public/javascripts/erp_app/desktop/applications/knitkit/center_region.js in knitkit-2.1.15 vs public/javascripts/erp_app/desktop/applications/knitkit/center_region.js in knitkit-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,62 +1,66 @@
Ext.define("Compass.ErpApp.Desktop.Applications.Knitkit.CenterRegion", {
- extend:"Ext.panel.Panel",
- alias:'widget.knitkit_centerregion',
- ckEditorToolbar:[
+ extend: "Ext.panel.Panel",
+ id: 'knitkitCenterRegion',
+ alias: 'widget.knitkit_centerregion',
+ ckEditorExtraPlugins: 'codemirror,syntaxhighlight',
+ ckEditorToolbar: [
['Source', '-', 'Preview', 'Print'],
['Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord'],
['Undo', 'Redo'],
['Find', 'Replace'],
['SpellChecker', '-', 'SelectAll'],
['TextColor', 'BGColor'],
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike'],
- ['Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'jwplayer'],
- ['Table', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList'],
+ ['Subscript', 'Superscript', '-'],
+ ['Image', 'Table', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList'],
['Outdent', 'Indent', 'Blockquote'],
['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'],
['BidiLtr', 'BidiRtl'],
['Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'],
['HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak'],
['ShowBlocks', 'RemoveFormat'],
- ['KnitkitThemes', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize' ],
- ['Maximize', '-', 'About']
+ ['Format', 'Font', 'FontSize'],
+ ['Maximize', '-', 'About'],
+ ['Syntaxhighlight']
- setWindowStatus:function (status) {
+ setWindowStatus: function (status) {
- clearWindowStatus:function () {
+ clearWindowStatus: function () {
- viewSectionLayout:function (title, template) {
+ viewSectionLayout: function (title, template) {
- title:title + ' - Layout',
- disableToolbar:true,
- xtype:'codemirror',
- parser:'rhtml',
- sourceCode:template,
- closable:true
+ title: title + ' - Layout',
+ disableToolbar: true,
+ xtype: 'codemirror',
+ mode: 'rhtml',
+ sourceCode: template,
+ closable: true
this.workArea.setActiveTab(this.workArea.items.length - 1);
return false;
/* sections */
- saveSectionLayout:function (sectionId, content) {
+ saveSectionLayout: function (id, comp, content) {
+ jcomp = comp;
var self = this;
- url:'/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/section/save_layout',
- method:'POST',
- params:{
- id:sectionId,
- content:content
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/section/save_layout',
+ method: 'POST',
+ params: {
+ id: id,
+ content: content
- success:function (response) {
+ success: function (response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (obj.success) {
var activeTab = self.workArea.getActiveTab();
var versionsGrid = activeTab.down('knitkit_versionswebsitesectiongridpanel');
@@ -65,63 +69,59 @@
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', obj.message);
+ comp.codeMirrorInstance.focus();
- failure:function (response) {
+ failure: function (response) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving layout');
- editSectionLayout:function (sectionName, websiteId, websiteSectionId, content, tbarItems) {
+ editSectionLayout: function (sectionName, websiteId, websiteSectionId, content, tbarItems) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'section-' + websiteSectionId;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
item = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- layout:'border',
- title:sectionName,
- save:function (comp) {
+ layout: 'border',
+ title: sectionName,
+ save: function (comp) {
var content = comp.down('codemirror').getValue();
- self.saveSectionLayout(websiteSectionId, content);
+ self.saveSectionLayout(websiteSectionId, comp, content);
- closable:true,
- itemId:itemId,
- items:[
+ closable: true,
+ itemId: itemId,
+ items: [
- title:sectionName + ' - Layout',
- tbarItems:tbarItems,
- disableSave:true,
- listeners:{
- save:function (comp, content) {
- self.saveSectionLayout(websiteSectionId, content);
+ title: sectionName + ' - Layout',
+ tbarItems: tbarItems,
+ disableSave: true,
+ listeners: {
+ save: function (comp, content) {
+ self.saveSectionLayout(websiteSectionId, comp, content);
- xtype:'codemirror',
- parser:'erb',
- region:'center',
- sourceCode:content
