts "Running creation process for object '%s' = '%s'" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name] ]
- # If you prefer to print out to the log system instead:
- # PrcLib::debug("Running creation process for object '%s' = '%s'" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name] ])
- end
- end
- # Declaring your data model and handlers.
- class Lorj::BaseDefinition
- # We need to define the student object and the handler to use while we need to create it.
- define_obj(:student,
- {
- :create_e => :create_student # The function to call in the class Students
- })
- obj_needs :data, :student_name, { :for => [:create_e] }
- end
-What did we wrote?
-* We defined a *StudentsProcess* class
- This is the core of your process. It describes how to handle the object requested. The data to use is available in `hParams`.
- **IMPORTANT !!** There is no reference to any files or Database connection.
- **NOTE**: The framework requires you to define a class name composed by the name of the process and 'Process'.
- Here, it is 'Students' + **'Process'**
-* We declared the data model and the process handlers with declaration in *Lorj::BaseDefinition* class.
- In short, we declared `:student` object, which needs `:student_name` at creation step.
- **NOTE** Implicitly, the framework consider that the object contains at least 2 data fields, :id (should be unique) and :name (string)
-Currently, this model do nothing except printing out.
-#####typical output
- $ example/students_1/students.rb
- WARNING: PrcLib.app_defaults is not set. Application defaults won't be loaded.
- Running creation process for object 'student' = 'Robert Redford'
- WARNING: 'create_student' has returned no data for object Lorj::Data 'student'!
-There is 2 warnings.
-* **PrcLib.app_defaults** represents the application name. It is used to keep your application configuration data in ~/.{PrcLib.app_defaults}/ directory. Defining this data in your main, will eliminate this warning.
-* **create_student** function in your process has returned nothing. while lorj is called to create an object, it assumes to get the object data created. Lorj keep those data in a cache. In this example, **create_student** returned nil, and lorj raise a warning about that.
-#### Writing student version 2
-**NOTE**: following example is available in `examples/students_2/`
-lorj comes with a `:mock` controller. This one is really basic. It keep data in an Hash in MockController class.<br>
-In this example, we add create/get/query/delete capability in the process and use the `:mock` controller to store the data.
-##### File `process/Students.rb`
-Add 3 handlers query_e, get_e and delete_e like this. Add the :mapping case as well.
-``` ruby
- class Lorj::BaseDefinition
- define_obj(:student,
- {
- :create_e => :create_student, # The function to call in the class Students
- :query_e => :controller_query, # We use predefined call to the controller query
- :get_e => :controller_get, # We use predefined call to the controller get
- :delete_e => :controller_delete # We use predefined call to the controller delete
- })
- # Note about mapping. This is usually done by the controller. We will see this later.
- obj_needs :data, :student_name, { :for => [:create_e], :mapping => :name }
- end
-Update the handler `create_student`:
-``` ruby
- def create_student(sObjectType, hParams)
- PrcLib::state ("Running creation process for object '%s' = '%s'" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name] ])
- oObject = controler.create(sObjectType)
- raise "Student '%s' not created." % hParams[:student_name] if oObject.nil?
- PrcLib::info ("'%s': '%s' created with id %s" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name], oObject[:id]])
- oObject
- end
-##### File `students.rb`
-The update your main and add those lines. In the following, we create 3 students, while 2 are duplicated.
-``` ruby
- # Want to create a duplicated student 'Robert Redford'?
- oStudentCore.Create(:student)
- # no problem. The key is the key in the Mock controller array.
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, :student_name => "Anthony Hopkins")
- # Let's create a third different student.
- oStudents = oStudentCore.Query(:student, { :name => "Robert Redford" } )
- puts "%s students found" % oStudents.length
- oStudents.each { | oStudent |
- puts "%s: %s" % [oStudent[:id], oStudent[:name]]
- }
- # let's check the get function, who is the ID 2?
- oStudent = oStudentCore.Get(:student, 2)
- puts "The student ID 2 is %s" % oStudent[:name]
-#####typical output:
- $ example/students_2/students.rb
- WARNING: PrcLib.app_defaults is not set. Application defaults won't be loaded.
- 2 students found
- 0: Robert Redford
- 1: Robert Redford
- The student ID 2 is Anthony Hopkins
-Cool! But everything is in memory! We would like to write this in a file.
-Writing our controller, means that the process should not be updated anymore!
-Let's move to the most interesting version. Translate an API example to use lorj!
-#### Writing student version 3
-**NOTE**: following example is available in `examples/students_3/`
-A controller is like a wrapper to an API which offer what we would like to use to save our yaml file.<br>
-We already have a running API that we can use to manage students in yaml format.
