lib/longleaf/services/service_definition_validator.rb in longleaf-0.2.0.pre.1 vs lib/longleaf/services/service_definition_validator.rb in longleaf-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,26 +7,25 @@
module Longleaf
# Validates application configuration of service definitions
class ServiceDefinitionValidator < ConfigurationValidator
SF ||= Longleaf::ServiceFields
AF ||= Longleaf::AppFields
- # Validates configuration to ensure that it is syntactically correct and does not violate
+ # Validates configuration to ensure that it is syntactically correct and does not violate
# schema requirements.
# @param config [Hash] hash containing the application configuration
def self.validate_config(config)
assert("Configuration must be a hash, but a #{config.class} was provided", config.class == Hash)
assert("Configuration must contain a root '#{AF::SERVICES}' key", config.key?(AF::SERVICES))
services = config[AF::SERVICES]
assert("'#{AF::SERVICES}' must be a hash of services", services.class == Hash)
- existing_paths =
services.each do |name, properties|
assert("Name of service definition must be a string, but was of type #{name.class}", name.instance_of?(String))
assert("Service definition '#{name}' must be a hash, but a #{properties.class} was provided", properties.is_a?(Hash))
work_script = properties[SF::WORK_SCRIPT]
assert("Service definition '#{name}' must specify a '#{SF::WORK_SCRIPT}' property", !work_script.nil? && !work_script.empty?)
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