ext/libuv/src/win/util.c in libuv-3.1.4 vs ext/libuv/src/win/util.c in libuv-3.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -57,10 +57,13 @@
/* Max user name length, from iphlpapi.h */
#ifndef UNLEN
# define UNLEN 256
+/* Maximum environment variable size, including the terminating null */
+#define MAX_ENV_VAR_LENGTH 32767
/* Cached copy of the process title, plus a mutex guarding it. */
static char *process_title;
static CRITICAL_SECTION process_title_lock;
/* Cached copy of the process id, written once. */
@@ -1320,10 +1323,51 @@
(*utf8)[bufsize] = '\0';
return 0;
+ * Converts a UTF-8 string into a UTF-16 one. The resulting string is
+ * null-terminated.
+ *
+ * If utf8 is null terminated, utf8len can be set to -1, otherwise it must
+ * be specified.
+ */
+int uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(const char* utf8, int utf8len, WCHAR** utf16) {
+ int bufsize;
+ if (utf8 == NULL)
+ return UV_EINVAL;
+ /* Check how much space we need */
+ bufsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, utf8len, NULL, 0);
+ if (bufsize == 0)
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ /* Allocate the destination buffer adding an extra byte for the terminating
+ * NULL. If utf8len is not -1 MultiByteToWideChar will not add it, so
+ * we do it ourselves always, just in case. */
+ *utf16 = uv__malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * (bufsize + 1));
+ if (*utf16 == NULL)
+ return UV_ENOMEM;
+ /* Convert to UTF-16 */
+ bufsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, utf8len, *utf16, bufsize);
+ if (bufsize == 0) {
+ uv__free(*utf16);
+ *utf16 = NULL;
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ }
+ (*utf16)[bufsize] = '\0';
+ return 0;
int uv__getpwuid_r(uv_passwd_t* pwd) {
HANDLE token;
wchar_t username[UNLEN + 1];
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
DWORD bufsize;
@@ -1384,6 +1428,115 @@
int uv_os_get_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd) {
return uv__getpwuid_r(pwd);
+int uv_os_getenv(const char* name, char* buffer, size_t* size) {
+ wchar_t var[MAX_ENV_VAR_LENGTH];
+ wchar_t* name_w;
+ DWORD bufsize;
+ size_t len;
+ int r;
+ if (name == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == NULL || *size == 0)
+ return UV_EINVAL;
+ r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, -1, &name_w);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, var, MAX_ENV_VAR_LENGTH);
+ uv__free(name_w);
+ assert(len < MAX_ENV_VAR_LENGTH); /* len does not include the null */
+ if (len == 0) {
+ r = GetLastError();
+ return UV_ENOENT;
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(r);
+ }
+ /* Check how much space we need */
+ bufsize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, var, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (bufsize == 0) {
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ } else if (bufsize > *size) {
+ *size = bufsize;
+ return UV_ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ /* Convert to UTF-8 */
+ bufsize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,
+ 0,
+ var,
+ -1,
+ buffer,
+ *size,
+ NULL);
+ if (bufsize == 0)
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ *size = bufsize - 1;
+ return 0;
+int uv_os_setenv(const char* name, const char* value) {
+ wchar_t* name_w;
+ wchar_t* value_w;
+ int r;
+ if (name == NULL || value == NULL)
+ return UV_EINVAL;
+ r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, -1, &name_w);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(value, -1, &value_w);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ uv__free(name_w);
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, value_w);
+ uv__free(name_w);
+ uv__free(value_w);
+ if (r == 0)
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ return 0;
+int uv_os_unsetenv(const char* name) {
+ wchar_t* name_w;
+ int r;
+ if (name == NULL)
+ return UV_EINVAL;
+ r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, -1, &name_w);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ r = SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, NULL);
+ uv__free(name_w);
+ if (r == 0)
+ return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError());
+ return 0;