lib/kramdown/parser.rb in kramdown-0.2.0 vs lib/kramdown/parser.rb in kramdown-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -18,1207 +18,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-require 'strscan'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'kramdown/parser/registry'
-#TODO: use [[:alpha:]] in all regexp to allow parsing of international values in 1.9.1
-#NOTE: use @src.pre_match only before other check/match?/... operations, otherwise the content is changed
module Kramdown
# This module contains all available parsers. Currently, there is only one parser for parsing
# documents in kramdown format.
module Parser
- # Used for parsing a document in kramdown format.
- class Kramdown
- include ::Kramdown
- attr_reader :tree
- attr_reader :doc
- # Create a new Kramdown parser object for the Kramdown::Document +doc+.
- def initialize(doc)
- @doc = doc
- @src = nil
- @tree = nil
- @unclosed_html_tags = []
- @stack = []
- @used_ids = {}
- @doc.parse_infos[:ald] = {}
- @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs] = {}
- @doc.parse_infos[:footnotes] = {}
- end
- private_class_method(:new, :allocate)
- # Parse the string +source+ using the Kramdown::Document +doc+ and return the parse tree.
- def self.parse(source, doc)
- new(doc).parse(source)
- end
- # The source string provided on initialization is parsed and the created +tree+ is returned.
- def parse(source)
- configure_parser
- tree =
- parse_blocks(tree, adapt_source(source))
- update_tree(tree)
- @doc.parse_infos[:footnotes].each do |name, data|
- update_tree(data[:content])
- end
- tree
- end
- # Add the given warning +text+ to the warning array of the Kramdown document.
- def warning(text)
- @doc.warnings << text
- #TODO: add position information
- end
- #######
- private
- #######
- BLOCK_PARSERS = [:blank_line, :codeblock, :codeblock_fenced, :blockquote, :atx_header,
- :setext_header, :horizontal_rule, :list, :definition_list, :link_definition, :block_html,
- :footnote_definition, :ald, :block_ial, :extension_block, :eob_marker, :paragraph]
- SPAN_PARSERS = [:emphasis, :codespan, :autolink, :span_html, :footnote_marker, :link,
- :span_ial, :html_entity, :typographic_syms, :line_break, :escaped_chars]
- # Adapt the object to allow parsing like specified in the options.
- def configure_parser
- @parsers = {}
- BLOCK_PARSERS.each do |name|
- if Registry.has_parser?(name, :block)
- extend(Registry.parser(name).module)
- @parsers[name] = Registry.parser(name)
- else
- raise Kramdown::Error, "Unknown block parser: #{name}"
- end
- end
- SPAN_PARSERS.each do |name|
- if Registry.has_parser?(name, :span)
- extend(Registry.parser(name).module)
- @parsers[name] = Registry.parser(name)
- else
- raise Kramdown::Error, "Unknown span parser: #{name}"
- end
- end
- @span_start = Regexp.union(* {|name| @parsers[name].start_re})
- @span_start_re = /(?=#{@span_start})/
- end
- # Parse all block level elements in +text+ (a string or a StringScanner object) into the
- # element +el+.
- def parse_blocks(el, text)
- @stack.push([@tree, @src, @unclosed_html_tags])
- @tree, @src, @unclosed_html_tags = el,, []
- while !@src.eos?
- BLOCK_PARSERS.any? do |name|
- if @src.check(@parsers[name].start_re)
- send(@parsers[name].method)
- else
- false
- end
- end || begin
- warning('Warning: this should not occur - no block parser handled the line')
- add_text(@src.scan(/.*\n/))
- end
- end
- @unclosed_html_tags.reverse.each do |tag|
- warning("Automatically closing unclosed html tag '#{tag.value}'")
- end
- @tree, @src, @unclosed_html_tags = *@stack.pop
- end
- # Update the tree by parsing all <tt>:text</tt> elements with the span level parser (resets
- # +@tree+, +@src+ and the +@stack+) and by updating the attributes from the IALs.
- def update_tree(element)
-! do |child|
- if child.type == :text
- @stack, @tree = [], nil
- @src =
- parse_spans(child)
- child.children
- else
- update_tree(child)
- update_attr_with_ial(child.options[:attr] ||= {}, child.options[:ial]) if child.options[:ial]
- child
- end
- end.flatten!
- end
- # Parse all span level elements in the source string.
- def parse_spans(el, stop_re = nil)
- @stack.push(@tree)
- @tree = el
- used_re = (stop_re.nil? ? @span_start_re : /(?=#{Regexp.union(stop_re, @span_start)})/)
- stop_re_found = false
- while !@src.eos? && !stop_re_found
- if result = @src.scan_until(used_re)
- add_text(result)
- if stop_re && (stop_re_matched = @src.check(stop_re))
- stop_re_found = (block_given? ? yield : true)
- end
- processed = SPAN_PARSERS.any? do |name|
- if @src.check(@parsers[name].start_re)
- send(@parsers[name].method)
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end unless stop_re_found
- if !processed && !stop_re_found
- if stop_re_matched
- add_text(@src.scan(/./))
- else
- raise Kramdown::Error, 'Bug: please report!'
