in logi-0.0.1 vs in logi-0.1.0

- old
+ new

@@ -12,20 +12,69 @@ Highly customizable static blog/wiki generator. ## FEATURES: -Stay tuned... +* Generate posts via external commands, so you can customize it easily. +* Built-in post/list generator using [tilt][]. Support any tilt format. +* Specify configuration in [config/logi.rb](example/config/logi.rb). +* Basic wiki syntax: `[[wiki]]` or `[[wiki|text]]`. +* Write your own layouts. +[tilt]: + ## REQUIREMENTS: * Tested with MRI (official CRuby) 2.0.0, Rubinius and JRuby. +* Tilt for built-in post/list generator: `gem install tilt` ## INSTALLATION: gem install logi + gem install tilt # if you want to use built-in generators ## SYNOPSIS: + +You can check the [example blog](example). Or read help: + + $ logi -h + Usage: logi \[OPTIONS\] \[PATH to logi root\] + logi options: + -c, --color Color mode (default) + -n, --no-color No color mode + -V, --verbose Verbose mode (default) + -q, --quiet Quiet mode + -h, --help Print this message + -v, --version Print the version + defaults: + root directory . + post directory post + layout directory layout + output directory public + post command post + layout file /path/to/logi/lib/logi/layout/default.html.erb + +## Built-in generators + +* [logi-post](bin/logi-post) +* [logi-list](bin/logi-list) + +## Write your own generators + +Suppose you want to use [pandoc][] to generate your post, you could build +a command line tool called `logi-pandoc` which the first argument would +be the path to the original post file, and the second argument to the +path of the layout file. Also, read from `stdin` for post content +preprocessed for the wiki syntax. + +So you could think of it like this: + + logi-wiki | logi-pandoc layout.html.erb > post.html + +For a more complex generator, you could see [logi-list](bin/logi-list) +which would generate a post listing all the posts. + +[pandoc]: ## CONTRIBUTORS: * Lin Jen-Shin (@godfat)