+ xtype: 'codemirror',
+ mode: 'rhtml',
+ region: 'center',
+ sourceCode: content
- xtype:'knitkit_versionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
- websiteSectionId:websiteSectionId,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self,
- siteId:websiteId
+ xtype: 'knitkit_versionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
+ websiteSectionId: websiteSectionId,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 150,
+ collapsible: true,
+ centerRegion: self,
+ siteId: websiteId
- ],
- listeners:{
- 'show':function (panel) {
- Ext.getCmp('knitkitWestRegion').selectWebsite(websiteId);
- }
- }
+ ]
@@ -129,87 +129,82 @@
return false;
/* documentation using markdown */
- saveDocumentationMarkdown:function (id, siteId, content) {
+ saveDocumentationMarkdown: function (id, comp, content, siteId) {
var self = this;
- url:'/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/update',
- method:'POST',
- params:{
- id:id,
- html:content,
- site_id:siteId
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/update',
+ method: 'POST',
+ params: {
+ id: id,
+ html: content,
+ site_id: siteId
- success:function (response) {
+ success: function (response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (obj.success) {
- Ext.getStore('knitkit_articlesgridpanelStore').load();
var activeTab = self.workArea.getActiveTab();
var versionsGrid = activeTab.down('knitkit_versionsarticlegridpanel');
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving contents');
+ comp.ckEditorInstance.focus();
- failure:function (response) {
+ failure: function (response) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving contents');
- editDocumentationMarkdown:function (sectionName, websiteId, contentId, content, tbarItems) {
+ editDocumentationMarkdown: function (sectionName, websiteId, contentId, content, tbarItems) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'markdown-' + contentId;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
item = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- layout:'border',
- title:sectionName,
- save:function (comp) {
+ layout: 'border',
+ title: sectionName,
+ save: function (comp) {
var content = comp.down('codemirror').getValue();
- self.saveDocumentationMarkdown(contentId, websiteId, content);
+ self.saveDocumentationMarkdown(contentId, comp, content, websiteId);
- closable:true,
- itemId:itemId,
- items:[
+ closable: true,
+ itemId: itemId,
+ items: [
- title:sectionName + ' - Markdown',
- tbarItems:tbarItems,
- disableSave:true,
- listeners:{
- save:function (comp, content) {
- self.saveDocumentationMarkdown(contentId, websiteId, content);
+ title: sectionName + ' - Markdown',
+ tbarItems: tbarItems,
+ disableSave: true,
+ listeners: {
+ save: function (comp, content) {
+ self.saveDocumentationMarkdown(contentId, comp, content, websiteId);
- xtype:'codemirror',
- parser:'erb',
- region:'center',
- sourceCode:content
+ xtype: 'codemirror',
+ mode: 'rhtml',
+ region: 'center',
+ sourceCode: content
- xtype:'knitkit_versionsarticlegridpanel',
- contentId:contentId,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self,
- siteId:websiteId
+ xtype: 'knitkit_versionsarticlegridpanel',
+ contentId: contentId,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 150,
+ collapsible: true,
+ centerRegion: self,
+ siteId: websiteId
- ],
- listeners:{
- 'show':function (panel) {
- Ext.getCmp('knitkitWestRegion').selectWebsite(websiteId);
- }
- }
+ ]
@@ -217,81 +212,84 @@
return false;
/* templates */
- saveTemplateFile:function (path, content) {
+ saveTemplateFile: function (path, comp, content) {
var self = this;
- url:'/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/theme/update_file',
- method:'POST',
- params:{
- node:path,
- content:content
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/theme/update_file',
+ method: 'POST',
+ params: {
+ node: path,
+ content: content
- success:function (response) {
+ success: function (response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (!obj.success) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', obj.message);
+ comp.codeMirrorInstance.focus();
- failure:function (response) {
+ failure: function (response) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving contents');
- editTemplateFile:function (node, content, tbarItems, themeId) {
