lib/log2mail/config.rb in log2mail-0.0.1.pre3 vs lib/log2mail/config.rb in log2mail-0.0.1.pre4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,216 +1,15 @@
module Log2mail
- class Config
- class <<self
- def parse_config(config_path)
- # pp config.config
- # config.files.each do |f|
- # puts "File: #{f}"
- # config.patterns_for_file(f).each do |pattern|
- # puts " Pattern: #{pattern}; mailto: " + config.mailtos_for_pattern( f, pattern ).join(', ')
- # end
- # end
- end
- end
- # attr_reader :config
+ module Config
INT_OPTIONS = [:sendtime, :resendtime, :maxlines]
STR_OPTIONS = [:fromaddr, :sendmail]
PATH_OPTIONS = [:template]
- def initialize(config_paths)
- $logger.debug "Reading configuration from #{config_paths}"
- @config_paths = Array(config_paths)
- expand_paths
- read_configuration
- validate_configuration
- end
- # returns all the paths of all files needed to be watched
- def files
- @config.keys - [:defaults]
- end
- def file_patterns
- h = {}
- files.each do |file|
- h[file] = patterns_for_file(file)
- end
- h
- end
- def patterns_for_file( file )
- Hash(@config[file][:patterns]).keys + \
- Hash(defaults[:patterns]).keys
- end
- def mailtos_for_pattern( file, pattern )
- m = []
- m.concat Hash( config_file_pattern(file, pattern)[:mailtos] ).keys
- m.concat Hash(Hash(Hash(defaults[:patterns])[pattern])[:mailtos]).keys
- m.concat Array(defaults[:mailtos]) if m.empty?
- m.uniq
- end
- def settings_for_mailto( file, pattern, mailto )
- h = defaults.reject {|k,v| k==:mailtos}
- h.merge config_file_mailto(file, pattern, mailto)
- end
- def defaults
- Hash(@config[:defaults])
- end
- def formatted( show_effective )
- do |t|
- settings_header = show_effective ? 'Effective Settings' : 'Settings'
- t << ['File', 'Pattern', 'Recipient', settings_header]
- t << :separator
- files.each do |file|
- patterns_for_file(file).each do |pattern|
- mailtos_for_pattern(file, pattern).each do |mailto|
- settings = []
- if show_effective
- settings_for_mailto(file, pattern, mailto).each_pair \
- { |k,v| settings << '%s=%s' % [k,v] }
- else
- config_file_mailto(file, pattern, mailto).each_pair \
- { |k,v| settings << '%s=%s' % [k,v] }
- end
- t.add_row [file, pattern, mailto, settings.join($/)]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def config_file(file)
- Hash(@config[file])
- end
- def config_file_pattern(file, pattern)
- Hash( Hash( config_file(file)[:patterns] )[pattern] )
- end
- def config_file_mailtos(file, pattern)
- Hash( config_file_pattern(file, pattern)[:mailtos] )
- end
- def config_file_mailto(file, pattern, mailto)
- Hash( config_file_mailtos(file, pattern)[mailto] )
- end
- def expand_paths
- expanded_paths = []
- @config_paths.each do |path|
- if
- expanded_paths.concat Dir.glob( ::File.join( path, '*[^~#]' ) )
- else
- expanded_paths << path
- end
- end
- @config_paths = expanded_paths
- end
- # tries to follow original code at
- def read_configuration
- @config = {}
- @config_paths.each do |file|
- @section = nil; @pattern = nil; @mailto = nil
- # section, pattern, mailto are reset for every file (but not when included by 'include')
- parse_file( file )
- end
- end
- def parse_file( filename )
- IO.readlines(filename).each_with_index do |line, lineno|
- parse(filename, line, lineno + 1)
- end
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- fail Error, "Configuration file or directory not found (or not readable): #{filename}"
- end
- def parse(file, line, lineno)
- line.strip!
- return if line =~ /^#/
- return if line =~ /^$/
- line =~ /^(\S+)\s*=?\s*"?(.*?)"?(\s*#.*)?$/ # drop double quotes on right hand side; drop comments
- key, value = $1.to_sym, $2.strip
- if key == :include # include shall work everywhere
- parse_file( ::File.join(Pathname(file).parent, value) )
- return
- end
- if key == :defaults and value.empty? # section: specifies top level; must be 'defaults' or 'file'
- @section = key
- @pattern = nil; @mailto = nil
- fail Error, "Invalid section. Section 'defaults' already specified." if @config[@section]
- @config[@section] = {}
- elsif key == :file
- @section = value
- @pattern = nil; @mailto = nil
- @config[@section] ||= {}
- elsif key == :pattern # must come inside 'file' (or 'defaults')
- # fail "Invalid section. All statements must appear after 'defaults' or 'file=...'" unless @section
- @pattern = value; @mailto = nil
- @config[@section][:patterns] ||= {}
- warning { "Redefining pattern section '#{value}' which has been defined already for '#{@section}'." } \
- if @config[@section][:patterns][value]
- @config[@section][:patterns][value] = {}
- elsif key == :mailto and @section != :defaults # must come inside 'pattern' (or 'defaults')
- fail Error, "'mailto' statements only allowed inside 'pattern' or 'defaults'." unless @pattern
- @mailto = value
- @config[@section][:patterns][@pattern][:mailtos] ||= {}
- warning { "Redefining mailto section '#{value}' which has been defined already for '#{@section}'." } \
- if @config[@section][:patterns][@pattern][:mailtos][value]
- @config[@section][:patterns][@pattern][:mailtos][value] = {}
- else # everything else must come inside 'defaults' or 'mailto'
- fail Error, "'#{key}' must be set within 'defaults' or 'mailto'." unless @section == :defaults or @mailto
- if INT_OPTIONS.include?(key)
- value = value.to_i
- elsif STR_OPTIONS.include?(key)
- elsif PATH_OPTIONS.include?(key)
- value = ::File.expand_path( value, Pathname(file).parent ) unless Pathname(value).absolute?
- elsif key == :mailto # special handling for 'mailto' in 'defaults' section
- @config[:defaults][:mailtos] ||= []
- @config[:defaults][:mailtos] << value
- return # skip the 'mailto' entry itself
- else
- fail Error, "'#{key}' is an unknown configuration statement."
- end
- if @section == :defaults and !@pattern and !@mailto
- warning { "Redefining value for '#{key}'." } if @config[@section][key]
- @config[@section][key] = value
- else
- warning { "Redefining value for '#{key}'." } \
- if @config[@section][:patterns][@pattern][:mailtos][@mailto][key]
- @config[@section][:patterns][@pattern][:mailtos][@mailto][key] = value
- end
- end
- rescue
- fail Error, "#{file} (line #{lineno}): #{$!.message}#$/[#{$!.class} at #{$!.backtrace.first}]"
- end
- def validate_configuration
- files.each do |file|
- patterns_for_file(file).each do |pattern|
- mailtos = mailtos_for_pattern(file, pattern)
- $logger.warn "Pattern #{file}:#{pattern} has no recipients." if mailtos.empty?
- end
- end
- # FIXME: empty configuration should cause FATAL error
- # TODO: illegal regexp pattern should cause ERROR
- end
- def warning(&block)
- file = block.binding.eval('file')
- lineno = block.binding.eval('lineno')
- message =
- $logger.warn "#{file} (line #{lineno}): #{message}#$/[at #{caller.first}]"
- end
+require_relative 'config/config'
+require_relative 'config/attribute'
+require_relative 'config/section'
+require_relative 'config/parser'
+require_relative 'config/config_file_snippet'
+require_relative 'config/config_file_handler'