spec/unit/knife/ssh_spec.rb in knife-18.0.185 vs spec/unit/knife/ssh_spec.rb in knife-18.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,403 +1,403 @@
-# Author:: Bryan McLellan <btm@chef.io>
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require "knife_spec_helper"
-require "net/ssh"
-require "net/ssh/multi"
-describe Chef::Knife::Ssh do
- let(:query_result) { double("chef search results") }
- before do
- Chef::Config[:client_key] = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/ssl/private_key.pem"
- @knife = Chef::Knife::Ssh.new
- @knife.merge_configs
- @node_foo = {}
- @node_foo["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
- @node_foo["ipaddress"] = ""
- @node_foo["cloud"] = {}
- @node_bar = {}
- @node_bar["fqdn"] = "bar.example.org"
- @node_bar["ipaddress"] = ""
- @node_bar["cloud"] = {}
- end
- describe "#configure_session" do
- context "manual is set to false (default)" do
- before do
- @knife.config[:manual] = false
- allow(query_result).to receive(:search).with(any_args).and_yield(@node_foo).and_yield(@node_bar)
- allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(query_result)
- end
- def self.should_return_specified_attributes
- it "returns an array of the attributes specified on the command line OR config file, if only one is set" do
- @node_bar["target"] = ""
- @node_foo["target"] = ""
- @node_bar["prefix"] = "bar"
- @node_foo["prefix"] = "foo"
- @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress"
- @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = "name"
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress" # this value will be in the config file
- Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = "name" # this value will be in the config file
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([["", nil, "foo"], ["", nil, "bar"]])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- it "returns an array of the attributes specified on the command line even when a config value is set" do
- @node_bar["target"] = ""
- @node_foo["target"] = ""
- @node_bar["prefix"] = "bar"
- @node_foo["prefix"] = "foo"
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = "config_file" # this value will be in the config file
- Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = "config_file" # this value will be in the config file
- @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress" # this is the value of the command line via #configure_attribute
- @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = "name" # this is the value of the command line via #configure_attribute
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([["", nil, "foo"], ["", nil, "bar"]])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- end
- it "searches for and returns an array of fqdns" do
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
- ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
- ["bar.example.org", nil, nil],
- ])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- should_return_specified_attributes
- context "when cloud hostnames are available" do
- before do
- @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
- @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
- end
- it "returns an array of cloud public hostnames" do
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
- ["ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com", nil, nil],
- ["ec2-10-0-0-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com", nil, nil],
- ])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- should_return_specified_attributes
- end
- context "when cloud hostnames are available but empty" do
- before do
- @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
- @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
- end
- it "returns an array of fqdns" do
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
- ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
- ["bar.example.org", nil, nil],
- ])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- should_return_specified_attributes
- end
- it "should raise an error if no host are found" do
- allow(query_result).to receive(:search).with(any_args)
- expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal)
- expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- context "when there are some hosts found but they do not have an attribute to connect with" do
- before do
- @node_foo["fqdn"] = nil
- @node_bar["fqdn"] = nil
- end
- it "should raise a specific error (CHEF-3402)" do
- expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/^2 nodes found/)
- expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- end
- context "when there are some hosts found but IPs duplicated if duplicated_fqdns option sets :fatal" do
- before do
- @knife.config[:duplicated_fqdns] = :fatal
- @node_foo["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
- @node_bar["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
- end
- it "should raise a specific error" do
- expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/^SSH node is duplicated: foo\.example\.org/)
- expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
- ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
- ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
- ])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- end
- end
- context "manual is set to true" do
- before do
- @knife.config[:manual] = true
- end
- it "returns an array of provided values" do
- @knife.instance_variable_set(:@name_args, ["foo.example.org bar.example.org"])
- expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with(["foo.example.org", "bar.example.org"])
- @knife.configure_session
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#get_prefix_attribute" do
- # Order of precedence for prefix
- # 1) config value (cli or knife config)
- # 2) nil
- before do
- Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = nil
- @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = nil
- @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
- @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
- end
- it "should return nil by default" do
- expect(@knife.get_prefix_attribute({})).to eq(nil)
- end
- it "should favor config over nil" do
- @node_foo["prefix"] = "config"
- expect( @knife.get_prefix_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("config")
- end
- end
- describe "#get_ssh_attribute" do
- # Order of precedence for ssh target
- # 1) config value (cli or knife config)
- # 2) cloud attribute
- # 3) fqdn
- before do
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = nil
- @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = nil
- @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
- @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
- end
- it "should return fqdn by default" do
- expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute({ "fqdn" => "fqdn" })).to eq("fqdn")
- end
- it "should return cloud.public_hostname attribute if available" do
- expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com")
- end
- it "should favor config over cloud and default" do
- @node_foo["target"] = "config"
- expect( @knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("config")
- end
- it "should return fqdn if cloud.hostname is empty" do
- expect( @knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_bar)).to eq("bar.example.org")
- end
- end
- describe "#session_from_list" do
- before :each do
- @knife.instance_variable_set(:@longest, 0)
- ssh_config = { timeout: 50, user: "locutus", port: 23, keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 60 }
- allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:configuration_for).with("the.b.org", true).and_return(ssh_config)
- end
- it "uses the port from an ssh config file" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].port).to eq(23)
- end
- it "uses the port from a cloud attr" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].port).to eq(123)
- end
- it "uses the prefix from list" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, "b-team"]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0][:prefix]).to eq("b-team")
- end
- it "defaults to a prefix of host" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0][:prefix]).to eq("the.b.org")
- end
- it "defaults to a timeout of 120 seconds" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(120)
- end
- it "uses the timeout from the CLI" do
- @knife.config = {}
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = nil
- @knife.config[:ssh_timeout] = 5
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
- @knife.merge_configs
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(5)
- end
- it "uses the timeout from knife config" do
- @knife.config = {}
- Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = 6
- @knife.merge_configs
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(6)
- end
- it "uses the user from an ssh config file" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].user).to eq("locutus")
- end
- it "uses keepalive settings from an ssh config file" do
- @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:keepalive]).to be true
- expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:keepalive_interval]).to eq 60
- end
- end
- describe "#ssh_command" do
- let(:execution_channel) { double(:execution_channel, on_data: nil, on_extended_data: nil) }
- let(:session_channel) { double(:session_channel, request_pty: nil) }
- let(:execution_channel2) { double(:execution_channel, on_data: nil, on_extended_data: nil) }
- let(:session_channel2) { double(:session_channel, request_pty: nil) }
- let(:session) { double(:session, loop: nil, close: nil) }
- let(:command) { "false" }
- before do
- expect(execution_channel)
- .to receive(:on_request)
- .and_yield(nil, double(:data_stream, read_long: exit_status))
- expect(session_channel)
- .to receive(:exec)
- .with(command)
- .and_yield(execution_channel, true)
- expect(execution_channel2)
- .to receive(:on_request)
- .and_yield(nil, double(:data_stream, read_long: exit_status2))
- expect(session_channel2)
- .to receive(:exec)
- .with(command)
- .and_yield(execution_channel2, true)
- expect(session)
- .to receive(:open_channel)
- .and_yield(session_channel)
