lib/logstash/outputs/s3.rb in logstash-output-s3-0.1.0 vs lib/logstash/outputs/s3.rb in logstash-output-s3-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -3,67 +3,67 @@
require "logstash/namespace"
require "socket" # for Socket.gethostname
# TODO integrate aws_config in the future
#require "logstash/plugin_mixins/aws_config"
# This plugin was created for store the logstash's events into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
# For use it you needs authentications and an s3 bucket.
# Be careful to have the permission to write file on S3's bucket and run logstash with super user for establish connection.
# S3 plugin allows you to do something complex, let's explain:)
# S3 outputs create temporary files into "/opt/logstash/S3_temp/". If you want, you can change the path at the start of register method.
# This files have a special name, for example:
# ls.s3.ip-10-228-27-95.2013-04-18T10.00.tag_hello.part0.txt
# ls.s3 : indicate logstash plugin s3
# "ip-10-228-27-95" : indicate you ip machine, if you have more logstash and writing on the same bucket for example.
# "2013-04-18T10.00" : represents the time whenever you specify time_file.
# "tag_hello" : this indicate the event's tag, you can collect events with the same tag.
# "part0" : this means if you indicate size_file then it will generate more parts if you file.size > size_file.
# When a file is full it will pushed on bucket and will be deleted in temporary directory.
# If a file is empty is not pushed, but deleted.
# This plugin have a system to restore the previous temporary files if something crash.
##[Note] :
## If you specify size_file and time_file then it will create file for each tag (if specified), when time_file or
## their size > size_file, it will be triggered then they will be pushed on s3's bucket and will delete from local disk.
## If you don't specify size_file, but time_file then it will create only one file for each tag (if specified).
## When time_file it will be triggered then the files will be pushed on s3's bucket and delete from local disk.
## If you don't specify time_file, but size_file then it will create files for each tag (if specified),
## that will be triggered when their size > size_file, then they will be pushed on s3's bucket and will delete from local disk.
## If you don't specific size_file and time_file you have a curios mode. It will create only one file for each tag (if specified).
## Then the file will be rest on temporary directory and don't will be pushed on bucket until we will restart logstash.
# I tried to comment the class at best i could do.
# I think there are much thing to improve, but if you want some points to develop here a list:
# TODO Integrate aws_config in the future
# TODO Find a method to push them all files when logtstash close the session.
# TODO Integrate @field on the path file
# TODO Permanent connection or on demand? For now on demand, but isn't a good implementation.
# Use a while or a thread to try the connection before break a time_out and signal an error.
# TODO If you have bugs report or helpful advice contact me, but remember that this code is much mine as much as yours,
# try to work on it if you want :)
# This is an example of logstash config:
+# [source,ruby]
# output {
# s3{
# access_key_id => "crazy_key" (required)
# secret_access_key => "monkey_access_key" (required)
# endpoint_region => "eu-west-1" (required)
@@ -72,39 +72,39 @@
# time_file => 5 (optional)
# format => "plain" (optional)
# canned_acl => "private" (optional. Options are "private", "public_read", "public_read_write", "authenticated_read". Defaults to "private" )
# }
# }
# We analize this:
# access_key_id => "crazy_key"
# Amazon will give you the key for use their service if you buy it or try it. (not very much open source anyway)
# secret_access_key => "monkey_access_key"
# Amazon will give you the secret_access_key for use their service if you buy it or try it . (not very much open source anyway).
# endpoint_region => "eu-west-1"
# When you make a contract with Amazon, you should know where the services you use.
# bucket => "boss_please_open_your_bucket"
# Be careful you have the permission to write on bucket and know the name.
# size_file => 2048
# Means the size, in KB, of files who can store on temporary directory before you will be pushed on bucket.
# Is useful if you have a little server with poor space on disk and you don't want blow up the server with unnecessary temporary log files.
# time_file => 5
# Means, in minutes, the time before the files will be pushed on bucket. Is useful if you want to push the files every specific time.
# format => "plain"
# Means the format of events you want to store in the files
# canned_acl => "private"
# The S3 canned ACL to use when putting the file. Defaults to "private".
class LogStash::Outputs::S3 < LogStash::Outputs::Base
#TODO integrate aws_config in the future
# include LogStash::PluginMixins::AwsConfig
config_name "s3"