History.rdoc in loggability-0.9.0.pre.73 vs History.rdoc in loggability-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
+== v0.9.0 [2014-01-08] Michael Granger <ged@FaerieMUD.org>
+Make the spechelpers a little more intelligent.
+- You no longer need to do setup_logging/reset_logging in a
+ before(:all)/after(:all) block; that's done for you.
+- You can now override the logging level for any example group by
+ adding 'logging' or 'log' metadata.
+- Fixed some documentation, added docs for the spec helpers.
== v0.8.1 [2013-10-09] Michael Granger <ged@FaerieMUD.org>
- Fix the problem with blocks not being called in chained overrides.