spec/web_spec.rb in knjrbfw-0.0.32 vs spec/web_spec.rb in knjrbfw-0.0.33
- old
+ new
@@ -11,6 +11,67 @@
raise "Couldnt parse 'first'-element." if res["first"] != "test"
raise "'second' wasnt a hash or contained invalid amounr of elements." if !res["second"].is_a?(Hash) or res["second"].length != 1
raise "'trala' in 'second' wasnt a hash or contained invalid amount of elements." if !res["second"]["trala"].is_a?(Hash) or res["second"]["trala"].length != 3
raise "'trala' in 'second' didnt contain the right elements." if res["second"]["trala"]["0"] != "1" or res["second"]["trala"]["1"] != "2" or res["second"]["trala"]["2"] != "3"
+ #Moved from "knjrbfw_spec.rb".
+ it "should be able to use alert and back." do
+ Knj::Web.alert("Trala")
+ begin
+ Knj::Web.back
+ raise "It should have called exit which it didnt."
+ rescue SystemExit
+ #ignore.
+ end
+ begin
+ Knj::Web.redirect("?show=test")
+ raise "It should have called exit which it didnt."
+ rescue SystemExit
+ #ignore.
+ end
+ end
+ it "should be able to properly parse 'Set-Cookie' headers." do
+ data = Knj::Web.parse_set_cookies("TestCookie=TestValue+; Expires=Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:58:17 GMT; Path=\n")
+ raise "No data returned?" if !data or !data.respond_to?(:length)
+ raise "Wrong number of cookies returned: '#{data.length}'." if data.length != 1
+ raise "Unexpected name: '#{data[0]["name"]}'." if data[0]["name"] != "TestCookie"
+ raise "Unexpected value: '#{data[0]["value"]}'." if data[0]["value"] != "TestValue "
+ raise "Unexpected path: '#{data[0]["path"]}'." if data[0]["path"] != ""
+ raise "Unexpected expire:' #{data[0]["expire"]}'." if data[0]["expires"] != "Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:58:17 GMT"
+ end
+ it "should be able to execute various forms of Web.input methods." do
+ html = Knj::Web.inputs([{
+ :title => "Test 1",
+ :name => :textest1,
+ :type => :text,
+ :default => "hmm",
+ :value => "trala"
+ },{
+ :title => "Test 2",
+ :name => :chetest2,
+ :type => :checkbox,
+ :default => true
+ },{
+ :title => "Test 4",
+ :name => :textest4,
+ :type => :textarea,
+ :height => 300,
+ :default => "Hmm",
+ :value => "Trala"
+ },{
+ :title => "Test 5",
+ :name => :filetest5,
+ :type => :file
+ },{
+ :title => "Test 6",
+ :type => :info,
+ :value => "Argh"
+ }])
+ end
\ No newline at end of file