spec/unit/knife/bootstrap_template_spec.rb in knife-windows-0.8.6 vs spec/unit/knife/bootstrap_template_spec.rb in knife-windows-1.0.0.rc.0
- old
+ new
@@ -18,29 +18,21 @@
TEMPLATE_FILE = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/windows-chef-client-msi.erb"
require 'spec_helper'
-describe "While Windows Bootstrapping" do
- context "the default Windows bootstrapping template" do
- bootstrap = Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new
- bootstrap.config[:template_file] = TEMPLATE_FILE
- template = bootstrap.load_template
- template_file_lines = template.split('\n')
- it "should download Platform specific MSI" do
- download_url=template_file_lines.find {|l| l.include?("url=")}
- download_url.include?("%MACHINE_OS%") && download_url.include?("%MACHINE_ARCH%")
- end
- it "should download specific version of MSI if supplied" do
- download_url_ext= template_file_lines.find {|l| l.include?("url +=")}
- download_url_ext.include?("[:bootstrap_version]")
- end
+describe Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm do
+ let(:template_file) { TEMPLATE_FILE }
+ let(:options) { [] }
+ let(:rendered_template) do
+ knife.instance_variable_set("@template_file", template_file)
+ knife.parse_options(options)
+ # Avoid referencing a validation keyfile we won't find during #render_template
+ template = IO.read(template_file).chomp
+ knife.render_template(template)
-describe Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm do
before(:all) do
@original_config = Chef::Config.hash_dup
@original_knife_config = Chef::Config[:knife].dup
@@ -52,29 +44,20 @@
before(:each) do
Chef::Log.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new)
@knife = Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new
# Merge default settings in.
- @knife.config[:template_file] = TEMPLATE_FILE
+ @knife.config[:template_file] = template_file
@stdout = StringIO.new
allow(@knife.ui).to receive(:stdout).and_return(@stdout)
@stderr = StringIO.new
allow(@knife.ui).to receive(:stderr).and_return(@stderr)
describe "specifying no_proxy with various entries" do
subject(:knife) { described_class.new }
let(:options){ ["--bootstrap-proxy", "", "--bootstrap-no-proxy", setting] }
- let(:template_file) { TEMPLATE_FILE }
- let(:rendered_template) do
- knife.instance_variable_set("@template_file", template_file)
- knife.parse_options(options)
- # Avoid referencing a validation keyfile we won't find during #render_template
- template = IO.read(template_file).chomp
- template_string = template.gsub(/^.*[Vv]alidation_key.*$/, '')
- knife.render_template(template_string)
- end
context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy" do
let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com" }
it "renders the client.rb with a single FQDN no_proxy entry" do
@@ -84,9 +67,26 @@
context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy multiple" do
let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com,172.16.10.*" }
it "renders the client.rb with comma-separated FQDN and wildcard IP address no_proxy entries" do
expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{.*no_proxy\s*"api.opscode.com,172.16.10.\*".*})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "specifying msi_url" do
+ subject(:knife) { described_class.new }
+ context "with explicitly provided msi_url" do
+ let(:options) { ["--msi_url", "file:///something.msi"] }
+ it "bootstrap batch file must fetch from provided url" do
+ expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{.*REMOTE_SOURCE_MSI_URL=file:///something\.msi.*})
+ end
+ end
+ context "with no provided msi_url" do
+ it "bootstrap batch file must fetch from provided url" do
+ expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{.*REMOTE_SOURCE_MSI_URL=https://www\.chef\.io/.*})