spec/db_spec.rb in knjrbfw-0.0.39 vs spec/db_spec.rb in knjrbfw-0.0.40
- old
+ new
@@ -34,18 +34,21 @@
list = db.tables.list
raise "Table not found: 'test'." if !list.key?("test")
raise "Table-name expected to be 'test' but wasnt: '#{list["test"].name}'." if list["test"].name != "test"
- #Test revision to create tables.
+ #Test revision to create tables, indexes and insert rows.
schema = {
"tables" => {
"test_table" => {
"columns" => [
{"name" => "id", "type" => "int", "autoincr" => true, "primarykey" => true},
{"name" => "name", "type" => "varchar"}
+ "indexes" => [
+ "name"
+ ],
"rows" => [
"find_by" => {"id" => 1},
"data" => {"id" => 1, "name" => "trala"}
@@ -55,17 +58,76 @@
rev = Knj::Db::Revision.new
rev.init_db("schema" => schema, "db" => db)
- begin
- cont = File.read("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/db_spec_encoding_test_file.txt")
- cont.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
- db.insert("test", {
- "text" => cont
- })
- ensure
- File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path)
+ #Test wrong encoding.
+ cont = File.read("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/db_spec_encoding_test_file.txt")
+ cont.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
+ db.insert("test", {
+ "text" => cont
+ })
+ #Throw out invalid encoding because it will make dumping fail.
+ db.tables[:test].truncate
+ #Test IDQueries.
+ rows_count = 1250
+ db.transaction do
+ 0.upto(rows_count) do |count|
+ db.insert(:test_table, {:name => "User #{count}"})
+ end
+ block_ran = 0
+ idq = Knj::Db::Idquery.new(:db => db, :debug => false, :table => :test_table, :query => "SELECT id FROM test_table") do |data|
+ block_ran += 1
+ end
+ raise "Block with should have ran too little: #{block_ran}." if block_ran < rows_count
+ block_ran = 0
+ db.select(:test_table, {}, {:idquery => true}) do |data|
+ block_ran += 1
+ end
+ raise "Block with should have ran too little: #{block_ran}." if block_ran < rows_count
+ #Test dumping.
+ dump = Knj::Db::Dump.new(:db => db, :debug => false)
+ str_io = StringIO.new
+ dump.dump(str_io)
+ str_io.rewind
+ #Remember some numbers for validation.
+ tables_count = db.tables.list.length
+ #Remove everything in the db.
+ db.tables.list do |table|
+ table.drop
+ end
+ #Run the exported SQL.
+ db.transaction do
+ str_io.each_line do |sql|
+ db.q(sql)
+ end
+ end
+ #Vaildate import.
+ raise "Not same amount of tables: #{tables_count}, #{db.tables.list.length}" if tables_count != db.tables.list.length
+ #Delete test-database if everything went well.
+ File.unlink(db_path) if File.exists?(db_path)
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