- .and_yield(session_channel2)
- end
- context "both connections return 0" do
- let(:exit_status) { 0 }
- let(:exit_status2) { 0 }
- it "returns a 0 exit code" do
- expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(0)
- end
- end
- context "the first connection returns 1 and the second returns 0" do
- let(:exit_status) { 1 }
- let(:exit_status2) { 0 }
- it "returns a non-zero exit code" do
- expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(1)
- end
- end
- context "the first connection returns 1 and the second returns 2" do
- let(:exit_status) { 1 }
- let(:exit_status2) { 2 }
- it "returns a non-zero exit code" do
- expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(2)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#tmux" do
- before do
- ssh_config = { timeout: 50, user: "locutus", port: 23, keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 60 }
- allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:configuration_for).with("foo.example.org", true).and_return(ssh_config)
- @query = Chef::Search::Query.new
- expect(@query).to receive(:search).and_yield(@node_foo)
- allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(@query)
- allow(@knife).to receive(:exec).and_return(0)
- end
- it "filters out invalid characters from tmux session name" do
- @knife.name_args = ["name:foo.example.org", "tmux"]
- expect(@knife).to receive(:shell_out!).with("tmux new-session -d -s 'knife ssh name=foo-example-org' -n 'foo.example.org' 'ssh locutus@foo.example.org' ")
- @knife.run
- end
- end
- describe "#run" do
- it "should print usage and exit when a SEARCH QUERY is not provided" do
- @knife.name_args = []
- expect(@knife).to receive(:show_usage)
- expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/You must specify the SEARCH QUERY./)
- expect { @knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
- end
- context "exit" do
- before do
- @query = Chef::Search::Query.new
- expect(@query).to receive(:search).and_yield(@node_foo)
- allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(@query)
- allow(@knife).to receive(:ssh_command).and_return(exit_code)
- @knife.name_args = ["*:*", "false"]
- end
- context "with an error" do
- let(:exit_code) { 1 }
- it "should exit with a non-zero exit code" do
- expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(exit_code)
- @knife.run
- end
- end
- context "with no error" do
- let(:exit_code) { 0 }
- it "should not exit" do
- expect(@knife).not_to receive(:exit)
- @knife.run
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# Author:: Bryan McLellan <btm@chef.io>
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require "knife_spec_helper"
+require "net/ssh"
+require "net/ssh/multi"
+describe Chef::Knife::Ssh do
+ let(:query_result) { double("chef search results") }
+ before do
+ Chef::Config[:client_key] = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/ssl/private_key.pem"
+ @knife = Chef::Knife::Ssh.new
+ @knife.merge_configs
+ @node_foo = {}
+ @node_foo["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
+ @node_foo["ipaddress"] = ""
+ @node_foo["cloud"] = {}
+ @node_bar = {}
+ @node_bar["fqdn"] = "bar.example.org"
+ @node_bar["ipaddress"] = ""
+ @node_bar["cloud"] = {}
+ end
+ describe "#configure_session" do
+ context "manual is set to false (default)" do
+ before do
+ @knife.config[:manual] = false
+ allow(query_result).to receive(:search).with(any_args).and_yield(@node_foo).and_yield(@node_bar)
+ allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(query_result)
+ end
+ def self.should_return_specified_attributes
+ it "returns an array of the attributes specified on the command line OR config file, if only one is set" do
+ @node_bar["target"] = ""
+ @node_foo["target"] = ""
+ @node_bar["prefix"] = "bar"
+ @node_foo["prefix"] = "foo"
+ @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress"
+ @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = "name"
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress" # this value will be in the config file
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = "name" # this value will be in the config file
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([["", nil, "foo"], ["", nil, "bar"]])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ it "returns an array of the attributes specified on the command line even when a config value is set" do
+ @node_bar["target"] = ""
+ @node_foo["target"] = ""
+ @node_bar["prefix"] = "bar"
+ @node_foo["prefix"] = "foo"
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = "config_file" # this value will be in the config file
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = "config_file" # this value will be in the config file
+ @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = "ipaddress" # this is the value of the command line via #configure_attribute
+ @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = "name" # this is the value of the command line via #configure_attribute
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([["", nil, "foo"], ["", nil, "bar"]])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ end