- end
- end
- else
- add_text(@src.scan_until(/.*/m)) unless stop_re
- break
- end
- end
- @tree = @stack.pop
- stop_re_found
- end
- # Modify the string +source+ to be usable by the parser.
- def adapt_source(source)
- source.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n").chomp + "\n"
- end
- # This helper method adds the given +text+ either to the last element in the +tree+ if it is a
- # text element or creates a new text element.
- def add_text(text, tree = @tree)
- if tree.children.last && tree.children.last.type == :text
- tree.children.last.value << text
- elsif !text.empty?
- tree.children <<, text)
- end
- end
- end
- module ParserMethods
- INDENT = /^(?:\t| {4})/
- OPT_SPACE = / {0,3}/
- # Parse the string +str+ and extract all attributes and add all found attributes to the hash
- # +opts+.
- def parse_attribute_list(str, opts)
- str.scan(ALD_TYPE_ANY).each do |key, sep, val, id_attr, class_attr, ref|
- if ref
- (opts[:refs] ||= []) << ref
- elsif class_attr
- opts['class'] = ((opts['class'] || '') + " #{class_attr}").lstrip
- elsif id_attr
- opts['id'] = id_attr
- else
- opts[key] = val.gsub(/\\(\}|#{sep})/, "\\1")
- end
- end
- end
- # Update the +ial+ with the information from the inline attribute list +opts+.
- def update_ial_with_ial(ial, opts)
- (ial[:refs] ||= []) << opts[:refs]
- ial['class'] = ((ial['class'] || '') + " #{opts['class']}").lstrip if opts['class']
- opts.each {|k,v| ial[k] = v if k != :refs && k != 'class' }
- end
- # Update the attributes with the information from the inline attribute list and all referenced ALDs.
- def update_attr_with_ial(attr, ial)
- ial[:refs].each do |ref|
- update_attr_with_ial(attr, ref) if ref = @doc.parse_infos[:ald][ref]
- end if ial[:refs]
- attr['class'] = ((attr['class'] || '') + " #{ial['class']}").lstrip if ial['class']
- ial.each {|k,v| attr[k] = v if k.kind_of?(String) && k != 'class' }
- end
- # Generate an alpha-numeric ID from the the string +str+.
- def generate_id(str)
- gen_id = str.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/, '').gsub(/^[^a-zA-Z]*/, '').gsub(' ', '-').downcase
- gen_id = 'section' if gen_id.length == 0
- if @used_ids.has_key?(gen_id)
- gen_id += '-' + (@used_ids[gen_id] += 1).to_s
- else
- @used_ids[gen_id] = 0
- end
- gen_id
- end
- # Helper method for obfuscating the +email+ address by using HTML entities.
- def obfuscate_email(email)
- result = ""
- email.each_byte do |b|
- result += (b > 128 ? b.chr : "&#%03d;" % b)
- end
- result
- end
- BLANK_LINE = /(?:^\s*\n)+/
- # Parse the blank line at the current postition.
- def parse_blank_line
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type == :blank
- @tree.children.last.value += @src.matched
- else
- @tree.children <<, @src.matched)
- end
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :blank_line, BLANK_LINE, self)
- EOB_MARKER = /^\^\s*?\n/
- # Parse the EOB marker at the current location.
- def parse_eob_marker
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- @tree.children <<
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :eob_marker, EOB_MARKER, self)
- PARAGRAPH_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}[^ \t].*?\n/
- # Parse the paragraph at the current location.
- def parse_paragraph
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type == :p
- @tree.children.last.children.first.value << "\n" << @src.matched.chomp
- else
- @tree.children <<
- add_text(@src.matched.lstrip.chomp, @tree.children.last)
- end
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :paragraph, PARAGRAPH_START, self)
- HEADER_ID=/(?:[ \t]\{#((?:\w|\d)[\w\d-]*)\})?/
- SETEXT_HEADER_START = /^(#{OPT_SPACE}[^ \t].*?)#{HEADER_ID}[ \t]*?\n(-|=)+\s*?\n/
- # Parse the Setext header at the current location.