+ editTemplateFile: function (node, content, tbarItems, themeId) {
var self = this,
pathArr ='/'),
- containerDir = pathArr[pathArr.length-2],
+ containerDir = pathArr[pathArr.length - 2],
fileName = pathArr.pop(),
baseName = fileName.split('.')[0],
fileType ='.').pop(),
filePathHash = Compass.ErpApp.Utility.Encryption.MD5(,
- templatePath = RegExp("/public/sites/.+/themes/"), ""),
+ templatePath = RegExp("/public/sites/.+/themes/"), ""),
itemId = baseName + "_" + filePathHash, // Using a hash will allow files with same name to be opened concurrently
item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
+ mode = Compass.ErpApp.Shared.CodeMirror.determineCodeMirrorMode(;
// If this file isn't already an existing tab, let's open it
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
- item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
- closable:true,
+ item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
+ closable: true,
title: baseName,
baseName: baseName,
fileName: fileName,
containerDir: containerDir,
filePathHash: filePathHash,
- itemId:itemId,
- layout:'fit',
- save:function (comp) {
+ itemId: itemId,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ save: function (comp) {
var content = comp.down('codemirror').getValue();
- self.saveTemplateFile(, content);
+ self.saveTemplateFile(, comp, content);
- items:[
+ items: [
- tbarItems:tbarItems,
- disableSave:true,
- xtype:'codemirror',
- listeners:{
- save:function (comp, content) {
- self.saveTemplateFile(, content);
+ tbarItems: tbarItems,
+ disableSave: true,
+ xtype: 'codemirror',
+ listeners: {
+ save: function (comp, content) {
+ self.saveTemplateFile(, comp, content);
- parser:fileType,
- sourceCode:content
+ mode: mode,
+ sourceCode: content
- bbar:{
- items:[
- templatePath
- ]
- }
+ bbar: {
+ items: [
+ templatePath
+ ]
+ }
@@ -299,145 +297,197 @@
return false;
/* excerpts */
- saveExcerpt:function (id, content, siteId) {
+ saveExcerpt: function (id, comp, content, siteId) {
var self = this;
- url:'/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/save_excerpt',
- method:'POST',
- params:{
- id:id,
- html:content,
- site_id:siteId
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/save_excerpt',
+ method: 'POST',
+ params: {
+ id: id,
+ html: content,
+ site_id: siteId
- success:function (response) {
+ success: function (response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (obj.success) {
- Ext.getStore('knitkit_articlesgridpanelStore').load();
var activeTab = self.workArea.getActiveTab();
var panel = activeTab.query('knitkit_versionsbloggridpanel');
if (panel.length === 0) {
panel = activeTab.query('knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel');
+ comp.ckEditorInstance.focus();
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving excerpt');
- failure:function (response) {
+ failure: function (response) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving excerpt');
- editExcerpt:function (title, id, content, siteId, contentGridStore) {
+ editExcerpt: function (title, id, content, siteId, contentGridStore) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'editExcerpt-' + id;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
var ckEditor = Ext.create("Compass.ErpApp.Shared.CKeditor", {
- autoHeight:true,
- value:content,
- ckEditorConfig:{
- extraPlugins:'jwplayer,knitkitthemes',
- toolbar:self.ckEditorToolbar
+ autoHeight: true,
+ //value:content,
+ ckEditorConfig: {
+ extraPlugins: self.ckEditorExtraPlugins,
+ toolbar: self.ckEditorToolbar
- listeners:{
- save:function (comp, content) {
- self.saveExcerpt(id, content, siteId);
+ listeners: {
+ save: function (comp, content) {
+ self.saveExcerpt(id, comp, content, siteId);
if (!Ext.isEmpty(contentGridStore)) contentGridStore.load();
+ },
+ ckeditordrop: function (ckeditorPanel, dropEvent) {
+ var dataTransfer = dropEvent.dataTransfer;
+ var files = dataTransfer.files;
+ for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+ var loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(ckeditorPanel, {msg:"Please wait..."});
+ var file = files[i];
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ Compass.ErpApp.Utility.addEventHandler(reader, 'loadend', function (e, file) {
+ var bin = this.result;
+ Ext.Ajax.request({
+ headers: {'Content-Type': file.type},
