lib/longleaf/models/storage_location.rb in longleaf-0.3.0 vs lib/longleaf/models/storage_location.rb in longleaf-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,73 +1,42 @@
-require 'longleaf/services/metadata_serializer'
+require 'longleaf/models/app_fields'
module Longleaf
# Representation of a configured storage location
class StorageLocation
+ AF ||= Longleaf::AppFields
attr_reader :name
attr_reader :path
- attr_reader :metadata_path
- attr_reader :metadata_digests
+ attr_reader :metadata_location
# @param name [String] the name of this storage location
- # @param path [String] absolute path where the storage location is located
- # @param metadata_path [String] absolute path where the metadata for files in this location will be stored.
- # @param metadata_digests list of digest algorithms to use for metadata file digests in this location.
- def initialize(name:, path:, metadata_path:, metadata_digests: [])
- raise"Parameters name, path and metadata_path are required") unless name && path && metadata_path
- @path = path
- @path += '/' unless @path.end_with?('/')
+ # @param config [Hash] hash containing the configuration options for this location
+ # @param md_loc [MetadataLocation] metadata location associated with this storage location
+ def initialize(name, config, md_loc)
+ raise"Config parameter is required") unless config
+ @path = config[AF::LOCATION_PATH]
@name = name
- @metadata_path = metadata_path
- @metadata_path += '/' unless @metadata_path.end_with?('/')
- if metadata_digests.nil?
- @metadata_digests = []
- elsif metadata_digests.is_a?(String)
- @metadata_digests = [metadata_digests.downcase]
- else
- @metadata_digests =
- end
- DigestHelper::validate_algorithms(@metadata_digests)
+ raise"Parameters name, path and metadata location are required") unless @name && @path && md_loc
+ @metadata_location = md_loc
# Get the path for the metadata file for the given file path located in this storage location.
# @param file_path [String] path of the file
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the file_path is not provided or is not in this storage location.
def get_metadata_path_for(file_path)
raise"A file_path parameter is required") if file_path.nil? || file_path.empty?
raise"Provided file path is not contained by storage location #{@name}: #{file_path}") \
unless file_path.start_with?(@path)
- md_path = file_path.sub(/^#{@path}/, @metadata_path)
- # If the file_path is to a file, then add metadata suffix.
- if md_path.end_with?('/')
- md_path
- else
- md_path + MetadataSerializer::metadata_suffix
- end
- end
+ rel_file_path = relativize(file_path)
- # Get the metadata path for the provided file path located in this storage location.
- # @param md_path [String] metadata file path
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if the md_path is not in this storage location
- # @return [String] the path for the file associated with this metadata
- def get_path_from_metadata_path(md_path)
- raise"A file_path parameter is required") if md_path.nil? || md_path.empty?
- raise"Provided metadata path is not contained by storage location #{@name}: #{md_path}") \
- unless md_path&.start_with?(@metadata_path)
- file_path = md_path.sub(/^#{@metadata_path}/, @path)
- file_path.sub(/#{MetadataSerializer::metadata_suffix}$/, '')
+ @metadata_location.metadata_path_for(rel_file_path)
- # Checks that the path and metadata path defined in this location are available
- # @raise [StorageLocationUnavailableError] if the storage location is not available
- def available?
- raise"Path does not exist or is not a directory: #{@path}")\
- unless Dir.exist?(@path)
- raise"Metadata path does not exist or is not a directory: #{@metadata_path}")\
- unless Dir.exist?(@metadata_path)
+ # @param [String] path to check
+ # @return true if the file path is contained by the path for this location
+ def contains?(file_path)
+ file_path.start_with?(@path)