lib/kramdown/utils/entities.rb in kramdown-2.4.0 vs lib/kramdown/utils/entities.rb in kramdown-2.5.0

- old
+ new

@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ # Array of arrays. Each sub-array specifies a code point and the associated name. # # This table is not used directly -- Entity objects are automatically created from it and put # into a Hash map when this file is loaded. ENTITY_TABLE = [ + + # html4 [913, 'Alpha'], [914, 'Beta'], [915, 'Gamma'], [916, 'Delta'], [917, 'Epsilon'], @@ -77,10 +79,12 @@ [969, 'omega'], [962, 'sigmaf'], [977, 'thetasym'], [978, 'upsih'], [982, 'piv'], + [988, 'Gammad'], + [989, 'gammad'], [8204, 'zwnj'], [8205, 'zwj'], [8206, 'lrm'], [8207, 'rlm'], [8230, 'hellip'], @@ -208,10 +212,22 @@ [178, 'sup2'], [179, 'sup3'], [189, 'frac12'], [188, 'frac14'], [190, 'frac34'], + [8531, 'frac13'], + [8532, 'frac23'], + [8533, 'frac15'], + [8534, 'frac25'], + [8535, 'frac35'], + [8536, 'frac45'], + [8537, 'frac16'], + [8538, 'frac56'], + [8539, 'frac18'], + [8540, 'frac38'], + [8541, 'frac58'], + [8542, 'frac78'], [191, 'iquest'], [192, 'Agrave'], [193, 'Aacute'], [194, 'Acirc'], [195, 'Atilde'], @@ -309,10 +325,650 @@ [159, 376], [8194, 'ensp'], [8195, 'emsp'], [8201, 'thinsp'], + + # html5 + [10218, 'Lang'], + [10219, 'Rang'], + [10220, 'loang'], + [10221, 'roang'], + [10229, 'xlarr'], + [10229, 'longleftarrow'], + [10229, 'LongLeftArrow'], + [10230, 'xrarr'], + [10230, 'longrightarrow'], + [10230, 'LongRightArrow'], + [10231, 'xharr'], + [10231, 'longleftrightarrow'], + [10231, 'LongLeftRightArrow'], + [10232, 'xlArr'], + [10232, 'Longleftarrow'], + [10232, 'DoubleLongLeftArrow'], + [10233, 'xrArr'], + [10233, 'Longrightarrow'], + [10233, 'DoubleLongRightArrow'], + [10234, 'xhArr'], + [10234, 'Longleftrightarrow'], + [10234, 'DoubleLongLeftRightArrow'], + [10236, 'xmap'], + [10236, 'longmapsto'], + [10239, 'dzigrarr'], + [10498, 'nvlArr'], + [10499, 'nvrArr'], + [10500, 'nvHarr'], + [10501, 'Map'], + [10508, 'lbarr'], + [10509, 'rbarr'], + [10509, 'bkarow'], + [10510, 'lBarr'], + [10511, 'rBarr'], + [10511, 'dbkarow'], + [10512, 'RBarr'], + [10512, 'drbkarow'], + [10513, 'DDotrahd'], + [10514, 'UpArrowBar'], + [10515, 'DownArrowBar'], + [10518, 'Rarrtl'], + [10521, 'latail'], + [10522, 'ratail'], + [10523, 'lAtail'], + [10524, 'rAtail'], + [10525, 'larrfs'], + [10526, 'rarrfs'], + [10527, 'larrbfs'], + [10528, 'rarrbfs'], + [10531, 'nwarhk'], + [10532, 'nearhk'], + [10533, 'searhk'], + [10533, 'hksearow'], + [10534, 'swarhk'], + [10534, 'hkswarow'], + [10535, 'nwnear'], + [10536, 'nesear'], + [10536, 'toea'], + [10537, 