-This API is written in `examples/yaml_students/yaml_students.rb`. <br>
-`examples/yaml_students/students.rb` is the main program calling the api and create a basic yaml file example in `/tmp/students.yaml`
-You can review the main 'students.rb' to see the simple code.
-In short, this code do:
-* create 3 students, only if they do not exists
-* remove a wrong one
-* Identify list of students on a specific training
-* Identify students removed.
-We will do the same thing with lorj.
-Using lorj means you are going to split your code in different pieces. You will need to integrate a layer between your main and the API. This layer is composed by :
-* 1 generic data model
-* 1 generic process handlers
-* 1 controller definition - expanding the data model for our Student yaml API
-* 1 controller code - wrapper to the student yaml API.
-So, we are going to update following files:
-* students.rb - Adapt the main to do the same as original students script using the student yaml API.
-* process/students.rb - Student data model - Update the process data model.
-* process/students.rb - Student process handler - Update student process handlers.
-* controller/yaml_students.rb - controller definition - Extend the student data model with controller definition.
-* controller/yaml_students_controller.rb - controller code - Write the student yaml API wrapper.
-First of all, let me re-visit the :student data model, then the student process handlers.
-We need to define more parameters for handlers, and define the data model.
-##### File `process/students.rb`
-Update the class Lorj::BaseDefinition, and the data model and handlers parameters.
-*The generic data model:*
-``` ruby
- class Lorj::BaseDefinition
- define_obj(:student,
- {
- :create_e => :create_student, # The function to call in the class Students
- :query_e => :controller_query, # We use predefined call to the controller query
- :delete_e => :controller_delete # We use predefined call to the controller delete
- })
- # obj_needs is used to declare parameters to pass to handlers.
- # :for indicates those parameters to be passed to create_e handler only.
- # Those data (or objects) will be collected and passed to the process handler as hParams.
- obj_needs :data, :student_name, { :for => [:create_e] }
- # By default, all data are required.
- # You can set it as optional. Your process will need to deal with this optional data.
- obj_needs_optional
- obj_needs :data, :first_name, { :for => [:create_e] }
- obj_needs :data, :last_name, { :for => [:create_e] }
- obj_needs :data, :course # Note that in this model, the training is renamed as course.
- # the controller will need to map it to 'training'.
- # def_attribute defines the data model.
- # The process will be able to access those data
- # if the controller has mapped them.
- # For the exercice, I have changed the name of the training field to become :course instead.
- def_attribute :course
- # Same thing for the student name. instead of 'name', we defined :student_name
- def_attribute :student_name
- def_attribute :first_name
- def_attribute :last_name
- def_attribute :status
- undefine_attribute :name
- end
-Then, update the process to manage student duplicates. Update function `create_student`
-*The generic process handlers:*
-``` ruby
- class StudentsProcess
- def create_student(sObjectType, hParams)
- PrcLib::state ("Running creation process for object '%s' = '%s'" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name] ])
- # config object is a reference to runtime/config data.
- oList = Query(sObjectType, {:name => hParams[:student_name]})
- case oList.length
- when 0
- oObject = controller_create(sObjectType)
- raise "Student '%s' not created." % hParams[:student_name] if oObject.nil?
- PrcLib::info ("'%s': '%s' created with id %s" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name], oObject[:id]])
- when 1
- oObject = oList[0]
- PrcLib::info ("'%s': '%s' loaded with id %s" % [sObjectType, hParams[:student_name], oObject[:id]])
- else
- oObject = oList[0]
- PrcLib::warning("More than one student named '%s' is found: %s records. Selecting the first one and removing duplicates." % [hParams[:student_name], oList.length])
- iCount = 0
- oList[1..-1].each { | elem |
- register(elem)
- iCount += controller_delete(sObjectType)
- }
- PrcLib::info ("'%s': %s duplicated '%s' removed. First loaded with id %s" % [sObjectType, iCount, hParams[:student_name], oObject[:id]])
- end
- oObject
- end
- end
-Here you see that we query, check list, create if missing, or delete if duplicates found.
-You can run it now, as we still uses mock controller. It should work.
-##### File `students.rb`
-Now, let's update the main to be close to what we have on `examples/yaml_students/students.rb`
-This is a simple basic translation of `examples/yaml_students/students.rb`
-``` ruby
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- $APP_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- require 'lorj'
- require 'ansi'
- # If you want to see what is happening in the framework, uncomment debug settings.
- # PrcLib.level = Logger::DEBUG # Printed out to your console.
- # PrcLib.core_level = 3 # framework debug levels. Values between 0 to 5.
