lib/left_joins.rb in left_joins-1.0.6 vs lib/left_joins.rb in left_joins-1.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,187 +1,178 @@
-require "left_joins/version"
-require 'active_record'
-require 'active_record/relation'
-module LeftJoins
- IS_RAILS3_FLAG = <'4.0.0')
- HAS_BUILT_IN_LEFT_JOINS_METHOD = ActiveRecord::QueryMethods.method_defined?(:left_outer_joins)
- require 'left_joins_for_rails_3' if IS_RAILS3_FLAG
- class << self
- def bind_values_of(relation)
- return relation.bound_attributes if relation.respond_to?(:bound_attributes) # For Rails 5.0, 5.1, 5.2
- return relation.bind_values # For Rails 4.2
- end
- end
-module ActiveRecord::QueryMethods
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Storing left joins values into @left_outer_joins_values
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_writer :left_outer_joins_values
- def left_outer_joins_values
- @left_outer_joins_values ||= []
- end
- def left_outer_joins(*args)
- check_if_method_has_arguments!(:left_outer_joins, args)
- args.compact!
- args.flatten!
- self.distinct_value = false
- return (LeftJoins::IS_RAILS3_FLAG ? clone : spawn).left_outer_joins!(*args)
- end
- def left_outer_joins!(*args)
- left_outer_joins_values.concat(args)
- self
- end
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● Implement left joins when building arel
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------
- alias_method :left_joins, :left_outer_joins
- alias_method :build_arel_without_outer_joins, :build_arel
- def build_arel(*args)
- arel = build_arel_without_outer_joins(*args)
- build_left_outer_joins(arel, @left_outer_joins_values) if @left_outer_joins_values
- return arel
- end
- alias_method :build_joins_without_join_type, :build_joins
- def build_joins(manager, joins, join_type = nil)
- Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:left_joins_join_type, join_type)
- result = build_joins_without_join_type(manager, joins)
- Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:left_joins_join_type, nil)
- return result
- end
- def build_left_outer_joins(manager, joins)
- result = build_joins(manager, joins, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin)
- return result
- end
- class << ::ActiveRecord::Base
- def left_joins(*args)
- self.where('').left_joins(*args)
- end
- alias_method :left_outer_joins, :left_joins
- end
- class ::ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency
- if private_method_defined?(:make_constraints)
- alias_method :make_constraints_without_hooking_join_type, :make_constraints
- def make_constraints(*args, join_type)
- join_type = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:left_joins_join_type) || join_type
- return make_constraints_without_hooking_join_type(*args, join_type)
- end
- else
- alias_method :build_without_hooking_join_type, :build
- def build(associations, parent = nil, join_type = Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin)
- join_type = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:left_joins_join_type) || join_type
- return build_without_hooking_join_type(associations, parent, join_type)
- end
- end
- end
- module ActiveRecord::Calculations
- # This method is copied from activerecord-4.2.10/lib/active_record/relation/calculations.rb
- # and modified this line `distinct = true` to `distinct = true if distinct == nil`
- def perform_calculation(operation, column_name, options = {})
- # TODO: Remove options argument as soon we remove support to
- # activerecord-deprecated_finders.
- operation = operation.to_s.downcase
- # If #count is used with #distinct / #uniq it is considered distinct. (eg. relation.distinct.count)
- distinct = options[:distinct] || self.distinct_value
- if operation == "count"
- column_name ||= (select_for_count || :all)
- unless arel.ast.grep(Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).empty?
- distinct = true if distinct == nil
- end
- column_name = primary_key if column_name == :all && distinct
- distinct = nil if column_name =~ /\s*DISTINCT[\s(]+/i
- end
- if group_values.any?
- execute_grouped_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
- else
- execute_simple_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------
-# ● Implement left joins when merging relations
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------
-if not LeftJoins::IS_RAILS3_FLAG
- require 'active_record/relation/merger'
- class ActiveRecord::Relation
- class Merger
- alias_method :merge_without_left_joins, :merge
- def merge
- values = other.left_outer_joins_values
- relation.left_outer_joins!(*values) if values.present?
- return merge_without_left_joins
- end
- end
- end
- module ActiveRecord
- module SpawnMethods
- private
- alias_method :relation_with_without_left_joins, :relation_with
- def relation_with(values) # :nodoc:
- result = relation_with_without_left_joins(values)
- result.left_outer_joins_values = self.left_outer_joins_values
- return result
- end
- end
- end
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------
-# ● Implement left joins in update statement
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------
-module ActiveRecord
- class Relation
- def has_join_values?
- joins_values.any? || left_outer_joins_values.any?
- end
- alias_method :update_all_without_left_joins_values, :update_all
- def update_all(updates)
- raise ArgumentError, "Empty list of attributes to change" if updates.blank?
- stmt =
- stmt.set Arel.sql(@klass.send(:sanitize_sql_for_assignment, updates))
- stmt.table(table)
- stmt.key = table[primary_key]
- if has_join_values?