+ it "searches for and returns an array of fqdns" do
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
+ ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ["bar.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ should_return_specified_attributes
+ context "when cloud hostnames are available" do
+ before do
+ @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
+ @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
+ end
+ it "returns an array of cloud public hostnames" do
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
+ ["ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com", nil, nil],
+ ["ec2-10-0-0-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com", nil, nil],
+ ])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ should_return_specified_attributes
+ end
+ context "when cloud hostnames are available but empty" do
+ before do
+ @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
+ @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
+ end
+ it "returns an array of fqdns" do
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
+ ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ["bar.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ should_return_specified_attributes
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if no host are found" do
+ allow(query_result).to receive(:search).with(any_args)
+ expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal)
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ context "when there are some hosts found but they do not have an attribute to connect with" do
+ before do
+ @node_foo["fqdn"] = nil
+ @node_bar["fqdn"] = nil
+ end
+ it "should raise a specific error (CHEF-3402)" do
+ expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/^2 nodes found/)
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there are some hosts found but IPs duplicated if duplicated_fqdns option sets :fatal" do
+ before do
+ @knife.config[:duplicated_fqdns] = :fatal
+ @node_foo["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
+ @node_bar["fqdn"] = "foo.example.org"
+ end
+ it "should raise a specific error" do
+ expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/^SSH node is duplicated: foo\.example\.org/)
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(10)
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with([
+ ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ["foo.example.org", nil, nil],
+ ])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "manual is set to true" do
+ before do
+ @knife.config[:manual] = true
+ end
+ it "returns an array of provided values" do
+ @knife.instance_variable_set(:@name_args, ["foo.example.org bar.example.org"])
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:session_from_list).with(["foo.example.org", "bar.example.org"])
+ @knife.configure_session
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#get_prefix_attribute" do
+ # Order of precedence for prefix
+ # 1) config value (cli or knife config)
+ # 2) nil
+ before do
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:prefix_attribute] = nil
+ @knife.config[:prefix_attribute] = nil
+ @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
+ @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
+ end
+ it "should return nil by default" do
+ expect(@knife.get_prefix_attribute({})).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ it "should favor config over nil" do
+ @node_foo["prefix"] = "config"
+ expect( @knife.get_prefix_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("config")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#get_ssh_attribute" do
+ # Order of precedence for ssh target
+ # 1) config value (cli or knife config)
+ # 2) cloud attribute
+ # 3) fqdn
+ before do
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_attribute] = nil
+ @knife.config[:ssh_attribute] = nil
+ @node_foo["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = "ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
+ @node_bar["cloud"]["public_hostname"] = ""
+ end
+ it "should return fqdn by default" do
+ expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute({ "fqdn" => "fqdn" })).to eq("fqdn")
+ end
+ it "should return cloud.public_hostname attribute if available" do
+ expect(@knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("ec2-10-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com")
+ end
+ it "should favor config over cloud and default" do
+ @node_foo["target"] = "config"
+ expect( @knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_foo)).to eq("config")
+ end
+ it "should return fqdn if cloud.hostname is empty" do
+ expect( @knife.get_ssh_attribute(@node_bar)).to eq("bar.example.org")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#session_from_list" do
+ before :each do
+ @knife.instance_variable_set(:@longest, 0)
+ ssh_config = { timeout: 50, user: "locutus", port: 23, keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 60 }
+ allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:configuration_for).with("the.b.org", true).and_return(ssh_config)
+ end
