Rakefile in logger-jquery-rails-1.2.005 vs Rakefile in logger-jquery-rails-1.2.006
- old
+ new
@@ -35,9 +35,32 @@
task :default => [:rubocop, :spec]
#------------------------------------------------------ ruby lint/style checks
desc 'Runs rubocop lint tool against the gem.'
task :rubocop do
- Rubocop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |task|
+ RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |task|
# task.fail_on_error = true
+end # task
+#------------------------------------------------------------------- changelog
+# TODO: improve the following:
+# - remove bump version commits
+# - prepend to CHANGELOG without using changelog.tmp
+desc 'Updates changelog with commit messages'
+task :changelog, [:tag1, :tag2] do |t, args|
+ args.with_defaults(:tag1 => 'v0.1.0', :tag2 => 'HEAD')
+ date = `git log -1 --format=%ad #{args[:tag2]} --date=short`
+ title = %(#{args[:tag2].gsub(/^v/, '')} / #{date}).chomp
+ underline = '-' * title.size
+ url = 'https://github.com/jhx'
+ format = %(- "'`'"TYPE"'`'" - %s | [view](#{url}/$basename/commit/%h))
+ file = 'changelog.tmp'
+ sh <<-EOF
+ remote=$(git config --get branch.master.remote)
+ url=$(git config --get remote.$remote.url)
+ basename=$(basename "$url" .git)
+ echo "#{title}\n#{underline}\n" > #{file}
+ git log #{args[:tag1]}..#{args[:tag2]} --no-merges \
+ --pretty=format:"#{format}" >> #{file}
end # task