'seswar'], + [10537, 'tosa'], + [10538, 'swnwar'], + [10547, 'rarrc'], + [10549, 'cudarrr'], + [10550, 'ldca'], + [10551, 'rdca'], + [10552, 'cudarrl'], + [10553, 'larrpl'], + [10556, 'curarrm'], + [10557, 'cularrp'], + [10565, 'rarrpl'], + [10568, 'harrcir'], + [10569, 'Uarrocir'], + [10570, 'lurdshar'], + [10571, 'ldrushar'], + [10574, 'LeftRightVector'], + [10575, 'RightUpDownVector'], + [10576, 'DownLeftRightVector'], + [10577, 'LeftUpDownVector'], + [10578, 'LeftVectorBar'], + [10579, 'RightVectorBar'], + [10580, 'RightUpVectorBar'], + [10581, 'RightDownVectorBar'], + [10582, 'DownLeftVectorBar'], + [10583, 'DownRightVectorBar'], + [10584, 'LeftUpVectorBar'], + [10585, 'LeftDownVectorBar'], + [10586, 'LeftTeeVector'], + [10587, 'RightTeeVector'], + [10588, 'RightUpTeeVector'], + [10589, 'RightDownTeeVector'], + [10590, 'DownLeftTeeVector'], + [10591, 'DownRightTeeVector'], + [10592, 'LeftUpTeeVector'], + [10593, 'LeftDownTeeVector'], + [10594, 'lHar'], + [10595, 'uHar'], + [10596, 'rHar'], + [10597, 'dHar'], + [10598, 'luruhar'], + [10599, 'ldrdhar'], + [10600, 'ruluhar'], + [10601, 'rdldhar'], + [10602, 'lharul'], + [10603, 'llhard'], + [10604, 'rharul'], + [10605, 'lrhard'], + [10606, 'udhar'], + [10606, 'UpEquilibrium'], + [10607, 'duhar'], + [10607, 'ReverseUpEquilibrium'], + [10608, 'RoundImplies'], + [10609, 'erarr'], + [10610, 'simrarr'], + [10611, 'larrsim'], + [10612, 'rarrsim'], + [10613, 'rarrap'], + [10614, 'ltlarr'], + [10616, 'gtrarr'], + [10617, 'subrarr'], + [10619, 'suplarr'], + [10620, 'lfisht'], + [10621, 'rfisht'], + [10622, 'ufisht'], + [10623, 'dfisht'], + [10629, 'lopar'], + [10630, 'ropar'], + [10635, 'lbrke'], + [10636, 'rbrke'], + [10637, 'lbrkslu'], + [10638, 'rbrksld'], + [10639, 'lbrksld'], + [10640, 'rbrkslu'], + [10641, 'langd'], + [10642, 'rangd'], + [10643, 'lparlt'], + [10644, 'rpargt'], + [10645, 'gtlPar'], + [10646, 'ltrPar'], + [10650, 'vzigzag'], + [10652, 'vangrt'], + [10653, 'angrtvbd'], + [10660, 'ange'], + [10661, 'range'], + [10662, 'dwangle'], + [10663, 'uwangle'], + [10664, 'angmsdaa'], + [10665, 'angmsdab'], + [10666, 'angmsdac'], + [10667, 'angmsdad'], + [10668, 'angmsdae'], + [10669, 'angmsdaf'], + [10670, 'angmsdag'], + [10671, 'angmsdah'], + [10672, 'bemptyv'], + [10673, 'demptyv'], + [10674, 'cemptyv'], + [10675, 'raemptyv'], + [10676, 'laemptyv'], + [10677, 'ohbar'], + [10678, 'omid'], + [10679, 'opar'], + [10681, 'operp'], + [10683, 'olcross'], + [10684, 'odsold'], + [10686, 'olcir'], + [10687, 'ofcir'], + [10688, 'olt'], + [10689, 'ogt'], + [10690, 'cirscir'], + [10691, 'cirE'], + [10692, 