+ it "uses the port from an ssh config file" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].port).to eq(23)
+ end
+ it "uses the port from a cloud attr" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].port).to eq(123)
+ end
+ it "uses the prefix from list" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, "b-team"]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0][:prefix]).to eq("b-team")
+ end
+ it "defaults to a prefix of host" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0][:prefix]).to eq("the.b.org")
+ end
+ it "defaults to a timeout of 120 seconds" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(120)
+ end
+ it "uses the timeout from the CLI" do
+ @knife.config = {}
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = nil
+ @knife.config[:ssh_timeout] = 5
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
+ @knife.merge_configs
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(5)
+ end
+ it "uses the timeout from knife config" do
+ @knife.config = {}
+ Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_timeout] = 6
+ @knife.merge_configs
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", nil, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:timeout]).to eq(6)
+ end
+ it "uses the user from an ssh config file" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].user).to eq("locutus")
+ end
+ it "uses keepalive settings from an ssh config file" do
+ @knife.session_from_list([["the.b.org", 123, nil]])
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:keepalive]).to be true
+ expect(@knife.session.servers[0].options[:keepalive_interval]).to eq 60
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#ssh_command" do
+ let(:execution_channel) { double(:execution_channel, on_data: nil, on_extended_data: nil) }
+ let(:session_channel) { double(:session_channel, request_pty: nil) }
+ let(:execution_channel2) { double(:execution_channel, on_data: nil, on_extended_data: nil) }
+ let(:session_channel2) { double(:session_channel, request_pty: nil) }
+ let(:session) { double(:session, loop: nil, close: nil) }
+ let(:command) { "false" }
+ before do
+ expect(execution_channel)
+ .to receive(:on_request)
+ .and_yield(nil, double(:data_stream, read_long: exit_status))
+ expect(session_channel)
+ .to receive(:exec)
+ .with(command)
+ .and_yield(execution_channel, true)
+ expect(execution_channel2)
+ .to receive(:on_request)
+ .and_yield(nil, double(:data_stream, read_long: exit_status2))
+ expect(session_channel2)
+ .to receive(:exec)
+ .with(command)
+ .and_yield(execution_channel2, true)
+ expect(session)
+ .to receive(:open_channel)
+ .and_yield(session_channel)
+ .and_yield(session_channel2)
+ end
+ context "both connections return 0" do
+ let(:exit_status) { 0 }
+ let(:exit_status2) { 0 }
+ it "returns a 0 exit code" do
+ expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "the first connection returns 1 and the second returns 0" do
+ let(:exit_status) { 1 }
+ let(:exit_status2) { 0 }
+ it "returns a non-zero exit code" do
+ expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "the first connection returns 1 and the second returns 2" do
+ let(:exit_status) { 1 }
+ let(:exit_status2) { 2 }
+ it "returns a non-zero exit code" do
+ expect(@knife.ssh_command(command, session)).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#tmux" do
+ before do
+ ssh_config = { timeout: 50, user: "locutus", port: 23, keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 60 }
+ allow(Net::SSH).to receive(:configuration_for).with("foo.example.org", true).and_return(ssh_config)
+ @query = Chef::Search::Query.new
+ expect(@query).to receive(:search).and_yield(@node_foo)
+ allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(@query)
+ allow(@knife).to receive(:exec).and_return(0)
+ end
+ it "filters out invalid characters from tmux session name" do
+ @knife.name_args = ["name:foo.example.org", "tmux"]
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:shell_out!).with("tmux new-session -d -s 'knife ssh name=foo-example-org' -n 'foo.example.org' 'ssh locutus@foo.example.org' ")
+ @knife.run
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#run" do
+ it "should print usage and exit when a SEARCH QUERY is not provided" do
+ @knife.name_args = []
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:show_usage)
+ expect(@knife.ui).to receive(:fatal).with(/You must specify the SEARCH QUERY./)
+ expect { @knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ end
+ context "exit" do
+ before do
+ @query = Chef::Search::Query.new
+ expect(@query).to receive(:search).and_yield(@node_foo)
+ allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(@query)
+ allow(@knife).to receive(:ssh_command).and_return(exit_code)
+ @knife.name_args = ["*:*", "false"]
+ end
+ context "with an error" do
+ let(:exit_code) { 1 }
+ it "should exit with a non-zero exit code" do
+ expect(@knife).to receive(:exit).with(exit_code)
+ @knife.run
+ end
+ end
+ context "with no error" do
+ let(:exit_code) { 0 }
+ it "should not exit" do
+ expect(@knife).not_to receive(:exit)
+ @knife.run
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end