spec/kuzushi_spec.rb in kuzushi-0.0.21 vs spec/kuzushi_spec.rb in kuzushi-0.0.22
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,81 @@
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base'
describe Kuzushi do
before do
- # hello
+ @url = "http://myurl/foo"
+ @kuzushi = Kuzushi.new(@url)
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:log)
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config_names).returns(["foo"])
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:load_config_stack)
- it "is a class" do
- Kuzushi.class.should == Class
+ it "processes a simple file" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "files" => [ {
+ "file" => "/var/lib/zing.conf"
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/files/zing.conf").returns( "123" )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("123", "/tmp/kuzushi/zing.conf")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:cp_file).with("/tmp/kuzushi/zing.conf", "/var/lib/zing.conf")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ it "processes a simple file with a different source" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "files" => [ {
+ "file" => "/var/lib/zing.conf",
+ "source" => "zing-8.2"
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/files/zing-8.2").returns( "123" )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("123", "/tmp/kuzushi/zing-8.2")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:cp_file).with("/tmp/kuzushi/zing-8.2", "/var/lib/zing.conf")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ end
+ it "processes a file from an erb template" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "files" => [ {
+ "file" => "/var/lib/zing.conf",
+ "template" => "zing-8.2.erb"
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/templates/zing-8.2.erb").returns( "I love <%= ['e','r','b'].join('') %>" )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("I love erb", "/tmp/kuzushi/zing-8.2.erb")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:cp_file).with("/tmp/kuzushi/zing-8.2.erb", "/var/lib/zing.conf")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ end
+ it "can handle a basic crontab with a specified file" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "crontab" => [ {
+ "file" => "mycrontab",
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/files/mycrontab").returns("abc123")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("abc123", tmpfile = "/tmp/kuzushi/mycrontab")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:shell).with("crontab -u root #{tmpfile}")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ end
+ it "can handle a basic crontab with a specified source or a different user" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "crontab" => [ {
+ "source" => "mycrontab",
+ "user" => "bob",
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/files/mycrontab").returns("abc123")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("abc123", tmpfile = "/tmp/kuzushi/mycrontab")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:shell).with("crontab -u bob #{tmpfile}")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ end
+ it "can handle a basic crontab with a specified source" do
+ @kuzushi.stubs(:config).returns( {
+ "crontab" => [ {
+ "template" => "mycrontab.erb",
+ } ] } )
+ @kuzushi.expects(:http_get).with("#{@url}/templates/mycrontab.erb").returns("Hello <%= 'world' %>")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:put_file).with("Hello world", tmpfile = "/tmp/kuzushi/mycrontab.erb")
+ @kuzushi.expects(:shell).with("crontab -u root #{tmpfile}")
+ should.not.raise { @kuzushi.start }
+ end