lib/i18n.rb in lawrencepit-i18n-0.1.6 vs lib/i18n.rb in lawrencepit-i18n-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
# Authors:: Matt Aimonetti (,
# Sven Fuchs (,
# Joshua Harvey (,
# Saimon Moore (,
# Stephan Soller (
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 The Ruby i18n Team
# License:: MIT
require 'i18n/backend/simple'
require 'i18n/exceptions'
+require 'i18n/string'
module I18n
@@backend = nil
@@load_path = nil
- @@default_locale = :'en'
+ @@default_locale = :en
@@default_separator = '.'
@@exception_handler = :default_exception_handler
class << self
# Returns the current backend. Defaults to +Backend::Simple+.
@@ -31,28 +34,35 @@
# Sets the current default locale. Used to set a custom default locale.
def default_locale=(locale)
- @@default_locale = locale
+ @@default_locale = locale.to_sym rescue nil
# Returns the current locale. Defaults to I18n.default_locale.
def locale
Thread.current[:locale] ||= default_locale
# Sets the current locale pseudo-globally, i.e. in the Thread.current hash.
def locale=(locale)
- Thread.current[:locale] = locale
+ Thread.current[:locale] = locale.to_sym rescue nil
- # Returns an array of locales for which translations are available
+ # Returns an array of locales for which translations are available.
+ # Unless you explicitely set the these through I18n.available_locales=
+ # the call will be delegated to the backend and memoized on the I18n module.
def available_locales
- backend.available_locales
+ @@available_locales ||= backend.available_locales
+ # Sets the available locales.
+ def available_locales=(locales)
+ @@available_locales = locales
+ end
# Returns the current default scope separator. Defaults to '.'
def default_separator
@@ -173,46 +183,80 @@
# I18n.t [:foo, :bar], :scope => :baz
# Both translations and defaults can be given as Ruby lambdas. Lambdas will be
- # called and passed the key and options.
+ # called and passed the key and options.
# E.g. assuming the key <tt>:salutation</tt> resolves to:
# lambda { |key, options| options[:gender] == 'm' ? "Mr. {{options[:name]}}" : "Mrs. {{options[:name]}}" }
# Then <tt>I18n.t(:salutation, :gender => 'w', :name => 'Smith') will result in "Mrs. Smith".
- #
+ #
# It is recommended to use/implement lambdas in an "idempotent" way. E.g. when
# a cache layer is put in front of I18n.translate it will generate a cache key
# from the argument values passed to #translate. Therefor your lambdas should
# always return the same translations/values per unique combination of argument
# values.
- def translate(key, options = {})
- locale = options.delete(:locale) || I18n.locale
+ def translate(*args)
+ options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
+ key = args.shift
+ locale = options.delete(:locale) || I18n.locale
backend.translate(locale, key, options)
- rescue I18n::ArgumentError => e
- raise e if options[:raise]
- send(@@exception_handler, e, locale, key, options)
+ rescue I18n::ArgumentError => exception
+ raise exception if options[:raise]
+ handle_exception(exception, locale, key, options)
alias :t :translate
+ def translate!(key, options = {})
+ translate(key, options.merge( :raise => true ))
+ end
+ alias :t! :translate!
# Localizes certain objects, such as dates and numbers to local formatting.
def localize(object, options = {})
locale = options[:locale] || I18n.locale
format = options[:format] || :default
backend.localize(locale, object, format)
alias :l :localize
# Handles exceptions raised in the backend. All exceptions except for
# MissingTranslationData exceptions are re-raised. When a MissingTranslationData
# was caught and the option :raise is not set the handler returns an error
# message string containing the key/scope.
def default_exception_handler(exception, locale, key, options)
return exception.message if MissingTranslationData === exception
raise exception
+ end
+ # Any exceptions thrown in translate will be sent to the @@exception_handler
+ # which can be a Symbol, a Proc or any other Object.
+ #
+ # If exception_handler is a Symbol then it will simply be sent to I18n as
+ # a method call. A Proc will simply be called. In any other case the
+ # method #call will be called on the exception_handler object.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # I18n.exception_handler = :default_exception_handler # this is the default
+ # I18n.default_exception_handler(exception, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
+ #
+ # I18n.exception_handler = lambda { |*args| ... } # a lambda
+ #, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
+ #
+ # I18n.exception_handler = # an object
+ #, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
+ def handle_exception(exception, locale, key, options)
+ case @@exception_handler
+ when Symbol
+ send(@@exception_handler, exception, locale, key, options)
+ else
+, locale, key, options)
+ end
# Merges the given locale, key and scope into a single array of keys.
# Splits keys that contain dots into multiple keys. Makes sure all
# keys are Symbols.