- def parse_setext_header
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type != :blank
- return false
- end
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- text, id, level = @src[1].strip, @src[2], @src[3]
- el =, nil, :level => (level == '-' ? 2 : 1))
- add_text(text, el)
- el.options[:attr] = {'id' => id} if id
- el.options[:attr] = {'id' => generate_id(text)} if @doc.options[:auto_ids] && !id
- @tree.children << el
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :setext_header, SETEXT_HEADER_START, self)
- ATX_HEADER_START = /^\#{1,6}/
- ATX_HEADER_MATCH = /^(\#{1,6})(.+?)\s*?#*#{HEADER_ID}\s*?\n/
- # Parse the Atx header at the current location.
- def parse_atx_header
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type != :blank
- return false
- end
- result = @src.scan(ATX_HEADER_MATCH)
- level, text, id = @src[1], @src[2].strip, @src[3]
- el =, nil, :level => level.length)
- add_text(text, el)
- el.options[:attr] = {'id' => id} if id
- el.options[:attr] = {'id' => generate_id(text)} if @doc.options[:auto_ids] && !id
- @tree.children << el
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :atx_header, ATX_HEADER_START, self)
- # Parse the blockquote at the current location.
- def parse_blockquote
- result = @src.scan(BLOCKQUOTE_MATCH).gsub(BLOCKQUOTE_START, '')
- el =
- @tree.children << el
- parse_blocks(el, result)
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :blockquote, BLOCKQUOTE_START, self)
- CODEBLOCK_MATCH = /(?:#{INDENT}.*?\S.*?\n)+/
- # Parse the indented codeblock at the current location.
- def parse_codeblock
- result = @src.scan(CODEBLOCK_MATCH).gsub(INDENT, '')
- children = @tree.children
- if children.length >= 2 && children[-1].type == :blank && children[-2].type == :codeblock
- children[-2].value << children[-1].value.gsub(INDENT, '') << result
- children.pop
- else
- @tree.children <<, result)
- end
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :codeblock, CODEBLOCK_START, self)
- FENCED_CODEBLOCK_MATCH = /^(~{3,})\s*?\n(.*?)^\1~*\s*?\n/m
- # Parse the fenced codeblock at the current location.
- def parse_codeblock_fenced
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- @tree.children <<, @src[2])
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :codeblock_fenced, FENCED_CODEBLOCK_START, self)
- HR_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}(\*|-|_)[ \t]*\1[ \t]*\1[ \t]*(\1|[ \t])*\n/
- # Parse the horizontal rule at the current location.
- def parse_horizontal_rule
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- @tree.children <<
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :horizontal_rule, HR_START, self)
- LIST_START_UL = /^(#{OPT_SPACE}[+*-])([\t| ].*?\n)/
- LIST_START_OL = /^(#{OPT_SPACE}\d+\.)([\t| ].*?\n)/
- # Parse the ordered or unordered list at the current location.
- def parse_list
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type == :p # last element must not be a paragraph
- return false
- end
- type, list_start_re = (@src.check(LIST_START_UL) ? [:ul, LIST_START_UL] : [:ol, LIST_START_OL])
- list =
- item = nil
- indent_re = nil
- content_re = nil
- eob_found = false
- nested_list_found = false
- while !@src.eos?
- if @src.check(HR_START)
- break
- elsif @src.scan(list_start_re)
- item =
- item.value, indentation, content_re, indent_re = parse_first_list_line(@src[1].length, @src[2])
- list.children << item
- list_start_re = (type == :ul ? /^( {0,#{[3, indentation - 1].min}}[+*-])([\t| ].*?\n)/ :
- /^( {0,#{[3, indentation - 1].min}}\d+\.)([\t| ].*?\n)/)
- nested_list_found = false
- elsif result = @src.scan(content_re)
- result.sub!(/^(\t+)/) { " "*4*($1 ? $1.length : 0) }
- result.sub!(indent_re, '')
- if !nested_list_found && result =~ LIST_START
- parse_blocks(item, item.value)
- if item.children.length == 1 && item.children.first.type == :p
- item.value = ''
- else
- item.children.clear
- end
- nested_list_found = true
- end
- item.value << result
- elsif result = @src.scan(BLANK_LINE)
- nested_list_found = true
- item.value << result
- elsif @src.scan(EOB_MARKER)
- eob_found = true
- break
- else
- break
- end
- end
- @tree.children << list
- last = nil
- list.children.each do |item|
- temp =
- parse_blocks(temp, item.value)
- item.children += temp.children
- item.value = nil
- next if item.children.size == 0
- if item.children.first.type == :p && (item.children.length < 2 || item.children[1].type != :blank ||
- (item == list.children.last && item.children.length == 2 && !eob_found))
- text = item.children.shift.children.first
- text.value += "\n" if !item.children.empty? && item.children[0].type != :blank
- item.children.unshift(text)
- else
- item.options[:first_is_block] = true
- end
- if item.children.last.type == :blank
- last = item.children.pop
- else
- last = nil
- end
- end
- @tree.children << last if !last.nil? && !eob_found
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :list, LIST_START, self)
- def parse_first_list_line(indentation, content)
- if content =~ /^\s*\n/
- indentation = 4
- else
- while content =~ /^ *\t/
- temp = content.scan(/^ */).first.length + indentation
- content.sub!(/^( *)(\t+)/) {$1 + " "*(4 - (temp % 4)) + " "*($2.length - 1)*4}
- end
- indentation += content.scan(/^ */).first.length
- end
- content.sub!(/^\s*/, '')
- indent_re = /^ {#{indentation}}/
- content_re = /^(?:(?:\t| {4}){#{indentation / 4}} {#{indentation % 4}}|(?:\t| {4}){#{indentation / 4 + 1}}).*?\n/
- [content, indentation, content_re, indent_re]
- end
- DEFINITION_LIST_START = /^(#{OPT_SPACE}:)([\t| ].*?\n)/
- # Parse the ordered or unordered list at the current location.