'solb'], + [10693, 'bsolb'], + [10697, 'boxbox'], + [10701, 'trisb'], + [10702, 'rtriltri'], + [10703, 'LeftTriangleBar'], + [10704, 'RightTriangleBar'], + [10716, 'iinfin'], + [10717, 'infintie'], + [10718, 'nvinfin'], + [10723, 'eparsl'], + [10724, 'smeparsl'], + [10725, 'eqvparsl'], + [10731, 'lozf'], + [10731, 'blacklozenge'], + [10740, 'RuleDelayed'], + [10742, 'dsol'], + [10752, 'xodot'], + [10752, 'bigodot'], + [10753, 'xoplus'], + [10753, 'bigoplus'], + [10754, 'xotime'], + [10754, 'bigotimes'], + [10756, 'xuplus'], + [10756, 'biguplus'], + [10758, 'xsqcup'], + [10758, 'bigsqcup'], + [10764, 'qint'], + [10764, 'iiiint'], + [10765, 'fpartint'], + [10768, 'cirfnint'], + [10769, 'awint'], + [10770, 'rppolint'], + [10771, 'scpolint'], + [10772, 'npolint'], + [10773, 'pointint'], + [10774, 'quatint'], + [10775, 'intlarhk'], + [10786, 'pluscir'], + [10787, 'plusacir'], + [10788, 'simplus'], + [10789, 'plusdu'], + [10790, 'plussim'], + [10791, 'plustwo'], + [10793, 'mcomma'], + [10794, 'minusdu'], + [10797, 'loplus'], + [10798, 'roplus'], + [10799, 'Cross'], + [10800, 'timesd'], + [10801, 'timesbar'], + [10803, 'smashp'], + [10804, 'lotimes'], + [10805, 'rotimes'], + [10806, 'otimesas'], + [10807, 'Otimes'], + [10808, 'odiv'], + [10809, 'triplus'], + [10810, 'triminus'], + [10811, 'tritime'], + [10812, 'iprod'], + [10812, 'intprod'], + [10815, 'amalg'], + [10816, 'capdot'], + [10818, 'ncup'], + [10819, 'ncap'], + [10820, 'capand'], + [10821, 'cupor'], + [10822, 'cupcap'], + [10823, 'capcup'], + [10824, 'cupbrcap'], + [10825, 'capbrcup'], + [10826, 'cupcup'], + [10827, 'capcap'], + [10828, 'ccups'], + [10829, 'ccaps'], + [10832, 'ccupssm'], + [10835, 'And'], + [10836, 'Or'], + [10837, 'andand'], + [10838, 'oror'], + [10839, 'orslope'], + [10840, 'andslope'], + [10842, 'andv'], + [10843, 'orv'], + [10844, 'andd'], + [10845, 'ord'], + [10847, 'wedbar'], + [10854, 'sdote'], + [10858, 'simdot'], + [10861, 'congdot'], + [10862, 'easter'], + [10863, 'apacir'], + [10864, 'apE'], + [10865, 'eplus'], + [10866, 'pluse'], + [10867, 'Esim'], + [10868, 'Colone'], + [10869, 'Equal'], + [10871, 'eDDot'], + [10871, 'ddotseq'], + [10872, 'equivDD'], + [10873, 'ltcir'], + [10874, 'gtcir'], + [10875, 'ltquest'], + [10876, 'gtquest'], + [10877, 'les'], + [10877, 'LessSlantEqual'], + [10877, 'leqslant'], + [10878, 'ges'], + [10878, 'GreaterSlantEqual'], + [10878, 'geqslant'], + [10879, 'lesdot'], + [10880, 'gesdot'], + [10881, 'lesdoto'], + [10882, 'gesdoto'], + [10883, 'lesdotor'], + [10884, 'gesdotol'], + [10885, 'lap'], + [10885, 'lessapprox'], + [10886, 'gap'], + [10886, 