- # Initialize the framework
- hProcesses = [ File.join($APP_PATH, 'process', 'students.rb')]
- # You can try with mock instead. uncomment the next line and comment 2 next lines.
- #~ oStudentCore = nil, hProcesses, :mock)
- oStudentCore = nil, hProcesses, File.join($APP_PATH, 'controller', 'yaml_students.rb'))
- oStudentCore.Create(:connection, :connection_string => "/tmp/students.yaml")
- puts ANSI.bold("Create 1st student:")
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, {
- student_name: 'Robert Redford',
- first_name: 'Robert',
- last_name: 'Redford',
- course: 'Art Comedy'
- })
- puts ANSI.bold("Create 2nd student:")
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, {
- student_name: 'Anthony Hopkins',
- first_name: 'Anthony',
- last_name: 'Hopkins',
- course: 'Art Drama'
- })
- puts ANSI.bold("Create 3rd student:")
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, {
- student_name: "Marilyn Monroe",
- first_name: 'Marilyn',
- last_name: 'Monroe',
- course: 'Art Drama'
- })
- puts ANSI.bold("Create mistake")
- oStudentCore.Create(:student, {
- :student_name => "Anthony Mistake",
- :first_name => 'Anthony',
- :last_name => 'Mistake',
- :course => 'what ever you want!!!'
- })
- # Because the last student was the mistake one, we can directly delete it.
- # Usually, we use get instead.
- puts ANSI.bold("Remove mistake")
- oStudentCore.Delete(:student)
- puts ANSI.bold("List of students for 'Art Drama':")
- puts oStudentCore.Query(:student, { :course => "Art Drama"}).to_a
- puts ANSI.bold("Deleted students:")
- puts oStudentCore.Query(:student,{ :status => :removed}).to_a
-We have reproduced the code. Note that there is no if while creating. It is embedded in the create_student process.
-##### File `controller/yaml_students_controller.rb`
-We need to write the controller part, now. As I said, it is like a wrapper. Let's have a look:
-*The controller code:*
-``` ruby
- # declare yaml student API to the controller
- cur_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "yaml_students", 'yaml_students.rb'))
- require cur_file
- # The controller is a combination of 2 elements:
- # - Controller class
- # Code which will interfere with the external API.
- #
- # The file name must respect the name of the class. 1st letter already capitalized and letter after _ is capitalized.
- # file: my_code.rb => needs to create MyCodeController class
- #
- # - Definition class
- # This class declare any kind of mapping or additional fields to consider.
- # Additionnal fields are unknow by the process. So, those fields will needs to be setup before.
- #
- # file name convention is identical than controller class.
- # file: my_code.rb => needs to create MyCode class
- class YamlStudentsController
- def initialize()
- @@valid_attributes = [:name, :first_name, :last_name, :id, :status, :training]
- end
- def create(sObjectType, hParams)
- case sObjectType
- when :connection
- required?(hParams, :hdata, :file_name)
-[:hdata, :file_name])
- when :student
- required?(hParams, :connection)
- required?(hParams, :student_name)
- # We use the hdata built by the lorj. See set_hdata in the next file.
- hParams[:connection].create_student(hParams[:student_name], hParams[:hdata])
- else
- Error "'%s' is not a valid object for 'create'" % sObjectType
- end
- end
- # This function return a collection which have to provide:
- # functions: [], length, each
- def query(sObjectType, sQuery, hParams)
- case sObjectType
- when :student
- required?(hParams, :connection)
- hParams[:connection].query_student(sQuery)
- else
- Error "'%s' is not a valid object for 'create'" % sObjectType
- end
- end
- def delete(sObjectType, hParams)
- case sObjectType
- when :student
- required?(hParams, :connection)
- hParams[:connection].delete_student(hParams[sObjectType][:id])
- else
- Error "'%s' is not a valid object for 'create'" % sObjectType
- end
- end
- def get_attr(oControlerObject, key)
- # This controller function read the data and
- # extract the information requested by the framework.
- # Those data will be mapped to the process data model.
- # The key is an array, to get data from a level tree.
