spec/inputs/snmp_spec.rb in logstash-input-snmp-1.2.7 vs spec/inputs/snmp_spec.rb in logstash-input-snmp-1.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -169,7 +169,97 @@
event = input(config) { |_, queue| queue.pop }
expect(event.get("host")).to eq("udp:,public")
+ context "StoppableIntervalRunner" do
+ let(:stop_holder) { Struct.new(:value).new(false) }
+ before(:each) do
+ allow(plugin).to receive(:stop?) { stop_holder.value }
+ end
+ let(:plugin) do
+ double("Plugin").tap do |dbl|
+ allow(dbl).to receive(:logger).and_return(double("Logger").as_null_object)
+ allow(dbl).to receive(:stop?) { stop_holder.value }
+ end
+ end
+ subject(:interval_runner) { LogStash::Inputs::Snmp::StoppableIntervalRunner.new(plugin) }
+ context "#every" do
+ context "when the plugin is stopped" do
+ let(:interval_seconds) { 2 }
+ it 'does not yield the block' do
+ stop_holder.value = true
+ expect { |yielder| interval_runner.every(interval_seconds, &yielder) }.to_not yield_control
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the yield takes shorter than the interval" do
+ let(:duration_seconds) { 1 }
+ let(:interval_seconds) { 2 }
+ it 'sleeps off the remainder' do
+ allow(interval_runner).to receive(:sleep).and_call_original
+ interval_runner.every(interval_seconds) do
+ Kernel::sleep(duration_seconds) # non-stoppable
+ stop_holder.value = true # prevent re-runs
+ end
+ expect(interval_runner).to have_received(:sleep).with(a_value_within(0.1).of(1))
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the yield takes longer than the interval" do
+ let(:duration_seconds) { 2 }
+ let(:interval_seconds) { 1 }
+ it 'logs a warning to the plugin' do
+ allow(interval_runner).to receive(:sleep).and_call_original
+ interval_runner.every(interval_seconds) do
+ Kernel::sleep(duration_seconds) # non-stoppable
+ stop_holder.value = true # prevent re-runs
+ end
+ expect(interval_runner).to_not have_received(:sleep)
+ expect(plugin.logger).to have_received(:warn).with(a_string_including("took longer"), a_hash_including(:interval_seconds => interval_seconds, :duration_seconds => a_value_within(0.1).of(duration_seconds)))
+ end
+ end
+ it 'runs regularly until the plugin is stopped' do
+ timestamps = []
+ thread = Thread.new do
+ interval_runner.every(1) do
+ timestamps << Time.now
+ Kernel::sleep(Random::rand(0.8))
+ end
+ end
+ Kernel::sleep(5)
+ expect(thread).to be_alive
+ stop_holder.value = true
+ Kernel::sleep(1)
+ aggregate_failures do
+ expect(thread).to_not be_alive
+ expect(timestamps.count).to be_within(1).of(5)
+ timestamps.each_cons(2) do |previous, current|
+ # ensure each start time is very close to 1s after the previous.
+ expect(current - previous).to be_within(0.05).of(1)
+ end
+ thread.kill if thread.alive?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end