'gtrapprox'], + [10887, 'lne'], + [10887, 'lneq'], + [10888, 'gne'], + [10888, 'gneq'], + [10889, 'lnap'], + [10889, 'lnapprox'], + [10890, 'gnap'], + [10890, 'gnapprox'], + [10891, 'lEg'], + [10891, 'lesseqqgtr'], + [10892, 'gEl'], + [10892, 'gtreqqless'], + [10893, 'lsime'], + [10894, 'gsime'], + [10895, 'lsimg'], + [10896, 'gsiml'], + [10897, 'lgE'], + [10898, 'glE'], + [10899, 'lesges'], + [10900, 'gesles'], + [10901, 'els'], + [10901, 'eqslantless'], + [10902, 'egs'], + [10902, 'eqslantgtr'], + [10903, 'elsdot'], + [10904, 'egsdot'], + [10905, 'el'], + [10906, 'eg'], + [10909, 'siml'], + [10910, 'simg'], + [10911, 'simlE'], + [10912, 'simgE'], + [10913, 'LessLess'], + [10914, 'GreaterGreater'], + [10916, 'glj'], + [10917, 'gla'], + [10918, 'ltcc'], + [10919, 'gtcc'], + [10920, 'lescc'], + [10921, 'gescc'], + [10922, 'smt'], + [10923, 'lat'], + [10924, 'smte'], + [10925, 'late'], + [10926, 'bumpE'], + [10927, 'pre'], + [10927, 'preceq'], + [10927, 'PrecedesEqual'], + [10928, 'sce'], + [10928, 'succeq'], + [10928, 'SucceedsEqual'], + [10931, 'prE'], + [10932, 'scE'], + [10933, 'prnE'], + [10933, 'precneqq'], + [10934, 'scnE'], + [10934, 'succneqq'], + [10935, 'prap'], + [10935, 'precapprox'], + [10936, 'scap'], + [10936, 'succapprox'], + [10937, 'prnap'], + [10937, 'precnapprox'], + [10938, 'scnap'], + [10938, 'succnapprox'], + [10939, 'Pr'], + [10940, 'Sc'], + [10941, 'subdot'], + [10942, 'supdot'], + [10943, 'subplus'], + [10944, 'supplus'], + [10945, 'submult'], + [10946, 'supmult'], + [10947, 'subedot'], + [10948, 'supedot'], + [10949, 'subE'], + [10949, 'subseteqq'], + [10950, 'supE'], + [10950, 'supseteqq'], + [10951, 'subsim'], + [10952, 'supsim'], + [10955, 'subnE'], + [10955, 'subsetneqq'], + [10956, 'supnE'], + [10956, 'supsetneqq'], + [10959, 'csub'], + [10960, 'csup'], + [10961, 'csube'], + [10962, 'csupe'], + [10963, 'subsup'], + [10964, 'supsub'], + [10965, 'subsub'], + [10966, 'supsup'], + [10967, 'suphsub'], + [10968, 'supdsub'], + [10969, 'forkv'], + [10970, 'topfork'], + [10971, 'mlcp'], + [10980, 'Dashv'], + [10980, 'DoubleLeftTee'], + [10982, 'Vdashl'], + [10983, 'Barv'], + [10984, 'vBar'], + [10985, 'vBarv'], + [10987, 'Vbar'], + [10988, 'Not'], + [10989, 'bNot'], + [10990, 'rnmid'], + [10991, 'cirmid'], + [10992, 'midcir'], + [10993, 'topcir'], + [10994, 'nhpar'], + [10995, 'parsim'], + [11005, 'parsl'], + [64256, 'fflig'], + [64257, 'filig'], + [64258, 'fllig'], + [64259, 'ffilig'], + [64260, 'ffllig'], + [119964, 'Ascr'], + [119966, 'Cscr'], + [119967, 'Dscr'], + [119970, 'Gscr'], + [119973, 'Jscr'], + [119974, 'Kscr'], + [119977, 