in lokalise_rails-2.0.0 vs in lokalise_rails-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
# Changelog
+## 3.0.0 (14-Oct-21)
+This is a major re-write of this gem. The actual import/export functionality was extracted to a separate gem called [lokalise_manager]( that you can use to run your tasks programmatically from *any* Ruby scripts (powered or not powered by Rails). LokaliseRails now has only the Rails-related logic (even though it should probably work with other frameworks as well).
+* **Breaking change:** the global config class is renamed therefore update your `config/lokalise_rails.rb` file to look like this:
+LokaliseRails::GlobalConfig.config do |c|
+ # ...your configuration options provided as before...
+* **Breaking change**: the `branch` config option now has `""` set as default value (it was `"master"` previously). Therefore, you might need to explicitly state which branch to use now:
+LokaliseRails::GlobalConfig.config do |c|
+ c.branch = "master"
+* **Breaking change**: to run your task prommatically, use a new approach:
+LokaliseManager.importer(optional_config, global_config_object).import!
+LokaliseManager.exporter(optional_config, global_config_object).export!
+* Please check [this document section]( to learn more about running tasks programmatically. This change doesn't have any effect on you if you're using only Rake tasks to import/export files.
+* No need to say `require 'lokalise_rails` in your `lokalise_rails.rb` config file anymore.
## 2.0.0 (19-Aug-21)
* Add exponential backoff mechanism for file imports to comply with the upcoming API changes ("rate limiting"), see below for more details.
* Add `max_retries_import` option with a default value of `5`.