features/step_definitions/lolita_steps.rb in lolita-file-upload-0.2.1 vs features/step_definitions/lolita_steps.rb in lolita-file-upload-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
-Given /^a lolita$/ do
-When /^I load lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
- require "lolita-file-upload"
-Then /^lolita should have file\-upload module$/ do
- Lolita.modules.include?(Lolita::FileUpload).should be_true
-Given /^a rails$/ do
- require 'rails'
- require 'lolita/rails/all'
- require 'lolita-file-upload/rails'
-Given /^rails application$/ do
- require File.expand_path("test_orm/rails/config/enviroment")
-Then /^I have LolitaFileUpload engine$/ do
- defined?(LolitaFileUpload::Engine).should be_true
-Given /^a lolita and lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
-When /^I define a file tab for (\w+)$/ do |model_name|
- @file_tab=Support.file_tab(model_name)
-Then /^I can set included extension type (\w+)$/ do |ext_name|
- @file_tab.extension(ext_name)
- @file_tab.extensions.size.should == 1
-Given /^lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
-Given /^file tab for (\w+)$/ do |model_name|
- @file_tab=Support.file_tab(model_name)
-When /^I set maximum file upload size to (\d+)$/ do |size|
- @file_tab.maxfilesize(size)
-Then /^I (c\w+)\supload file (\w+\.\w+)$/ do |predicate,file_name|
- file=Lolita::Upload::File.create(:asset=>Support.get_file(file_name))
- if predicate=="can"
- file.errors.should be_empty
- elsif predicate=="cannot"
- file.errors[:asset].should_not be_nil
- end
-Then /^(\w+)\s+has association with ([\w:]+)$/ do |model_name,klass|
- model=Support.get_model(model_name)
- model.lolita.dbi.associations_klass_names.should include(klass)
-Then /^association name for (\w+)\sis :(\w+)$/ do |model_name,assoc_name|
- model=Support.get_model(model_name)
- model.lolita.dbi.reflect_on_association(assoc_name.to_sym).should_not be_nil
-When /^I upload file (.+)$/ do |file_name|
- pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
-Then /^I see (\w+)$/ do |file_name|
- pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
-Then /^I change file attribute ([^\s]) to (\w+)$/ do |attribute,value|
- pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
-Then /^save file$/ do
- pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
-Then /^I see (\w+)$/ do |file_name|
- pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
-When /^I load routes$/ do
- # routes is loaded when rails application loads, but i will load matcher for that
- self.extend(Lolita::Test::Matchers)
- # RSpec::Matchers.send(:include,Lolita::Test::Matchers)
-Then /^I have (get|post|delete|put) route (.+)$/ do |method,url|
- {method=>url}.should be_routable
-Given /^byte converter$/ do
- @converter=Lolita::Support::Bytes
-When /^I humanize "([^"]*)"$/ do |size|
- @converter=@converter.new(eval(size))
-Then /^I should get "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |unit, limit|
- @converter.unit.should == unit
- @converter.value.should == limit.to_f
+Given /^a lolita$/ do
+When /^I load lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
+ require "lolita-file-upload"
+Then /^lolita should have file\-upload module$/ do
+ Lolita.modules.include?(Lolita::FileUpload).should be_true
+Given /^a rails$/ do
+ require 'rails'
+ require 'lolita/rails/all'
+ require 'lolita-file-upload/rails'
+Given /^rails application$/ do
+ require File.expand_path("test_orm/rails/config/enviroment")
+Then /^I have LolitaFileUpload engine$/ do
+ defined?(LolitaFileUpload::Engine).should be_true
+Given /^a lolita and lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
+When /^I define a file tab for (\w+)$/ do |model_name|
+ @file_tab=Support.file_tab(model_name)
+Then /^I can set included extension type (\w+)$/ do |ext_name|
+ @file_tab.extension(ext_name)
+ @file_tab.extensions.size.should == 1
+Given /^lolita\-file\-upload$/ do
+Given /^file tab for (\w+)$/ do |model_name|
+ @file_tab=Support.file_tab(model_name)
+When /^I set maximum file upload size to (\d+)$/ do |size|
+ @file_tab.maxfilesize(size)
+Then /^I (c\w+)\supload file (\w+\.\w+)$/ do |predicate,file_name|
+ file=Lolita::Upload::File.create(:asset=>Support.get_file(file_name))
+ if predicate=="can"
+ file.errors.should be_empty
+ elsif predicate=="cannot"
+ file.errors[:asset].should_not be_nil
+ end
+Then /^(\w+)\s+has association with ([\w:]+)$/ do |model_name,klass|
+ model=Support.get_model(model_name)
+ model.lolita.dbi.associations_klass_names.should include(klass)
+Then /^association name for (\w+)\sis :(\w+)$/ do |model_name,assoc_name|
+ model=Support.get_model(model_name)
+ model.lolita.dbi.reflect_on_association(assoc_name.to_sym).should_not be_nil
+When /^I upload file (.+)$/ do |file_name|
+ pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
+Then /^I see (\w+)$/ do |file_name|
+ pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
+Then /^I change file attribute ([^\s]) to (\w+)$/ do |attribute,value|
+ pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
+Then /^save file$/ do
+ pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
+Then /^I see (\w+)$/ do |file_name|
+ pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
+When /^I load routes$/ do
+ # routes is loaded when rails application loads, but i will load matcher for that
+ self.extend(Lolita::Test::Matchers)
+ # RSpec::Matchers.send(:include,Lolita::Test::Matchers)
+Then /^I have (get|post|delete|put) route (.+)$/ do |method,url|
+ {method=>url}.should be_routable
+Given /^byte converter$/ do
+ @converter=Lolita::Support::Bytes
+When /^I humanize "([^"]*)"$/ do |size|
+ @converter=@converter.new(eval(size))
+Then /^I should get "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |unit, limit|
+ @converter.unit.should == unit
+ @converter.value.should == limit.to_f