'Nscr'], + [119978, 'Oscr'], + [119979, 'Pscr'], + [119980, 'Qscr'], + [119982, 'Sscr'], + [119983, 'Tscr'], + [119984, 'Uscr'], + [119985, 'Vscr'], + [119986, 'Wscr'], + [119987, 'Xscr'], + [119988, 'Yscr'], + [119989, 'Zscr'], + [119990, 'ascr'], + [119991, 'bscr'], + [119992, 'cscr'], + [119993, 'dscr'], + [119995, 'fscr'], + [119997, 'hscr'], + [119998, 'iscr'], + [119999, 'jscr'], + [120000, 'kscr'], + [120001, 'lscr'], + [120002, 'mscr'], + [120003, 'nscr'], + [120005, 'pscr'], + [120006, 'qscr'], + [120007, 'rscr'], + [120008, 'sscr'], + [120009, 'tscr'], + [120010, 'uscr'], + [120011, 'vscr'], + [120012, 'wscr'], + [120013, 'xscr'], + [120014, 'yscr'], + [120015, 'zscr'], + [120068, 'Afr'], + [120069, 'Bfr'], + [120071, 'Dfr'], + [120072, 'Efr'], + [120073, 'Ffr'], + [120074, 'Gfr'], + [120077, 'Jfr'], + [120078, 'Kfr'], + [120079, 'Lfr'], + [120080, 'Mfr'], + [120081, 'Nfr'], + [120082, 'Ofr'], + [120083, 'Pfr'], + [120084, 'Qfr'], + [120086, 'Sfr'], + [120087, 'Tfr'], + [120088, 'Ufr'], + [120089, 'Vfr'], + [120090, 'Wfr'], + [120091, 'Xfr'], + [120092, 'Yfr'], + [120094, 'afr'], + [120095, 'bfr'], + [120096, 'cfr'], + [120097, 'dfr'], + [120098, 'efr'], + [120099, 'ffr'], + [120100, 'gfr'], + [120101, 'hfr'], + [120102, 'ifr'], + [120103, 'jfr'], + [120104, 'kfr'], + [120105, 'lfr'], + [120106, 'mfr'], + [120107, 'nfr'], + [120108, 'ofr'], + [120109, 'pfr'], + [120110, 'qfr'], + [120111, 'rfr'], + [120112, 'sfr'], + [120113, 'tfr'], + [120114, 'ufr'], + [120115, 'vfr'], + [120116, 'wfr'], + [120117, 'xfr'], + [120118, 'yfr'], + [120119, 'zfr'], + [120120, 'Aopf'], + [120121, 'Bopf'], + [120123, 'Dopf'], + [120124, 'Eopf'], + [120125, 'Fopf'], + [120126, 'Gopf'], + [120128, 'Iopf'], + [120129, 'Jopf'], + [120130, 'Kopf'], + [120131, 'Lopf'], + [120132, 'Mopf'], + [120134, 'Oopf'], + [120138, 'Sopf'], + [120139, 'Topf'], + [120140, 'Uopf'], + [120141, 'Vopf'], + [120142, 'Wopf'], + [120143, 'Xopf'], + [120144, 'Yopf'], + [120146, 'aopf'], + [120147, 'bopf'], + [120148, 'copf'], + [120149, 'dopf'], + [120150, 'eopf'], + [120151, 'fopf'], + [120152, 'gopf'], + [120153, 'hopf'], + [120154, 'iopf'], + [120155, 'jopf'], + [120156, 'kopf'], + [120157, 'lopf'], + [120158, 'mopf'], + [120159, 'nopf'], + [120160, 'oopf'], + [120161, 'popf'], + [120162, 'qopf'], + [120163, 'ropf'], + [120164, 'sopf'], + [120165, 'topf'], + [120166, 'uopf'], + [120167, 'vopf'], + [120168, 'wopf'], + [120169, 'xopf'], + [120170, 'yopf'], + [120171, 'zopf'], + [60, 'nvlt'], + [61, 'bne'], + [62, 'nvgt'], + [102, 'fjlig'], + [8287, 'ThickSpace'], + [8605, 'nrarrw'], + [8706, 