- def parse_definition_list
- children = @tree.children
- if !children.last || (children.length == 1 && children.last.type != :p ) ||
- (children.length >= 2 && children[-1].type != :p && (children[-1].type != :blank || children[-1].value != "\n" || children[-2].type != :p))
- return false
- end
- first_as_para = false
- deflist =
- para = @tree.children.pop
- if para.type == :blank
- para = @tree.children.pop
- first_as_para = true
- end
- para.children.first.value.split("\n").each do |term|
- el =
- el.children <<, term)
- deflist.children << el
- end
- item = nil
- indent_re = nil
- content_re = nil
- def_start_re = DEFINITION_LIST_START
- while !@src.eos?
- if @src.scan(def_start_re)
- item =
- item.options[:first_as_para] = first_as_para
- item.value, indentation, content_re, indent_re = parse_first_list_line(@src[1].length, @src[2])
- deflist.children << item
- def_start_re = /^( {0,#{[3, indentation - 1].min}}:)([\t| ].*?\n)/
- first_as_para = false
- elsif result = @src.scan(content_re)
- result.sub!(/^(\t+)/) { " "*4*($1 ? $1.length : 0) }
- result.sub!(indent_re, '')
- item.value << result
- first_as_para = false
- elsif result = @src.scan(BLANK_LINE)
- first_as_para = true
- item.value << result
- else
- break
- end
- end
- last = nil
- deflist.children.each do |item|
- next if item.type == :dt
- parse_blocks(item, item.value)
- item.value = nil
- next if item.children.size == 0
- if item.children.last.type == :blank
- last = item.children.pop
- else
- last = nil
- end
- if item.children.first.type == :p && !item.options.delete(:first_as_para)
- text = item.children.shift.children.first
- text.value += "\n" if !item.children.empty?
- item.children.unshift(text)
- else
- item.options[:first_is_block] = true
- end
- end
- if @tree.children.length >= 1 && @tree.children.last.type == :dl
- @tree.children[-1].children += deflist.children
- elsif @tree.children.length >= 2 && @tree.children[-1].type == :blank && @tree.children[-2].type == :dl
- @tree.children.pop
- @tree.children[-1].children += deflist.children
- else
- @tree.children << deflist
- end
- @tree.children << last if !last.nil?
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :definition_list, DEFINITION_LIST_START, self)
- PUNCTUATION_CHARS = "_.:,;!?-"
- LINK_DEFINITION_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}\[(#{LINK_ID_CHARS}+)\]:[ \t]*(?:<(.*?)>|([^\s]+))[ \t]*?(?:\n?[ \t]*?(["'])(.+?)\4[ \t]*?)?\n/
- # Parse the link definition at the current location.
- def parse_link_definition
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- link_id, link_url, link_title = @src[1].downcase, @src[2] || @src[3], @src[5]
- warning("Duplicate link ID '#{link_id}' - overwriting") if @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs][link_id]
- @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs][link_id] = [link_url, link_title]
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :link_definition, LINK_DEFINITION_START, self)
- ALD_ID_CHARS = /[\w\d-]/
- ALD_ANY_CHARS = /\\\}|[^\}]/
- ALD_ID_NAME = /(?:\w|\d)#{ALD_ID_CHARS}*/
- ALD_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR = /(#{ALD_ID_NAME})=("|')((?:\\\}|\\\2|[^\}\2])+?)\2/
- ALD_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}\{:(#{ALD_ID_NAME}):(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}+)\}\s*?\n/
- # Parse the attribute list definition at the current location.
- def parse_ald
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- parse_attribute_list(@src[2], @doc.parse_infos[:ald][@src[1]] ||= {})
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :ald, ALD_START, self)
- IAL_BLOCK_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}\{:(?!:)(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}+)\}\s*?\n/
- # Parse the inline attribute list at the current location.
