spec/inputs/elasticsearch_spec.rb in logstash-input-elasticsearch-4.2.1 vs spec/inputs/elasticsearch_spec.rb in logstash-input-elasticsearch-4.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -82,9 +82,242 @@
insist { event }.is_a?(LogStash::Event)
insist { event.get("message") } == [ "ohayo" ]
+ # This spec is an adapter-spec, ensuring that we send the right sequence of messages to our Elasticsearch Client
+ # to support sliced scrolling. The underlying implementation will spawn its own threads to consume, so we must be
+ # careful to use thread-safe constructs.
+ context "with managed sliced scrolling" do
+ let(:config) do
+ {
+ 'query' => "#{LogStash::Json.dump(query)}",
+ 'slices' => slices,
+ 'docinfo' => true, # include ids
+ }
+ end
+ let(:query) do
+ {
+ "query" => {
+ "match" => { "city_name" => "Okinawa" }
+ },
+ "fields" => ["message"]
+ }
+ end
+ let(:slices) { 2 }
+ context 'with `slices => 0`' do
+ let(:slices) { 0 }
+ it 'fails to register' do
+ expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with `slices => 1`' do
+ let(:slices) { 1 }
+ it 'runs just one slice' do
+ expect(plugin).to receive(:do_run_slice).with(duck_type(:<<))
+ expect(Thread).to_not receive(:new)
+ plugin.register
+ plugin.run([])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'without slices directive' do
+ let(:config) { super().except('slices') }
+ it 'runs just one slice' do
+ expect(plugin).to receive(:do_run_slice).with(duck_type(:<<))
+ expect(Thread).to_not receive(:new)
+ plugin.register
+ plugin.run([])
+ end
+ end
+ 2.upto(8) do |slice_count|
+ context "with `slices => #{slice_count}`" do
+ let(:slices) { slice_count }
+ it "runs #{slice_count} independent slices" do
+ expect(Thread).to receive(:new).and_call_original.exactly(slice_count).times
+ slice_count.times do |slice_id|
+ expect(plugin).to receive(:do_run_slice).with(duck_type(:<<), slice_id)
+ end
+ plugin.register
+ plugin.run([])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # This section of specs heavily mocks the Elasticsearch::Client, and ensures that the Elasticsearch Input Plugin
+ # behaves as expected when handling a series of sliced, scrolled requests/responses.
+ context 'adapter/integration' do
+ let(:response_template) do
+ {
+ "took" => 12,
+ "timed_out" => false,
+ "shards" => {
+ "total" => 6,
+ "successful" => 6,
+ "failed" => 0
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ let(:hits_template) do
+ {
+ "total" => 4,
+ "max_score" => 1.0,
+ "hits" => []
+ }
+ end
+ let(:hit_template) do
+ {
+ "_index" => "logstash-2018.08.23",
+ "_type" => "logs",
+ "_score" => 1.0,
+ "_source" => { "message" => ["hello, world"] }
+ }
+ end
+ # BEGIN SLICE 0: a sequence of THREE scrolled responses containing 2, 1, and 0 items
+ # end-of-slice is reached when slice0_response2 is empty.
+ begin
+ let(:slice0_response0) do
+ response_template.merge({
+ "_scroll_id" => slice0_scroll1,
+ "hits" => hits_template.merge("hits" => [
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice0-response0-item0"),
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice0-response0-item1")
+ ])
+ })
+ end
+ let(:slice0_scroll1) { 'slice:0,scroll:1' }
+ let(:slice0_response1) do
+ response_template.merge({
+ "_scroll_id" => slice0_scroll2,
+ "hits" => hits_template.merge("hits" => [
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice0-response1-item0")
+ ])
+ })
+ end
+ let(:slice0_scroll2) { 'slice:0,scroll:2' }
+ let(:slice0_response2) do
+ response_template.merge(
+ "_scroll_id" => slice0_scroll3,
+ "hits" => hits_template.merge({"hits" => []})
+ )
+ end
+ let(:slice0_scroll3) { 'slice:0,scroll:3' }
+ end
+ # BEGIN SLICE 1: a sequence of TWO scrolled responses containing 2 and 2 items.