'npart'], + [8736, 'nang'], + [8745, 'caps'], + [8746, 'cups'], + [8764, 'nvsim'], + [8765, 'race'], + [8766, 'acE'], + [8770, 'nesim'], + [8770, 'NotEqualTilde'], + [8779, 'napid'], + [8781, 'nvap'], + [8782, 'nbump'], + [8782, 'NotHumpDownHump'], + [8783, 'nbumpe'], + [8783, 'NotHumpEqual'], + [8784, 'nedot'], + [8801, 'bnequiv'], + [8804, 'nvle'], + [8805, 'nvge'], + [8806, 'nlE'], + [8806, 'nleqq'], + [8807, 'ngE'], + [8807, 'ngeqq'], + [8807, 'NotGreaterFullEqual'], + [8808, 'lvertneqq'], + [8808, 'lvnE'], + [8809, 'gvertneqq'], + [8809, 'gvnE'], + [8810, 'nLtv'], + [8810, 'NotLessLess'], + [8810, 'nLt'], + [8811, 'nGtv'], + [8811, 'NotGreaterGreater'], + [8811, 'nGt'], + [8831, 'NotSucceedsTilde'], + [8834, 'NotSubset'], + [8834, 'nsubset'], + [8834, 'vnsub'], + [8835, 'NotSuperset'], + [8835, 'nsupset'], + [8835, 'vnsup'], + [8842, 'varsubsetneq'], + [8842, 'vsubne'], + [8843, 'varsupsetneq'], + [8843, 'vsupne'], + [8847, 'NotSquareSubset'], + [8848, 'NotSquareSuperset'], + [8851, 'sqcaps'], + [8852, 'sqcups'], + [8884, 'nvltrie'], + [8885, 'nvrtrie'], + [8920, 'nLl'], + [8921, 'nGg'], + [8922, 'lesg'], + [8923, 'gesl'], + [8949, 'notindot'], + [8953, 'notinE'], + [10547, 'nrarrc'], + [10703, 'NotLeftTriangleBar'], + [10704, 'NotRightTriangleBar'], + [10861, 'ncongdot'], + [10864, 'napE'], + [10877, 'nleqslant'], + [10877, 'nles'], + [10877, 'NotLessSlantEqual'], + [10878, 'ngeqslant'], + [10878, 'nges'], + [10878, 'NotGreaterSlantEqual'], + [10913, 'NotNestedLessLess'], + [10914, 'NotNestedGreaterGreater'], + [10924, 'smtes'], + [10925, 'lates'], + [10927, 'NotPrecedesEqual'], + [10927, 'npre'], + [10927, 'npreceq'], + [10928, 'NotSucceedsEqual'], + [10928, 'nsce'], + [10928, 'nsucceq'], + [10949, 'nsubE'], + [10949, 'nsubseteqq'], + [10950, 'nsupE'], + [10950, 'nsupseteqq'], + [10955, 'varsubsetneqq'], + [10955, 'vsubnE'], + [10956, 'varsupsetneqq'], + [10956, 'vsupnE'], + [11005, 'nparsl'], + ] # Contains the mapping of code point (or name) to the actual Entity object. ENTITY_MAP = do |h, k| if k.kind_of?(Integer) @@ -321,14 +977,14 @@ raise Kramdown::Error, "Can't handle generic non-integer character reference '#{k}'" end end ENTITY_TABLE.each do |code_point, data| - if data.kind_of?(String) - ENTITY_MAP[code_point] = ENTITY_MAP[data] =, data) - else - ENTITY_MAP[code_point] = ENTITY_MAP[data] - end + ENTITY_MAP[code_point] = if data.kind_of?(String) + ENTITY_MAP[data] =, data) + else + ENTITY_MAP[data] + end end # Return the entity for the given code point or name +point_or_name+. def entity(point_or_name) ENTITY_MAP[point_or_name]