spec/base_spec.rb in logworm-0.7.4 vs spec/base_spec.rb in logworm-0.7.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'webmock'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
$: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib'
require 'logworm.rb'
describe Logworm::DB, " initialization" do
it "should only accept proper URLs" do
@@ -26,27 +31,66 @@
describe Logworm::DB, " functioning" do
+ host = "http://localhost:9401"
before(:all) do
@db = Logworm::DB.new('logworm://a:b@localhost:9401/c/d/')
- it "should support a call to get the list of tables" do
- @db.should have(0).tables
- log_details = {:value => 10, :_ts => Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), :_ts_utc => (Time.now.utc.to_f * 1000).to_i}
- @db.batch_log([["log", log_details]])
- @db.should have(1).tables
+ it "should offer a call to get the list of tables --> /" do
+ @db.should_receive(:db_call).with(:get, "#{host}/")
+ @db.tables
- it "should support a call to start a query"
+ it "should just parse and return the results of the call to get tables" do
+ return_body = [
+ {"tablename" => "table1", "url" => "/table1", "last_write" => "2010-03-20 18:10:22", "rows" => 50},
+ {"tablename" => "table2", "url" => "/table1", "last_write" => "2010-03-20 18:10:22", "rows" => 50}]
+ stub_request(:get, "#{host}/").to_return(:body => return_body.to_json)
+ @db.tables.should == return_body
+ end
- it "should support a call to get the results of a query"
+ it "should support a call to start a query --> POST /queries" do
+ @db.should_receive(:db_call).with(:post, "#{host}/queries", {:table => "tbl1", :query => "a good query"})
+ @db.query("tbl1", "a good query")
+ end
- it "should raise DFGD if 404"
+ it "should just parse and return the results of the call to query" do
+ return_body = {"id" => 10, "query" => "q", "self_uri" => "/queries/10", "results_uri" => "/queries/10/results"}
+ stub_request(:post, "#{host}/queries").with(:body => "table=table1&query=q").to_return(:body => return_body.to_json)
+ @db.query("table1", "q").should == return_body
+ end
- it "should raise DFGD if 403"
+ it "should support a call to retrieve the results of a query --> GET /queries/10/results" do
+ @db.should_receive(:db_call).with(:get, "#{host}/queries/10/results")
+ @db.results("#{host}/queries/10/results") rescue Exception # Returns an error when trying to parse results
+ end
+ it "should just parse and return the results of the call to retrieve results, but also add results field" do
+ results = [{"a" => 10, "b" => "2"}, {"a" => "x"}]
+ return_body = {"id" => 10, "execution_time" => "5",
+ "query_url" => "#{host}/queries/10", "results_url" => "#{host}/queries/10/results",
+ "results" => results.to_json}
+ stub_request(:get, "#{host}/queries/10/results").to_return(:body => return_body.to_json)
+ @db.results("#{host}/queries/10/results").should == return_body.merge("results" => results)
+ end
+ it "should raise ForbiddenAccessException if 403" do
+ stub_request(:get, "#{host}/").to_return(:status => 403)
+ lambda {@db.tables}.should raise_exception(Logworm::ForbiddenAccessException)
+ end
- it "should raise DFGD if 400"
+ it "should raise InvalidQueryException if query is not valid" do
+ stub_request(:post, "#{host}/queries").to_return(:status => 400, :body => "Query error")
+ lambda {@db.query("tbl1", "bad query")}.should raise_exception(Logworm::InvalidQueryException)
+ end
+ it "should raise DatabaseException if response from server is not JSON" do
+ stub_request(:get, "#{host}/").to_return(:body => "blah")
+ lambda {@db.tables}.should raise_exception(Logworm::DatabaseException)
+ end