+ # end-of-slice is reached when slice1_response1 does not contain a next scroll id
+ begin
+ let(:slice1_response0) do
+ response_template.merge({
+ "_scroll_id" => slice1_scroll1,
+ "hits" => hits_template.merge("hits" => [
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice1-response0-item0"),
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice1-response0-item1")
+ ])
+ })
+ end
+ let(:slice1_scroll1) { 'slice:1,scroll:1' }
+ let(:slice1_response1) do
+ response_template.merge({
+ "hits" => hits_template.merge("hits" => [
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice1-response1-item0"),
+ hit_template.merge('_id' => "slice1-response1-item1")
+ ])
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ let(:client) { Elasticsearch::Client.new }
+ # RSpec mocks validations are not threadsafe.
+ # Allow caller to synchronize.
+ def synchronize_method!(object, method_name)
+ original_method = object.method(method_name)
+ mutex = Mutex.new
+ allow(object).to receive(method_name).with(any_args) do |*method_args, &method_block|
+ mutex.synchronize do
+ original_method.call(*method_args,&method_block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ before(:each) do
+ expect(Elasticsearch::Client).to receive(:new).with(any_args).and_return(client)
+ plugin.register
+ # SLICE0 is a three-page scroll in which the last page is empty
+ slice0_query = LogStash::Json.dump(query.merge('slice' => { 'id' => 0, 'max' => 2}))
+ expect(client).to receive(:search).with(hash_including(:body => slice0_query)).and_return(slice0_response0)
+ expect(client).to receive(:scroll).with(hash_including(:body => { :scroll_id => slice0_scroll1 })).and_return(slice0_response1)
+ expect(client).to receive(:scroll).with(hash_including(:body => { :scroll_id => slice0_scroll2 })).and_return(slice0_response2)
+ # SLICE1 is a two-page scroll in which the last page has no next scroll id
+ slice1_query = LogStash::Json.dump(query.merge('slice' => { 'id' => 1, 'max' => 2}))
+ expect(client).to receive(:search).with(hash_including(:body => slice1_query)).and_return(slice1_response0)
+ expect(client).to receive(:scroll).with(hash_including(:body => { :scroll_id => slice1_scroll1 })).and_return(slice1_response1)
+ synchronize_method!(plugin, :scroll_request)
+ synchronize_method!(plugin, :search_request)
+ end
+ let(:emitted_events) do
+ queue = Queue.new # since we are running slices in threads, we need a thread-safe queue.
+ plugin.run(queue)
+ events = []
+ events << queue.pop until queue.empty?
+ events
+ end
+ let(:emitted_event_ids) do
+ emitted_events.map { |event| event.get('[@metadata][_id]') }
+ end
+ it 'emits the hits on the first page of the first slice' do
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice0-response0-item0')
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice0-response0-item1')
+ end
+ it 'emits the hits on the second page of the first slice' do
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice0-response1-item0')
+ end
+ it 'emits the hits on the first page of the second slice' do
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice1-response0-item0')
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice1-response0-item1')
+ end
+ it 'emits the hitson the second page of the second slice' do
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice1-response1-item0')
+ expect(emitted_event_ids).to include('slice1-response1-item1')
+ end
+ it 'does not double-emit' do
+ expect(emitted_event_ids.uniq).to eq(emitted_event_ids)
+ end
+ it 'emits events with appropriate fields' do
+ emitted_events.each do |event|
+ expect(event).to be_a(LogStash::Event)
+ expect(event.get('message')).to eq(['hello, world'])
+ expect(event.get('[@metadata][_id]')).to_not be_nil
+ expect(event.get('[@metadata][_id]')).to_not be_empty
+ expect(event.get('[@metadata][_index]')).to start_with('logstash-')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
context "with Elasticsearch document information" do
let!(:response) do
"_scroll_id" => "cXVlcnlUaGVuRmV0Y2g",
"took" => 27,