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/image_assets/shared/upload_file',
+ jsonData: bin,
+ params:{
+ name:,
+ directory: 'root_node',
+ is_drag_drop: true
+ },
+ success: function(result){
+ loadMask.hide();
+ resultObj = Ext.JSON.decode(result.responseText);
+ if(resultObj.success){
+ ckeditorPanel.insertHtml('<img src='+resultObj.url+' height="200" width="200" />');
+ var sharedImageAssetsDataView = self.up('#knitkit').down('knitkit_ImageAssetsPanel').sharedImageAssetsDataView,
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel = self.up('#knitkit').down('knitkit_ImageAssetsPanel').sharedImageAssetsTreePanel;
+ sharedImageAssetsDataView.getStore().load({
+ params:{
+ directory:
+ }
+ });
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel.getStore().load({
+ callback:function(){
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel.getView().refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Could not upload image');
+ }
+ },
+ failure: function(result){
+ loadMask.hide();
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Could not upload image');
+ }
+ });
+ }.bindToEventHandler(file));
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ }
+ ckEditor.setValue(content);
var items = [
- xtype:'panel',
- layout:'fit',
- split:true,
- region:'center',
- items:ckEditor,
- autoDestroy:true
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ layout: 'fit',
+ split: true,
+ region: 'center',
+ items: ckEditor,
+ autoDestroy: true
if (!Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(siteId)) {
- xtype:'knitkit_versionsbloggridpanel',
- contentId:id,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self,
- siteId:siteId
+ xtype: 'knitkit_versionsbloggridpanel',
+ contentId: id,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 150,
+ collapsible: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ centerRegion: self,
+ siteId: siteId
else {
- xtype:'knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
- contentId:id,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self
+ xtype: 'knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
+ contentId: id,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 150,
+ collapsible: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ centerRegion: self
item = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- layout:'border',
- title:title,
- closable:true,
- items:items,
- save:function (comp) {
+ layout: 'border',
+ title: title,
+ closable: true,
+ items: items,
+ save: function (comp) {
if (currentUser.hasCapability('edit_html', 'Content')) {
var content = comp.down('ckeditor').getValue();
- self.saveExcerpt(id, content, siteId);
+ self.saveExcerpt(id, comp, content, siteId);
if (!Ext.isEmpty(contentGridStore)) contentGridStore.load();
} else {
- itemId:itemId,
- listeners:{
- 'show':function (panel) {
- if (!Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(siteId)) {
- Ext.getCmp('knitkitWestRegion').selectWebsite(siteId);
- }
- }
- }
+ itemId: itemId
/* image */
- showImage:function (node, themeId) {
+ showImage: function (node, themeId) {
var self = this;
var fileName ='/').pop().split('.')[0];
var fileType ='.').pop();
var itemId = fileName + themeId;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
- closable:true,
- title:fileName + '.' + fileType,
- itemId:itemId,
- layout:'fit',
- html:'<img src="' + + '" />'
+ closable: true,
+ title: fileName + '.' + fileType,
+ itemId: itemId,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ html: '<img src="' + + '" />'
@@ -445,257 +495,311 @@
return false;
/* content */
- saveContent:function (id, content, contentType, siteId) {
+ saveContent: function (id, comp, content, contentType, siteId) {
var self = this;
- url:'/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/update',
- method:'POST',
- params:{
- id:id,
- html:content,
- site_id:siteId
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/content/update',
+ method: 'POST',
+ params: {
+ id: id,
+ html: content,
+ site_id: siteId
- success:function (response) {
+ success: function (response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (obj.success) {
- Ext.getStore('knitkit_articlesgridpanelStore').load();
if (!Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(contentType)) {
