bitbucket-pipelines.yml in legion-exceptions-1.0.1 vs bitbucket-pipelines.yml in legion-exceptions-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,15 @@
-image: ruby:2.4.0
+image: ruby:2.7.0
- - step:
- caches:
- - bundler
- script:
- - gem install bundle rubocop
- - bundle install
- - rubocop
- - rake
- - step:
- name: Upload Artifact
- deployment: test
- script:
- - gem build *.gemspec
- - curl -X POST --user "${BB_AUTH_STRING}" "${BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER}/${BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG}/downloads" --form files=@"legion-exceptions-0.1.0.gem"
- - step:
- name: Deploy to test gem server
- deployment: production
- trigger: manual
- script:
- - gem install bundle geminabox
- - bundle install
- - gem build legion-exceptions.gemspec
- - gem inabox legion*.gem -g -o
- default:
- - step:
- caches:
- - bundler
- script:
- - gem install bundle rubocop
- - bundle install
- - rubocop
- - rake
- caches:
- bundler: vendor/bundle
\ No newline at end of file
+ - step:
+ name: Push to RubyGems
+ deployment: RubyGems
+ script:
+ - gem install bundler gem-release rake rspec
+ - bundle install
+ - rake build
+ - mkdir .gem
+ - (umask 077 ; echo $gem_creds | base64 --decode > .gem/credentials)
+ - gem release