bin/ldpatch in ld-patch-0.1.0 vs bin/ldpatch in ld-patch-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -8,84 +8,74 @@
require 'rdf/ntriples'
require 'rdf/turtle'
require 'getoptlong'
-def run(input, options = {})
+def run(graph, options = {})
if options[:debug]
- puts "input graph:\n#{options[:graph].dump(:ttl, standard_prefixes: true)}\n" if options[:graph]
- puts "query:\n#{input}\n"
+ puts "target graph:\n#{graph.dump(:ttl, standard_prefixes: true)}\n"
+ puts "patch:\n#{options[:patch]}\n"
- options[:graph] ||=
if options[:verbose]
- puts ("\nPATCH:\n" + input)
+ puts ("\npatch:\n" + options[:patch])
- patch = if options[:sse]
- SPARQL::Algebra.parse(input, options)
- else
- # Only do grammar debugging if we're generating SSE
- LD::Patch.parse(input, options)
- end
+ patch = LD::Patch.parse(options[:patch], options)
puts ("\nSSE:\n" + patch.to_sse) if options[:debug] || options[:to_sse]
unless options[:to_sse]
- res = patch.execute(options[:graph], debug: options[:debug])
- puts res.inspect if options[:verbose]
+ res = patch.execute(graph, options)
puts res.dump(:ttl, base_uri: patch.base_uri, prefixes: patch.prefixes, standard_prefixes: true)
opts =
["--debug", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ["--dump", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
["--execute", "-e", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
+ ["--patch", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
["--progress", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
- ["--sse", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
["--to-sse", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
["--validate", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
["--verbose", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
["--help", "-?", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]
-options = {
- graph:,
+options = {}
-input = nil
opts.each do |opt, arg|
case opt
- when '--debug' then options[:debug] = true
- when '--dump' then $dump = true
- when '--execute' then input = arg
- when '--progress' then options[:debug] ||= 2
- when '--sse' then options[:sse] = true
- when '--to-sse' then options[:to_sse] = true
- when '--validate' then options[:validate] = true
- when '--verbose' then options[:verbose] = true
+ when '--base' then options[:base_uri] = arg
+ when '--debug' then options[:debug] = true
+ when '--execute' then options[:patch] = arg
+ when '--patch' then options[:patch] = RDF::Util::File.open_file(arg).read
+ when '--progress' then options[:debug] ||= 2
+ when '--to-sse' then options[:to_sse] = true
+ when '--validate' then options[:validate] = true
+ when '--verbose' then options[:verbose] = true
when "--help"
- puts "Usage: #{$0} [options] file-or-uri ..."
+ puts "Usage: #{$0} [options] target graph file-or-uri ..."
puts "Options:"
- puts " --execute,-e: Use option argument as the SPARQL input if no files are given"
- puts " --dump: Dump raw output, otherwise serialize to SSE"
- puts " --debug: Display detailed debug output"
- puts " --sse: Input is in SSE format"
- puts " --to-sse: Generate SSE instead of running query"
- puts " --verbose: Display details of processing"
- puts " --help,-?: This message"
+ puts " --base: Base URI of target graph, if different from graph location"
+ puts " --debug: Display detailed debug output"
+ puts " --execute,-e: Use option argument as the patch input"
+ puts " --patch: Location of patch document"
+ puts " --progress Display parse tree"
+ puts " --to-sse: Generate SSE for patch instead of running query"
+ puts " --validate: Validate patch document"
+ puts " --verbose: Display details of processing"
+ puts " --help,-?: This message"
+raise "No patch defined" unless options[:patch]
if ARGV.empty?
- s = input ? input : $
- run(s, options)
+ run(, options)
ARGV.each do |test_file|
- puts "parse #{test_file}"
- run(RDF::Util::File.open_file(test_file).read, options.merge(base_uri: RDF::URI(test_file)))
+ puts "patch #{test_file}"
+ run(RDF::Graph.load(test_file), options.merge(base_uri: RDF::URI(test_file)))
\ No newline at end of file