var activeTab = self.workArea.getActiveTab();
var versionsGrid = activeTab.down('knitkit_versions' + contentType + 'gridpanel');
if (Ext.isEmpty(versionsGrid)) {
versionsGrid = activeTab.down('knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel');
if (!Ext.isEmpty(versionsGrid)) {
+ //comp.ckEditorInstance.focus();
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving contents');
- failure:function (response) {
+ failure: function (response) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error saving contents');
- viewContent:function (title, content) {
+ viewContent: function (title, content) {
var ckEditor = Ext.create("Compass.ErpApp.Shared.CKeditor", {
- autoHeight:true,
- value:content,
- ckEditorConfig:{
- toolbar:[
+ autoHeight: true,
+ value: content,
+ ckEditorConfig: {
+ toolbar: [
var item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
- closable:true,
- layout:'fit',
- title:title,
- split:true,
- items:ckEditor,
- autoDestroy:true
+ closable: true,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ title: title,
+ split: true,
+ items: ckEditor,
+ autoDestroy: true
- editContent:function (title, id, content, siteId, contentType, contentGridStore) {
+ openIframeInTab : function( title, url ) {
+ var item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
+ iframeId:'themes_iframe',
+ closable: true,
+ layout: 'fit',
+ title: title,
+ html:'<iframe height="100%" width="100%" frameBorder="0" src="'+url+'"></iframe>'
+ });
+ this.workArea.add(item);
+ this.workArea.setActiveTab(item);
+ },
+ editContent: function (title, id, content, siteId, contentType, contentGridStore) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'editContent-' + id;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
var ckEditor = Ext.create("Compass.ErpApp.Shared.CKeditor", {
- autoHeight:true,
+ autoHeight: true,
- ckEditorConfig:{
- extraPlugins:'jwplayer,knitkitthemes',
- toolbar:self.ckEditorToolbar
+ ckEditorConfig: {
+ extraPlugins: self.ckEditorExtraPlugins,
+ toolbar: self.ckEditorToolbar
- listeners:{
- save:function (comp, content) {
- self.saveContent(id, content, contentType, siteId);
+ listeners: {
+ save: function (comp, content) {
+ self.saveContent(id, comp, content, contentType, siteId);
if (!Ext.isEmpty(contentGridStore)) contentGridStore.load();
+ },
+ ckeditordrop: function (ckeditorPanel, dropEvent) {
+ var dataTransfer = dropEvent.dataTransfer;
+ var files = dataTransfer.files;
+ for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+ var loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(ckeditorPanel, {msg:"Please wait..."});
+ var file = files[i];
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ Compass.ErpApp.Utility.addEventHandler(reader, 'loadend', function (e, file) {
+ var bin = this.result;
+ Ext.Ajax.request({
+ headers: {'Content-Type': file.type},
+ url: '/knitkit/erp_app/desktop/image_assets/shared/upload_file',
+ jsonData: bin,
+ params:{
+ name:,
+ directory: 'root_node',
+ is_drag_drop: true
+ },
+ success: function(result){
+ loadMask.hide();
+ resultObj = Ext.JSON.decode(result.responseText);
+ if(resultObj.success){
+ ckeditorPanel.insertHtml('<img src='+resultObj.url+' height="200" width="200" />');
+ var sharedImageAssetsDataView = self.up('#knitkit').down('knitkit_ImageAssetsPanel').sharedImageAssetsDataView,
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel = self.up('#knitkit').down('knitkit_ImageAssetsPanel').sharedImageAssetsTreePanel;
+ sharedImageAssetsDataView.getStore().load({
+ params:{
+ directory:
+ }
+ });
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel.getStore().load({
+ callback:function(){
+ sharedImageAssetsTreePanel.getView().refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Could not upload image');
+ }
+ },
+ failure: function(result){
+ loadMask.hide();
+ Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Could not upload image');
+ }
+ });
+ }.bindToEventHandler(file));
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ }
var items = [
- xtype:'panel',
- layout:'fit',
- split:true,
- region:'center',
- items:ckEditor,
- autoDestroy:true
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ layout: 'fit',
+ split: true,
+ region: 'center',
+ items: ckEditor,
+ autoDestroy: true
if (!Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(siteId)) {
