lib/less-rails.rb in less-rails-1.0.0 vs lib/less-rails.rb in less-rails-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,73 +1,2 @@
-require 'less'
+require "less/rails"
-module Less
- module Plugin
- extend self
- attr_reader :options
- # Set default options
- @options = {
- :css_location => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets",
- :template_location => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/stylesheets",
- :update => :when_changed, # Available are: :never, :when_changed and :always
- :compress => false # Removes newlines from generated CSS
- }
- # Accessor for setting options from e.g. an initializer
- def options=(opts)
- @options.merge!(opts)
- end
- # Updates all stylesheets in the template_location and
- # create corresponding files in the css_location.
- def update_stylesheets
- return if options[:update] == :never
- # Recursively loop through the directory specified in template_location.
- Dir.glob(File.join(options[:template_location], '**', '*.less')).each do |stylesheet|
- # Update the current stylesheet if update is not :when_changed OR when the
- # less-file is newer than the css-file.
- update_stylesheet(stylesheet) if options[:update] != :when_changed || stylesheet_needs_update?(stylesheet)
- end
- end
- private
- # Update a single stylesheet.
- def update_stylesheet(stylesheet)
- relative_path = relative_path(stylesheet)
- # Remove the old generated stylesheet
- File.unlink(File.join(options[:css_location], relative_path + ".css")) if File.exist?(File.join(options[:css_location], relative_path + ".css"))
- # Generate the new stylesheet
-{:source => stylesheet, :destination => File.join(options[:css_location], relative_path + ".css"), :compress => options[:compress]}).run!
- end
- # Check if the specified stylesheet is in need of an update.
- def stylesheet_needs_update?(stylesheet)
- relative_path = relative_path(stylesheet)
- return true unless File.exist?(File.join(options[:css_location], relative_path + ".css"))
- return File.ctime(stylesheet) > File.ctime(File.join(options[:css_location], relative_path + ".css"))
- end
- # Returns the relative path for the given stylesheet
- def relative_path(stylesheet)
- stylesheet.sub(options[:template_location] + '/', '').sub('.less', '')
- end
- end
-# Add a before_filter that triggers the update_stylesheets method
-# before every call to a controller.
-module ActionController
- class Base
- alias_method :less_old_process, :process
- def process(*args)
- Less::Plugin.update_stylesheets
- less_old_process(*args)
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file