- def parse_block_ial
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type != :blank
- parse_attribute_list(@src[1], @tree.children.last.options[:ial] ||= {})
- end
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :block_ial, IAL_BLOCK_START, self)
- EXT_BLOCK_START_STR = "^#{OPT_SPACE}\\{::(%s):(:)?(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}*)\\}\s*?\n"
- # Parse the extension block at the current location.
- def parse_extension_block
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- ext = @src[1]
- opts = {}
- body = nil
- parse_attribute_list(@src[3], opts)
- if ! {|m| m.to_s}.include?("parse_#{ext}")
- warning("No extension named '#{ext}' found - ignoring extension block")
- body = :invalid
- end
- if !@src[2]
- stop_re = /#{EXT_BLOCK_START_STR % ext}/
- if result = @src.scan_until(stop_re)
- parse_attribute_list(@src[3], opts)
- body = result.sub!(stop_re, '') if body != :invalid
- else
- body = :invalid
- warning("No ending line for extension block '#{ext}' found - ignoring extension block")
- end
- end
- @doc.extension.send("parse_#{ext}", self, opts, body) if body != :invalid
- true
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :extension_block, EXT_BLOCK_START, self)
- # Parse the foot note definition at the current location.
- def parse_footnote_definition
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- el =
- parse_blocks(el, @src[2].gsub(INDENT, ''))
- warning("Duplicate footnote name '#{@src[1]}' - overwriting") if @doc.parse_infos[:footnotes][@src[1]]
- (@doc.parse_infos[:footnotes][@src[1]] = {})[:content] = el
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :footnote_definition, FOOTNOTE_DEFINITION_START, self)
- require 'rexml/parsers/baseparser'
- #:stopdoc:
- # The following regexps are based on the ones used by REXML, with some slight modifications.
- #:startdoc:
- HTML_COMMENT_RE = /<!--(.*?)-->/m
- HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE = /<\?(.*?)\?>/m
- HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE = /\s*(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR})\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2/m
- HTML_TAG_RE = /<((?>#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}))\s*((?>\s+#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}\s*=\s*(["']).*?\3)*)\s*(\/)?>/m
- HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE = /<\/(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::NAME_STR})\s*>/
- HTML_PARSE_AS_BLOCK = %w{applet button blockquote colgroup dd div dl fieldset form iframe li
- map noscript object ol table tbody td th thead tfoot tr ul}
- HTML_PARSE_AS_SPAN = %w{a abbr acronym address b bdo big cite caption code del dfn dt em
- h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 i ins kbd label legend optgroup p pre q rb rbc
- rp rt rtc ruby samp select small span strong sub sup tt var}
- HTML_PARSE_AS_RAW = %w{script math option textarea}
- HTML_PARSE_AS = {|h,k| h[k] = :raw}
- HTML_PARSE_AS_BLOCK.each {|i| HTML_PARSE_AS[i] = :block}
- HTML_PARSE_AS_SPAN.each {|i| HTML_PARSE_AS[i] = :span}
- HTML_PARSE_AS_RAW.each {|i| HTML_PARSE_AS[i] = :raw}
- #:stopdoc:
- # Some HTML elements like script belong to both categories (i.e. are valid in block and
- # span HTML) and don't appear therefore!
- #:startdoc:
- HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS = %w{a abbr acronym b big bdo br button cite code del dfn em i img input
- ins kbd label option q rb rbc rp rt rtc ruby samp select small span
- strong sub sup textarea tt var}
- HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS = %w{address applet button blockquote caption col colgroup dd div dl dt fieldset
- form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr iframe legend li map ol optgroup p pre table tbody
- td th thead tfoot tr ul}
- HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY = %w{area br col hr img input}
- HTML_BLOCK_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}<(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}|\?|!--|\/)/
- # Parse the HTML at the current position as block level HTML.