- @klass.connection.join_to_update(stmt, arel)
- else
- stmt.take(arel.limit)
- stmt.order(*arel.orders)
- stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
- end
- bvs = LeftJoins.bind_values_of(self) + bind_values
- @klass.connection.update stmt, 'SQL', bvs
- end
- end
- end
+require "left_joins/version"
+require 'active_record'
+require 'active_record/relation'
+module LeftJoins
+ IS_RAILS3_FLAG = <'4.0.0')
+ HAS_BUILT_IN_LEFT_JOINS_METHOD = ActiveRecord::QueryMethods.method_defined?(:left_outer_joins)
+ require 'left_joins_for_rails_3' if IS_RAILS3_FLAG
+ class << self
+ def patch(target, method, as:)
+ return yield if target.singleton_methods.include?(method)
+ target.define_singleton_method(method, &as)
+ result = yield
+ target.singleton_class.send(:remove_method, method)
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+module ActiveRecord::QueryMethods
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ● Storing left joins values into @left_outer_joins_values
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ attr_writer :left_outer_joins_values
+ def left_outer_joins_values
+ @left_outer_joins_values ||= []
+ end
+ def left_outer_joins(*args)
+ check_if_method_has_arguments!(:left_outer_joins, args)
+ args.compact!
+ args.flatten!
+ self.distinct_value = false
+ return (LeftJoins::IS_RAILS3_FLAG ? clone : spawn).left_outer_joins!(*args)
+ end
+ def left_outer_joins!(*args)
+ left_outer_joins_values.concat(args)
+ self
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ● Implement left joins when building arel
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ alias_method :left_joins, :left_outer_joins
+ alias_method :build_arel_without_outer_joins, :build_arel
+ def build_arel(*args)
+ arel = build_arel_without_outer_joins(*args)
+ build_left_outer_joins(arel, @left_outer_joins_values) if @left_outer_joins_values
+ return arel
+ end
+ alias_method :build_joins_without_join_type, :build_joins
+ def build_joins(manager, joins, join_type = nil)
+ Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:left_joins_join_type, join_type)
+ result = build_joins_without_join_type(manager, joins)
+ Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:left_joins_join_type, nil)
+ return result
+ end
+ def build_left_outer_joins(manager, joins)
+ result = build_joins(manager, joins, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin)
+ return result
+ end
+ class << ::ActiveRecord::Base
+ def left_joins(*args)
+ self.where('').left_joins(*args)
+ end
+ alias_method :left_outer_joins, :left_joins
+ end
+ class ::ActiveRecord::Associations::JoinDependency
+ if private_method_defined?(:make_constraints)
+ alias_method :make_constraints_without_hooking_join_type, :make_constraints
+ def make_constraints(*args, join_type)
+ join_type = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:left_joins_join_type) || join_type
+ return make_constraints_without_hooking_join_type(*args, join_type)
+ end
+ else
+ alias_method :build_without_hooking_join_type, :build
+ def build(associations, parent = nil, join_type = Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin)
+ join_type = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:left_joins_join_type) || join_type
+ return build_without_hooking_join_type(associations, parent, join_type)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ActiveRecord::Calculations
+ # This method is copied from activerecord-4.2.10/lib/active_record/relation/calculations.rb
+ # and modified this line `distinct = true` to `distinct = true if distinct == nil`
+ def perform_calculation(operation, column_name, options = {})
+ # TODO: Remove options argument as soon we remove support to
+ # activerecord-deprecated_finders.
+ operation = operation.to_s.downcase
+ # If #count is used with #distinct / #uniq it is considered distinct. (eg. relation.distinct.count)
+ distinct = options[:distinct] || self.distinct_value
+ if operation == "count"
+ column_name ||= (select_for_count || :all)
+ unless arel.ast.grep(Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).empty?
+ distinct = true if distinct == nil
+ end
+ column_name = primary_key if column_name == :all && distinct
+ distinct = nil if column_name =~ /\s*DISTINCT[\s(]+/i
+ end
+ if group_values.any?
+ execute_grouped_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
+ else
+ execute_simple_calculation(operation, column_name, distinct)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# ● Implement left joins when merging relations
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+if not LeftJoins::IS_RAILS3_FLAG
+ require 'active_record/relation/merger'
+ class ActiveRecord::Relation
+ class Merger
+ alias_method :merge_without_left_joins, :merge
+ def merge
+ values = other.left_outer_joins_values
+ relation.left_outer_joins!(*values) if values.present?
+ return merge_without_left_joins
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ActiveRecord
+ module SpawnMethods
+ private
+ alias_method :relation_with_without_left_joins, :relation_with
+ def relation_with(values) # :nodoc:
+ result = relation_with_without_left_joins(values)
+ result.left_outer_joins_values = self.left_outer_joins_values
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# ● Implement left joins in update statement
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+module ActiveRecord
+ class Relation
+ alias_method :update_all_without_left_joins_values, :update_all
+ def update_all(*args)
+ local_joins_values = joins_values.clone
+ has_left_outer_joins = left_outer_joins_values.any?
+ LeftJoins.patch(self, :joins_values, as: ->{ local_joins_values }) do
+ LeftJoins.patch(local_joins_values, :any?, as: ->{ super() || has_left_outer_joins }) do
+ update_all_without_left_joins_values(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end