in light_form-0.0.6 vs in light_form-0.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -16,12 +16,67 @@
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install light_form
-## Usage
+## How it works
+Build form from specific params and custom validation:
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+class Address
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ attr_accessor :street, :post_code
+class Child
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ attr_accessor :name, :age
+class PersonForm < LightForm::Form
+ properties :title, :first_name, :last_name
+ property :email, validates: { presence: true }
+ property :age, with: -> (v) { v.to_i }
+ property :address, model: Address do
+ properties :street, :post_code
+ end
+ property :children, collection: Child, uniq: true do
+ property :name, validates: { presence: true }
+ property :age, with: -> (v) { v.to_i }
+ end
+ property :interests, collection: true, uniq: true
+person =
+ {
+ title: 'Mr', first_name: 'Pawel', last_name: 'Awesome', email: nil,
+ age: '31', address: { street: 'Best', post_code: '33333' },
+ children: [ {name: 'Emi', age: '2'}, {name: 'Emi', age: '2'}, {age: '2'} ],
+ interests: [ 'football', 'football', 'basketball', 'football' ]
+ }
+person.valid? == false
+person.errors.as_json == {
+ children: [{1=>{name: ["can't be blank"]}}],
+ email: ["can't be blank"]
+person.to_h == {
+ title: 'Mr',
+ first_name: 'Pawel',
+ last_name: 'Awesome',
+ email: nil,
+ age: 31,
+ address: <AddressModel:0x007faf0ba22238 @street='Best', @post_code='33333'>,
+ children: [<ChildModel:0x007faf0ba21ec8 @name='Emi', @age=2>, <ChildModel:0x007faf0ba21c70 @name='', @age=2>],
+ interests: ['football', 'basketball']
## Contributing
1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/light_form/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)