- def parse_block_html
- if result = @src.scan(HTML_COMMENT_RE)
- @tree.children <<, result, :type => :block)
- @src.scan(/.*?\n/)
- true
- elsif result = @src.scan(HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE)
- @tree.children <<, result, :type => :block)
- @src.scan(/.*?\n/)
- true
- else
- if (!@src.check(/^#{OPT_SPACE}#{HTML_TAG_RE}/) && !@src.check(/^#{OPT_SPACE}#{HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE}/)) ||
- HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS.include?(@src[1])
- if @tree.type == :html_element && @tree.options[:parse_type] != :block
- add_html_text(@src.scan(/.*?\n/), @tree)
- add_html_text(@src.scan_until(/(?=#{HTML_BLOCK_START})|\Z/), @tree)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- current_el = (@tree.type == :html_element ? @tree : nil)
- @src.scan(/^(#{OPT_SPACE})(.*?)\n/)
- if current_el && current_el.options[:parse_type] == :raw
- add_html_text(@src[1], current_el)
- end
- line = @src[2]
- stack = []
- while line.size > 0
- index_start_tag, index_close_tag = line.index(HTML_TAG_RE), line.index(HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE)
- if index_start_tag && (!index_close_tag || index_start_tag < index_close_tag)
- md = line.match(HTML_TAG_RE)
- line = md.post_match
- add_html_text(md.pre_match, current_el) if current_el
- if HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS.include?(md[1]) || (current_el && current_el.options[:parse_type] == :span)
- add_html_text(md.to_s, current_el) if current_el
- next
- end
- attrs = {}
- md[2].scan(HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE).each {|name,sep,val| attrs[name] = val}
- parse_type = if !current_el || current_el.options[:parse_type] != :raw
- (@doc.options[:parse_block_html] ? HTML_PARSE_AS[md[1]] : :raw)
- else
- :raw
- end
- if val = get_parse_type(attrs.delete('markdown'))
- parse_type = (val == :default ? HTML_PARSE_AS[md[1]] : val)
- end
- el =, md[1], :attr => attrs, :type => :block, :parse_type => parse_type)
- el.options[:no_start_indent] = true if !stack.empty?
- el.options[:outer_element] = true if !current_el
- el.options[:parent_is_raw] = true if current_el && current_el.options[:parse_type] == :raw
- @tree.children << el
- if !md[4] && HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY.include?(el.value)
- warning("The HTML tag '#{el.value}' cannot have any content - auto-closing it")
- elsif !md[4]
- @unclosed_html_tags.push(el)
- @stack.push(@tree)
- stack.push(current_el)
- @tree = current_el = el
- end
- elsif index_close_tag
- md = line.match(HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE)
- line = md.post_match
- add_html_text(md.pre_match, current_el) if current_el
- if @unclosed_html_tags.size > 0 && md[1] == @unclosed_html_tags.last.value
- el = @unclosed_html_tags.pop
- @tree = @stack.pop
- current_el.options[:compact] = true if stack.size > 0
- current_el = stack.pop || (@tree.type == :html_element ? @tree : nil)
- else
- if !HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS.include?(md[1]) && @tree.options[:parse_type] != :span
- warning("Found invalidly used HTML closing tag for '#{md[1]}'")
- elsif current_el
- add_html_text(md.to_s, current_el)
- end
- end
- else
- if current_el
- line.rstrip! if current_el.options[:parse_type] == :block
- add_html_text(line + "\n", current_el)
- else
- add_text(line + "\n")
- end
- line = ''
- end
- end
- if current_el && (current_el.options[:parse_type] == :span || current_el.options[:parse_type] == :raw)
- result = @src.scan_until(/(?=#{HTML_BLOCK_START})|\Z/)
- last = current_el.children.last
- result = "\n" + result if last.nil? || (last.type != :text && last.type != :raw) || last.value !~ /\n\Z/
- add_html_text(result, current_el)
- end
- true
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:block, :block_html, HTML_BLOCK_START, self)
- # Return the HTML parse type defined by the string +val+, i.e. raw when "0", default parsing
- # (return value +nil+) when "1", span parsing when "span" and block parsing when "block". If
- # +val+ is nil, then the default parsing mode is used.
- def get_parse_type(val)
- case val
- when "0" then :raw
- when "1" then :default
- when "span" then :span
- when "block" then :block
- when NilClass then nil
- else
- warning("Invalid markdown attribute val '#{val}', using default")
- nil
- end
- end
- # Special version of #add_text which either creates a :text element or a :raw element,
- # depending on the HTML element type.
- def add_html_text(text, tree)
- type = (tree.options[:parse_type] == :raw ? :raw : :text)
- if tree.children.last && tree.children.last.type == type
- tree.children.last.value << text
- elsif !text.empty?
- tree.children <<, text)
- end
- end
- ESCAPED_CHARS = /\\([\\.*_+-`()\[\]{}#!])/
- # Parse the backslash-escaped character at the current location.
- def parse_escaped_chars
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- add_text(@src[1])
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :escaped_chars, ESCAPED_CHARS, self)
- # Parse the HTML entity at the current location.
- def parse_html_entity
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- @tree.children <<, @src.matched)
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :html_entity, REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::REFERENCE_RE, self)
- LINE_BREAK = /( |\\\\)(?=\n)/
- # Parse the line break at the current location.
- def parse_line_break
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- @tree.children <<
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :line_break, LINE_BREAK, self)
- TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = [['---', :mdash], ['--', :ndash], ['...', :ellipsis],
- ['\\<<', '<<'], ['\\>>', '>>'],
- ['<< ', :laquo_space], [' >>', :raquo_space],
- ['<<', :laquo], ['>>', :raquo]]
- TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_RE = /#{ {|k,v| Regexp.escape(k)}.join('|')}/
- # Parse the typographic symbols at the current location.
