lib/tiny_mce.rb in krasivotokak-tiny_mce-0.0.1 vs lib/tiny_mce.rb in krasivotokak-tiny_mce-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,19 @@
-# The base module we include into ActionController::Base
module TinyMCE
- # When this module is included, extend it with the available class methods
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- end
+# Require all the necessary files to run TinyMCE
+require 'tiny_mce/controller.rb'
+require 'tiny_mce/options_validator'
+require 'tiny_mce/spellchecker'
+require 'tiny_mce/helpers'
- module ClassMethods
+# Load up the available configuration options (we do it here because
+# the result doesn't, so we don't want to load it per request)
- # The controller declaration to enable tiny_mce on certain actions.
- # Takes options hash, raw_options string, and any normal params you
- # can send to a before_filter (only, except etc)
- def uses_tiny_mce(options = {})
- tiny_mce_options = options.delete(:options) || {}
- raw_tiny_mce_options = options.delete(:raw_options) || ''
+# Include the TinyMCE methods and TinyMCE Helpers into ActionController::Base
- # If the tiny_mce plugins includes the spellchecker, then form a spellchecking path,
- # add it to the tiny_mce_options, and include the SpellChecking module
- if !tiny_mce_options[:plugins].blank? && tiny_mce_options[:plugins].include?('spellchecker')
- tiny_mce_options.reverse_merge!(:spellchecker_rpc_url => "/" + self.controller_name + "/spellchecker")
- self.class_eval do
- include TinyMCE::SpellChecker
- end
- end
- # Set instance vars in the current class
- proc = do |c|
- c.instance_variable_set(:@tiny_mce_options, tiny_mce_options)
- c.instance_variable_set(:@raw_tiny_mce_options, raw_tiny_mce_options)
- c.instance_variable_set(:@uses_tiny_mce, true)
- end
- # Run the above proc before each page load this method is declared in
- before_filter(proc, options)
- end
- end
+if defined?(Rails) && defined?(ActionController)
+ ActionController::Base.send(:include, TinyMCE::Controller)
+ ActionController::Base.send(:helper, TinyMCEHelpers)