lib/lita/handlers/memegen.rb in lita-memegen-1.0.0 vs lib/lita/handlers/memegen.rb in lita-memegen-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -3,34 +3,35 @@
module Lita
module Handlers
class Memegen < Handler
def self.default_config(config)
+ config.command_only = true
config.username = nil
config.password = nil
- route %r{(!meme )?(Y U NO) (.+)}i, :meme_y_u_no, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(I DON'?T ALWAYS .*) (BUT WHEN I DO,? .*)}i, :meme_i_dont_always, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*)(O\s?RLY\??.*)}i, :meme_orly, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*)(SUCCESS|NAILED IT.*)}i, :meme_success, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*) (ALL the .*)}i, :meme_all_the, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*) (\w+\sTOO DAMN .*)}i, :meme_too_damn, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(GOOD NEWS EVERYONE[,.!]?) (.*)}i, :meme_good_news, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(NOT SURE IF .*) (OR .*)}i, :meme_not_sure_if, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(YO DAWG .*) (SO .*)}i, :meme_yo_dawg, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(ALL YOUR .*) (ARE BELONG TO US)}i, :meme_are_belong, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*) (FUCK YOU)}i, :meme_fuck_you, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(.*) (You'?re gonna have a bad time)}i, :meme_bad_time, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(one does not simply) (.*)}i, :meme_simply, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(grumpy cat) (.*),(.*)}i, :meme_grumpy_cat, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(it looks like you're|it looks like you) (.*)}i, :meme_looks_like, command: false
- route %r{(!meme )?(AM I THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE) (.*)}i, :meme_am_i_only, command: false
- route %r{(!meme)?(.*)(NOT IMPRESSED*)}i, :meme_not_impressed, command: false
- route %r{(!meme)?(PREPARE YOURSELF) (.*)}i, :meme_prepare_yourself, command: false
- route %r{(!meme)?(WHAT IF I TOLD YOU) (.*)}i, :meme_what_if_i, command: false
- route %r{(!meme)?(.*) (BETTER DRINK MY OWN PISS)}i, :meme_better_drink, command: false
+ route %r{(Y U NO) (.+)}i, :meme_y_u_no
+ route %r{(I DON'?T ALWAYS .*) (BUT WHEN I DO,? .*)}i, :meme_i_dont_always
+ route %r{(.*)(O\s?RLY\??.*)}i, :meme_orly
+ route %r{(.*)(SUCCESS|NAILED IT.*)}i, :meme_success
+ route %r{(.*) (ALL the .*)}i, :meme_all_the
+ route %r{(.*) (\w+\sTOO DAMN .*)}i, :meme_too_damn
+ route %r{(GOOD NEWS EVERYONE[,.!]?) (.*)}i, :meme_good_news
+ route %r{(NOT SURE IF .*) (OR .*)}i, :meme_not_sure_if
+ route %r{(YO DAWG .*) (SO .*)}i, :meme_yo_dawg
+ route %r{(ALL YOUR .*) (ARE BELONG TO US)}i, :meme_are_belong
+ route %r{(.*) (FUCK YOU)}i, :meme_fuck_you
+ route %r{(.*) (You'?re gonna have a bad time)}i, :meme_bad_time
+ route %r{(one does not simply) (.*)}i, :meme_simply
+ route %r{(grumpy cat) (.*),(.*)}i, :meme_grumpy_cat
+ route %r{(it looks like you're|it looks like you) (.*)}i, :meme_looks_like
+ route %r{(AM I THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE) (.*)}i, :meme_am_i_only
+ route %r{(.*)(NOT IMPRESSED*)}i, :meme_not_impressed
+ route %r{(PREPARE YOURSELF) (.*)}i, :meme_prepare_yourself
+ route %r{(WHAT IF I TOLD YOU) (.*)}i, :meme_what_if_i
+ route %r{(.*) (BETTER DRINK MY OWN PISS)}i, :meme_better_drink
def meme_y_u_no(response)
generate_meme(response, 2, 166088)
@@ -113,11 +114,14 @@
def generate_meme(response, generator_id, image_id)
- line1 = response.matches[0][1]
- line2 = response.matches[0][2]
+ return if Lita.config.handlers.memegen.command_only && !response.message.command?
+ line1 = response.matches[0][0]
+ line2 = response.matches[0][1]
return if Lita.config.handlers.memegen.username.nil? || Lita.config.handlers.memegen.password.nil?
http_resp = http.get(
username: Lita.config.handlers.memegen.username,
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