- def parse_typographic_syms
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- val = TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_SUBST[@src.matched]
- if val.kind_of?(Symbol)
- @tree.children <<, val)
- else
- add_text(val.dup)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :typographic_syms, TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_RE, self)
- AUTOLINK_START = /<((mailto|https?|ftps?):.*?|\S*?@\S*?)>/
- # Parse the autolink at the current location.
- def parse_autolink
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- text = href = @src[1]
- if @src[2].nil? || @src[2] == 'mailto'
- text = obfuscate_email(@src[2] ? @src[1].sub(/^mailto:/, '') : @src[1])
- mailto = obfuscate_email('mailto')
- href = "#{mailto}:#{text}"
- end
- el =, nil, {:attr => {'href' => href}})
- add_text(text, el)
- @tree.children << el
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :autolink, AUTOLINK_START, self)
- # Parse the codespan at the current scanner location.
- def parse_codespan
- result = @src.scan(CODESPAN_DELIMITER)
- simple = (result.length == 1)
- reset_pos = @src.pos
- if simple && @src.pre_match =~ /\s\Z/ && @src.match?(/\s/)
- add_text(result)
- return
- end
- text = @src.scan_until(/#{result}/)
- if text
- text.sub!(/#{result}\Z/, '')
- if !simple
- text = text[1..-1] if text[0..0] == ' '
- text = text[0..-2] if text[-1..-1] == ' '
- end
- @tree.children <<, text)
- else
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :codespan, CODESPAN_DELIMITER, self)
- # Parse the inline attribute list at the current location.
- def parse_span_ial
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- if @tree.children.last && @tree.children.last.type != :text
- attr = {}
- parse_attribute_list(@src[1], attr)
- update_ial_with_ial(@tree.children.last.options[:ial] ||= {}, attr)
- update_attr_with_ial(@tree.children.last.options[:attr] ||= {}, attr)
- else
- warning("Ignoring span IAL because preceding element is just text")
- add_text(@src.matched)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :span_ial, IAL_SPAN_START, self)
- # Parse the footnote marker at the current location.
- def parse_footnote_marker
- @src.pos += @src.matched_size
- fn_def = @doc.parse_infos[:footnotes][@src[1]]
- if fn_def
- valid = fn_def[:marker] && fn_def[:marker].options[:stack][0..-2].zip(fn_def[:marker].options[:stack][1..-1]).all? do |par, child|
- par.children.include?(child)
- end
- if !fn_def[:marker] || !valid
- fn_def[:marker] =, nil, :name => @src[1])
- fn_def[:marker].options[:stack] = [@stack, @tree, fn_def[:marker]].flatten.compact
- @tree.children << fn_def[:marker]
- else
- warning("Footnote marker '#{@src[1]}' already appeared in document, ignoring newly found marker")
- add_text(@src.matched)
- end
- else
- warning("Footnote definition for '#{@src[1]}' not found")
- add_text(@src.matched)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :footnote_marker, FOOTNOTE_MARKER_START, self)
- EMPHASIS_START = /(?:\*\*?|__?)/
- # Parse the emphasis at the current location.
- def parse_emphasis
- result = @src.scan(EMPHASIS_START)
- element = (result.length == 2 ? :strong : :em)
- type = (result =~ /_/ ? '_' : '*')
- reset_pos = @src.pos
- if (type == '_' && @src.pre_match =~ /[[:alpha:]]\Z/ && @src.check(/[[:alpha:]]/)) || @src.check(/\s/)
- add_text(result)
- return
- end
- sub_parse = lambda do |delim, elem|
- el =
- stop_re = /#{Regexp.escape(delim)}/
- found = parse_spans(el, stop_re) do
- (@src.string[@src.pos-1, 1] !~ /\s/) &&
- (elem != :em || !@src.match?(/#{Regexp.escape(delim*2)}(?!#{Regexp.escape(delim)})/)) &&
- (type != '_' || !@src.match?(/#{Regexp.escape(delim)}[[:alpha:]]/)) && el.children.size > 0
- end
- [found, el, stop_re]
- end
- found, el, stop_re =, element)
- if !found && element == :strong
- @src.pos = reset_pos - 1
- found, el, stop_re =, :em)
- end
- if found
- @src.scan(stop_re)
- @tree.children << el
- else
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :emphasis, EMPHASIS_START, self)
- HTML_SPAN_START = /<(#{REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::UNAME_STR}|\?|!--)/
- # Parse the HTML at the current position as span level HTML.
