in lncs-0.0.3 vs in lncs-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -8,24 +8,26 @@
You'll need to install Ruby 1.9 or later. I recommend doing so via [rvm](
You can then install `lncs` via Ruby gems: `gem install lncs`
-Get started with the `lncs` executable: `lncs help`
Recommended workflow
+Creating a Springer LNCS proceedings with `lncs` involves two activities: ensuring that `lncs` has sufficient information about your proceedings and submissions (steps 1-5, below), and using `lncs` to generate all of the artefacts that Springer require for an LNCS proceedings (steps 7-11).
-1. Download the submissions for your volume
+1. Download the submissions for your proceedings (e.g., from EasyChair). Please note that:
+ * `lncs` works best for submissions that are packaged as a single ZIP file that contains both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF.
+ * `lncs` can also be used for submissions that do not include LaTeX source files, or that are packaged as a single PDF file. For submissions that do not include LaTeX source files, you will need to specify some extra information in the manifest (more details below).
+ * `lncs` does not work with submissions packages as MS Word files.
-2. Setup a working directory
+2. Create a new working directory:
> mkdir ecmfa2013
> cd ecmfa2013
> lncs init
-3. Customise the manifest (e.g., set the path to the submissions, the volume number, ...)
+3. Setup the manifest (e.g., set the path to the submissions, the volume number, ...)
> vi manifest.json
> cat manifest.json
"volume_number": 7949,
@@ -40,28 +42,47 @@
"papers": [2,6,22,29,58,68]
-4. Unpack and inspect all of the submissions
+4. Use `lncs inspect` to decompress any submissions packaged as ZIP files, and to locate compiled PDF files:
> lncs inspect
- > cd submissions
- > ls -R
- ./ecmfa2013_submission_07:
- 7
- ./ecmfa2013_submission_07/7:
- paper7.tex paper7.pdf copyright.pdf
- ./ecmfa2013_submission_24:
- ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf ECMFA2013-cameraready.docx copyright.pdf
-5. Update the manifest with the paths to the PDF files of each paper
+ Inspecting paper 7 at submissions/ecmfa2013_submission_07/*
+ Inspecting paper 11 submissions/ecmfa2013_submission_11/*
+ ...
+ Updating manifest.json
+ > cat manifest.json
+ {
+ "volume_number": 7949,
+ "sources": "/Users/louis/Downloads/submissions",
+ "sections": [
+ {
+ "title": "Foundations",
+ "papers": [7,11,14,18,20,24,35,46,63]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Applications",
+ "papers": [2,6,22,29,58,68]
+ }
+ ],
+ "papers": {
+ "7" : {
+ "pdf": "7/paper.pdf"
+ },
+ "24" : {
+ "pdf": ["ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf", "figure1.pdf"]
+ "FIXME": "Reduce the PDF key from an array to a single value which corresponds to the compiled PDF."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+5. Your manifest will now contain a `papers` key for each submission that is distributed as a ZIP file. Search for any "FIXME" keys that have been inserted by `lncs inspect` and correct any erroneous `pdf` key values. (Each submission should have a single value for the `pdf` key).
> vi manifest.json
+ # Deleted the line: "pdf": "figure1.pdf"
> cat manifest.json
"volume_number": 7949,
"sources": "/Users/louis/Downloads/submissions",
"sections": [
@@ -77,16 +98,18 @@
"papers": {
"7" : {
"pdf": "7/paper.pdf"
"24" : {
- "pdf": "ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf"
+ "pdf": "ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf",
+ Note that the `pdf` key should contain the relative path to the PDF file in any submission packaged as a ZIP file.
-6. Check the status of the submissions
+6. Once your manifest has been finalised. All of the other `lncs` subcommand will work. Start by checking the status of the submissions:
> lncs report
007 -- 17pgs zip
011 -- 17pgs zip
@@ -103,13 +126,13 @@
022 -- 13pgs zip
029 -- 13pgs zip
058 -- 13pgs zip
068 -- 11pgs zip
- If a submission exceeds your page limit, you may wish to contact the authors. If a submission is a PDF rather than a ZIP file, you may wish to do the same as you will need to send to Springer the sources and a signed copyright form for each submission.
+ If a submission exceeds your page limit, you may wish to contact the authors. If a submission is a PDF rather than a ZIP file, you may wish to do the same as you will need to send to Springer the LaTeX sources (and a signed copyright form).
-7. Generate the set of directories required by Springer for the body of the proceedings
+7. Generate the set of directories required by Springer for the body of the proceedings:
> lncs body
> ls body
79490001 79490020 79490054 79490086 79490119 79490152 79490178 79490204
79490003 79490037 79490070 79490102 79490135 79490165 79490191 79490217
@@ -118,25 +141,30 @@
paper7.tex paper7.pdf copyright.pdf
-8. Generate the title pages used to construct the table of contents and author index
+8. Generate the title pages used to construct the table of contents and author index:
> lncs titles
> ls titles
0001.tex 0020.tex 0054.tex 0086.tex 0119.tex 0152.tex 0178.tex 0204.tex index.tex
0003.tex 0037.tex 0070.tex 0102.tex 0135.tex 0165.tex 0191.tex 0217.tex
-9. Run LaTeX to produce your PDF
+9. Run LaTeX to produce your PDF:
- > latex2pdf main.tex
+ > latex2pdf main.tex > main.pdf
> open main.pdf
-10. Override any titles or names of authors (because, for example, `lncs` cannot extract title page information from MS Word source files).
+10. Inspect your PDF to ensure that all of the titles and names of authors are correct in the table of contents. Note that:
- > vi manifest.json
+ * `lncs titles` works best for submissions that include LaTeX source files.
+ * `lncs titles` extracts the contents of the \title and \author LaTeX tags verbatim. If an author has used non-standard or custom LaTeX commands in their \title and \author declarations, you may need to manually specify the title and authors of this submission in the `lncs` manifest (as described below).
+ * `lncs titles` cannot extract title page information from MS Word or PDF files. You must manually specify the title and authors of submissions containing no LaTeX source in the `lncs` manifest (as described below).
+You can override any titles or names of authors in the manifest file. For example:
> cat manifest.json
"volume_number": 7949,
"sources": "/Users/louis/Downloads/submissions",
"sections": [
@@ -153,19 +181,25 @@
"7" : {
"pdf": "7/paper.pdf",
"title": "MOCQL: A Declarative Language for Ad-Hoc Model Querying",
"authors": ["Harald St\\\"orrle"]
+ "20" : {
+ "title" : "Model-based Generation of Run-time Monitors for AUTOSAR",
+ "authors" : ["Lars Patzina", "Sven Patzina", "Thorsten Piper", "Paul Manns"]
+ },
"24" : {
"pdf": "ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf"
+If a title or author must contain a LaTeX command, ensure that your JSON is properly escaped. For example, the LaTeX command `\"` becomes `\\\"` in the manifest as backslashes and quotes are escaped in JSON.
11. Regenerate your titles and PDF.
> lncs titles
- > latex2pdf main.tex
+ > latex2pdf main.tex > main.pdf
> open main.pdf
\ No newline at end of file