- xtype:'knitkit_versions' + contentType + 'gridpanel',
- contentId:id,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self,
- siteId:siteId
+ xtype: 'knitkit_versions' + contentType + 'gridpanel',
+ contentId: id,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 200,
+ collapsible: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ centerRegion: self,
+ siteId: siteId
else {
- xtype:'knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
- contentId:id,
- region:'south',
- height:150,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self
+ xtype: 'knitkit_nonpublishedversionswebsitesectiongridpanel',
+ contentId: id,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 200,
+ collapsible: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ centerRegion: self
item = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
- xtype:'panel',
- layout:'border',
- title:title,
- itemId:itemId,
- closable:true,
- items:items,
- save:function (comp) {
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ layout: 'border',
+ title: title,
+ itemId: itemId,
+ closable: true,
+ items: items,
+ save: function (comp) {
if (currentUser.hasCapability('edit_html', 'Content')) {
var content = comp.down('ckeditor').getValue();
- self.saveContent(id, content, contentType, siteId);
+ self.saveContent(id, comp, content, contentType, siteId);
if (contentGridStore) {
} else {
- },
- listeners:{
- 'show':function (panel) {
- if (!Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(siteId)) {
- Ext.getCmp('knitkitWestRegion').selectWebsite(siteId);
- }
- }
- /* comment */
- showComment:function (comment) {
+ showComment: function (comment) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
var cardPanel = activeTab.query('panel')[0];
- xtype:'panel',
- html:comment
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ html: comment
- viewContentComments:function (contentId, title) {
+ viewContentComments: function (contentId, title) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'contentComments-' + contentId;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
item = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- layout:'border',
- itemId:itemId,
- title:title,
- closable:true,
- items:[
+ layout: 'border',
+ itemId: itemId,
+ title: title,
+ closable: true,
+ items: [
- xtype:'panel',
- layout:'card',
- split:true,
- region:'center',
- items:[],
- autoDestroy:true
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ layout: 'card',
+ split: true,
+ region: 'center',
+ items: [],
+ autoDestroy: true
- xtype:'knitkit_commentsgridpanel',
- contentId:contentId,
- region:'south',
- height:300,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self
+ xtype: 'knitkit_commentsgridpanel',
+ contentId: contentId,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 300,
+ collapsible: true,
+ centerRegion: self
- viewWebsiteInquiries:function (websiteId, title) {
+ viewWebsiteInquiries: function (websiteId, title) {
var self = this;
var itemId = 'websiteInqueries-' + websiteId;
var item = this.workArea.query('#' + itemId).first();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(item)) {
item = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- layout:'border',
- title:title + " Inquiries",
- itemId:itemId,
- closable:true,
- items:[
+ layout: 'border',
+ title: title + " Inquiries",
+ itemId: itemId,
+ closable: true,
+ items: [
- xtype:'panel',
- layout:'card',
- split:true,
- region:'center',
- items:[],
- autoDestroy:true
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ layout: 'card',
+ split: true,
+ region: 'center',
+ items: [],
+ autoDestroy: true
- xtype:'knitkit_inquiriesgridpanel',
- websiteId:websiteId,
- region:'south',
- height:300,
- collapsible:true,
- centerRegion:self
+ xtype: 'knitkit_inquiriesgridpanel',
+ websiteId: websiteId,
+ region: 'south',
+ height: 300,
+ collapsible: true,
+ centerRegion: self
- ],
- listeners:{
- 'show':function (panel) {
- Ext.getCmp('knitkitWestRegion').selectWebsite(websiteId);
- }
- }
+ ]
- insertHtmlIntoActiveCkEditor:function (html) {
+ insertHtmlIntoActiveCkEditor: function (html) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(activeTab)) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No editor');
else {
@@ -707,11 +811,11 @@
return false;