- def parse_span_html
- if result = @src.scan(HTML_COMMENT_RE)
- @tree.children <<, result, :type => :span)
- elsif result = @src.scan(HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE)
- @tree.children <<, result, :type => :span)
- elsif result = @src.scan(HTML_TAG_RE)
- if HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS.include?(@src[1])
- add_text(result)
- return
- end
- reset_pos = @src.pos
- attrs = {}
- @src[2].scan(HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE).each {|name,sep,val| attrs[name] = val.gsub(/\n+/, ' ')}
- do_parsing = @doc.options[:parse_span_html]
- if val = get_parse_type(attrs.delete('markdown'))
- if val == :block
- warning("Cannot use block level parsing in span level HTML tag - using default mode")
- elsif val == :span || val == :default
- do_parsing = true
- elsif val == :raw
- do_parsing = false
- end
- end
- do_parsing = false if HTML_PARSE_AS_RAW.include?(@src[1])
- el =, @src[1], :attr => attrs, :type => :span)
- stop_re = /<\/#{Regexp.escape(@src[1])}\s*>/
- if @src[4]
- @tree.children << el
- elsif HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY.include?(el.value)
- warning("The HTML tag '#{el.value}' cannot have any content - auto-closing it")
- @tree.children << el
- else
- if parse_spans(el, stop_re)
- end_pos = @src.pos
- @src.scan(stop_re)
- @tree.children << el
- if !do_parsing
- el.children.clear
- el.children <<, @src.string[reset_pos...end_pos])
- end
- else
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- end
- end
- else
- add_text(@src.scan(/./))
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :span_html, HTML_SPAN_START, self)
- LINK_TEXT_BRACKET_RE = /\\\[|\\\]|\[|\]/
- LINK_INLINE_ID_RE = /\s*?\[(#{LINK_ID_CHARS}+)?\]/
- LINK_INLINE_TITLE_RE = /\s*?(["'])(.+?)\1\s*?\)/
- LINK_START = /!?\[(?=[^^])/
- # Parse the link at the current scanner position. This method is used to parse normal links as
- # well as image links.
- def parse_link
- result = @src.scan(LINK_START)
- reset_pos = @src.pos
- link_type = (result =~ /^!/ ? :img : :a)
- # no nested links allowed
- if link_type == :a && (@tree.type == :img || @tree.type == :a || @stack.any? {|t,s| t && (t.type == :img || t.type == :a)})
- add_text(result)
- return
- end
- el =
- stop_re = /\]|!?\[/
- count = 1
- found = parse_spans(el, stop_re) do
- case @src.matched
- when "[", "!["
- count += 1
- when "]"
- count -= 1
- end
- count - {|c| c.type == :img}.size == 0
- end
- if !found || el.children.empty?
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- return
- end
- alt_text = @src.string[reset_pos...@src.pos]
- conv_link_id = alt_text.gsub(/(\s|\n)+/m, ' ').gsub(LINK_ID_NON_CHARS, '').downcase
- @src.scan(stop_re)
- # reference style link or no link url
- if @src.scan(LINK_INLINE_ID_RE) || !@src.check(/\(/)
- link_id = (@src[1] || conv_link_id).downcase
- if @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs].has_key?(link_id)
- add_link(el, @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs][link_id].first, @doc.parse_infos[:link_defs][link_id].last, alt_text)
- else
- warning("No link definition for link ID '#{link_id}' found")
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- end
- return
- end
- # link url in parentheses
- if @src.scan(/\(<(.*?)>/)
- link_url = @src[1]
- if @src.scan(/\)/)
- add_link(el, link_url, nil, alt_text)
- return
- end
- else
- link_url = ''
- re = /\(|\)|\s/
- nr_of_brackets = 0
- while temp = @src.scan_until(re)
- link_url += temp
- case @src.matched
- when /\s/
- break
- when '('
- nr_of_brackets += 1
- when ')'
- nr_of_brackets -= 1
- break if nr_of_brackets == 0
- end
- end
- link_url = link_url[1..-2]
- if nr_of_brackets == 0
- add_link(el, link_url, nil, alt_text)
- return
- end
- end
- if @src.scan(LINK_INLINE_TITLE_RE)
- add_link(el, link_url, @src[2], alt_text)
- else
- @src.pos = reset_pos
- add_text(result)
- end
- end
- Registry.define_parser(:span, :link, LINK_START, self)
- # This helper methods adds the approriate attributes to the element +el+ of type +a+ or +img+
- # and the element itself to the <tt>@tree</tt>.
- def add_link(el, href, title, alt_text = nil)
- el.options[:attr] ||= {}
- el.options[:attr]['title'] = title if title
- if el.type == :a
- el.options[:attr]['href'] = href
- else
- el.options[:attr]['src'] = href
- el.options[:attr]['alt'] = alt_text
- el.children.clear
- end
- @tree.children << el
- end
- end
+ autoload :Kramdown, 'kramdown/parser/kramdown'