in license_finder-5.7.1 vs in license_finder-5.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -34,21 +34,21 @@
| Node.js | npm | 6.4.1 |
| Bower | bower | 1.8.4 |
| Nuget (without license discovery) | nuget | |
| Godep | Godep | 80 |
| Go workspace (via a `.envrc` file) | Go lang | 1.11.5 |
-| Go submodules | Go lang | 1.11.5 |
+| Go modules | Go lang | 1.11.5 |
| Java | maven | 3.6.0 |
| Java | gradle | 4.10.3 |
### Experimental project types
* Erlang (via `rebar`)
* Objective-C, Swift (via Carthage or CocoaPods \[0.39 and below. See [CocoaPods Specs Repo Sharding](\])
* Objective-C (+ CocoaPods 0.39 and below. See [CocoaPods Specs Repo Sharding](
* Elixir (via `mix`)
-* Golang (via `gvt`, `glide`,`dep`, and `govendor`)
+* Golang (via `gvt`, `glide`,`dep`, `trash` and `govendor`)
* JavaScript (via `yarn`)
* C++/C (via `conan`)
* Scala (via `sbt`)
* Rust (via `cargo`)
* Go Modules (via `go mod`)
@@ -179,9 +179,10 @@
* `vendor/manifest` or `*/vendor/manifest` file (for `gvt`)
* `glide.lock` file (for `glide`)
* `vendor/vendor.json` file (for `govendor`)
* `Gopkg.lock` file (for `dep`)
* `go.sum` file (for `go mod`)
+* `vendor.conf` file (for `trash`)
* `yarn.lock` file (for `yarn`)
* `conanfile.txt` file (for `conan`)
* `build.sbt` file (for `sbt`)
* `Cargo.lock` file (for `cargo`)