- replaceHtmlInActiveCkEditor:function (html) {
+ replaceHtmlInActiveCkEditor: function (html) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(activeTab)) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No editor');
else {
@@ -723,11 +827,11 @@
return false;
- replaceContentInActiveCodeMirror:function (content) {
+ replaceContentInActiveCodeMirror: function (content) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(activeTab)) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No editor');
else {
@@ -739,11 +843,11 @@
return false;
- addContentToActiveCodeMirror:function (content) {
+ addContentToActiveCodeMirror: function (content) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(activeTab)) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No editor');
else {
@@ -758,83 +862,83 @@
- insertHtmlIntoActiveCkEditorOrCodemirror:function (html) {
+ insertHtmlIntoActiveCkEditorOrCodemirror: function (html) {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(activeTab)) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No editor');
else {
- if (activeTab.query('ckeditor').length > 0) {
- activeTab.query('ckeditor')[0].insertHtml(html);
+ if (activeTab.down('ckeditor')) {
+ activeTab.down('ckeditor').insertHtml(html);
- else if (activeTab.query('codemirror').length > 0) {
- activeTab.query('codemirror')[0].insertContent(html);
+ else if (activeTab.down('codemirror')) {
+ activeTab.down('codemirror').insertContent(html);
else {
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'No ckeditor or codemirror found');
return false;
- saveCurrent:function () {
+ saveCurrent: function () {
var activeTab = this.workArea.getActiveTab();
if (!Ext.isEmpty(activeTab) && !Ext.isEmpty( {;
- saveAll:function () {
+ saveAll: function () {
this.workArea.items.each(function (comp) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(comp) && !Ext.isEmpty( {;
- constructor:function (config) {
+ constructor: function (config) {
region = this;
this.workArea = Ext.createWidget('tabpanel', {
- autoDestroy:true,
- region:'center',
- plugins:Ext.create('Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu', {
- extraItemsTail:[
+ autoDestroy: true,
+ region: 'center',
+ plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu', {
+ extraItemsTail: [
- text:'Closable',
- checked:true,
- hideOnClick:true,
- handler:function (item) {
+ text: 'Closable',
+ checked: true,
+ hideOnClick: true,
+ handler: function (item) {;
- listeners:{
- aftermenu:function () {
+ listeners: {
+ aftermenu: function () {
currentItem = null;
- beforemenu:function (menu, item) {
+ beforemenu: function (menu, item) {
var menuitem = menu.child('*[text="Closable"]');
currentItem = item;
listeners: {
- add:function() {
+ add: function () {
- remove:function() {
+ remove: function () {
smartRenameTabs: function () {
- var tabs = this.queryBy(function(record) {
+ var tabs = this.queryBy(function (record) {
// If no filePathHash is found, this item is not an actual tab element, don't collect it into tabs array
if (record.filePathHash != undefined) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -842,11 +946,11 @@
baseNames = {},
fileNames = {};
// Collect counts for each unique baseName and fileName
- Ext.each(tabs, function(tab) {
+ Ext.each(tabs, function (tab) {
if (!baseNames[tab.baseName]) {
baseNames[tab.baseName] = 1;
} else {
@@ -857,31 +961,38 @@
// Rename each tab as needed
- Ext.each(tabs, function(tab) {
+ Ext.each(tabs, function (tab) {
if (baseNames[tab.baseName] > 1) {
// Duplicate fileName, use fileName + container directory in title
if (fileNames[tab.fileName] > 1) {
- tab.setTitle(tab.fileName+" ("+tab.containerDir+")");
+ tab.setTitle(tab.fileName + " (" + tab.containerDir + ")");
} else { // Duplicate baseName but unique fileName, use fileName for title
} else { // Unique basename, use it for titles
+ startupPanel = Ext.createWidget('knitkit_splash_screen', {
+ closable: true,
+ centerRegion: region
+ });
+ this.workArea.add(startupPanel);
+ this.workArea.setActiveTab(startupPanel);
config = Ext.apply({
- id:'knitkitCenterRegion',
- autoDestroy:true,
- layout:'border',
- region:'center',
+ id: 'knitkitCenterRegion',
+ autoDestroy: true,
+ layout: 'border',
+ region: 'center',
- items:[this.workArea]
+ items: [this.workArea]
}, config);
\ No newline at end of file