- # [data_l1, data_l2, data_l3] => should retrieve data from structure
- # like data[ data_l2 [ data_l3 ] ]
- begin
- attributes = oControlerObject
- raise "get_attr: attribute '%s' is unknown in '%s'. Valid one are : '%s'",
- key[0], oControlerObject.class,
- @@valid_attributes unless @@valid_attributes.include?(key[0])
- Lorj::rh_get(attributes, key)
- rescue => e
- Error "get_attr: Unable to map '%s'. %s" % [key, e.message]
- end
- end
- def set_attr(oControlerObject, key, value)
- begin
- attributes = oControlerObject
- raise "set_attr: attribute '%s' is unknown in '%s'. Valid one are : '%s'",
- key[0], oControlerObject.class,
- @@valid_attributes unless @@valid_attributes.include?(key[0])
- Lorj::rh_set(attributes, value, key)
- rescue => e
- Error "set_attr: Unable to map '%s' on '%s'" % [key, sObjectType]
- end
- end
- def update(sObjectType, oObject, hParams)
- case sObjectType
- when :student
- required?(hParams, :connection)
- hParams[:connection].update_student(oObject)
- else
- Error "'%s' is not a valid object for 'create'" % sObjectType
- end
- end
- end
-In short, we wrap:
-- create with YamlSchool.create_student
-- delete with YamlSchool.delete_student
-- query with YamlSchool.query_student
-- update with YamlSchool.update_student
-And we have defined 2 additional functions
-- get_attr: to extract data from a YamlSchool Object
-- set_attr: to set data to a YamlSchool Object
-##### File `controller/yaml_students.rb`
-And we need to write some mapping stuff to the controller. We have to add this
-*The controller definition:*
-``` ruby
- class YamlStudents
- # This is a new object which is known by the controller only.
- # Used to open the yaml file. Generically, I named it :connection.
- # But this can be any name you want. Only the controller will deal with it.
- define_obj(:connection,{
- :create_e => :controller_create # Nothing complex to do. So, simply call the controller create.
- })
- obj_needs :data, :connection_string, :mapping => :file_name
- undefine_attribute :id # Do not return any predefined ID
- undefine_attribute :name # Do not return any predefined NAME
- # The student model have to be expanded.
- define_obj(:student)
- # It requires to create a connection to the data, ie opening the yaml file.
- # So, before working with the :student object, the controller requires a connection
- # This connection will be loaded in the memory and provided to the controller
- # when needed.
- obj_needs :CloudObject, :connection
- # To simplify controller wrapper, we use hdata built by lorj, and passed to the API
- # This hdata is a hash containing mapped data, thanks to set_hdata.
- set_hdata :first_name
- set_hdata :last_name
- # Instead of 'course', the yaml API uses 'training'
- set_hdata :course, :mapping => :training
- get_attr_mapping :course, :training
- # instead of 'student_name', the yaml API uses 'name'
- get_attr_mapping :student_name, :name
- # This controller will know how to manage a student file with those data.
- # But note that the file can have a lot of more data than what the process
- # usually manage. It is up to you to increase your process to manage more data.
- # Then each controller may need to define mapping fields.
- end
-That's it!
-#####typical output:
- $ example/students_3/students.rb
- WARNING: PrcLib.app_defaults is not set. Application defaults won't be loaded.
- Create 1st student:
- Create 2nd student:
- Create 3rd student:
- Create mistake
- Student created '{:id=>3, :course=>"what ever you want!!!", :student_name=>"Anthony Mistake", :first_name=>"Anthony", :last_name=>"Mistake", :status=>:active}'
- Remove mistake
- Wrong student to remove: 3 = Anthony Mistake
- List of students for 'Art Drama':
- {:id=>1, :course=>"Art Drama", :student_name=>"Anthony Hopkins", :first_name=>"Anthony", :last_name=>"Hopkins", :status=>:active}
- {:id=>2, :course=>"Art Drama", :student_name=>"Marilyn Monroe", :first_name=>"Marilyn", :last_name=>"Monroe", :status=>:active}
- Deleted students:
- {:id=>3, :course=>"what ever you want!!!", :student_name=>"Anthony Mistake", :first_name=>"Anthony", :last_name=>"Mistake", :status=>:removed}
-## What next?
-Check the code in the `examples/students_3/`. It provides a little more than is written here.
-In short, it introduces the usage of Lorj::Config, before initializing Lorj::Core.
-## next features
-lorj provides 2 differents configuration class.
-* Lorj::Config - Basic config systems. Data are retrieved in **application defaults**, then **local config**, then **runtime**.
-* Lorj::Account - Based on Lorj::Config, it introduces an **account** file, between **local config** and **runtime**.
-* Logging system - Based on logger. A log file contains all data until debug. It prints to the console only data specified by PrcLib::.level
-* lorj.setup - This function works with Lorj::Account. Thanks an application data definition (defaults.yaml), lorj ask the user information to build an account. Those data will be loaded and used by your process/controller flow.
+If you want to get an overview of functionnalities per context, see [here](lib/overview_md.html)
For details, see API documentation.
# Contributing to Lorj