spec/functional/bootstrap_download_spec.rb in knife-windows-1.7.0 vs spec/functional/bootstrap_download_spec.rb in knife-windows-1.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,236 +1,236 @@
-# Author:: Adam Edwards (<adamed@chef.io>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Chef Software, Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'dummy_winrm_connection'
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'tmpdir'
-# These test cases exercise the Knife::Windows knife plugin's ability
-# to download a bootstrap msi as part of the bootstrap process on
-# Windows nodes. The test modifies the Windows batch file generated
-# from an erb template in the plugin source in order to enable execution
-# of only the download functionality contained in the bootstrap template.
-# The test relies on knowledge of the fields of the template itself and
-# also on knowledge of the contents and structure of the Windows batch
-# file generated by the template.
-# Note that if the bootstrap template changes substantially, the tests
-# should fail and will require re-implementation. If such changes
-# occur, the bootstrap code should be refactored to explicitly expose
-# the download funcitonality separately from other tasks to make the
-# test more robust.
-describe 'Knife::Windows::Core msi download functionality for knife Windows winrm bootstrap template' do
- before(:all) do
- # Since we're always running 32-bit Ruby, fix the
- # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable.
- end
- # All file artifacts from this test will be written into this directory
- @temp_directory = Dir.mktmpdir("bootstrap_test")
- # Location to which the download script will be modified to write
- # the downloaded msi
- @local_file_download_destination = "#{@temp_directory}/chef-client-latest.msi"
- source_code_directory = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- @template_file_path ="#{source_code_directory}/../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/windows-chef-client-msi.erb"
- end
- after(:all) do
- # Clear the temp directory upon exit
- if Dir.exists?(@temp_directory)
- FileUtils::remove_dir(@temp_directory)
- end
- end
- describe "running on any version of the Windows OS", :windows_only do
- let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new({ }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
- let(:mock_winrm) { Chef::Knife::Winrm.new }
- before do
- # Stub the bootstrap context and prevent config related sections
- # from being populated, i.e. chef installation and first chef
- # run sections
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:validation_key).and_return("echo.validation_key")
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:secret).and_return("echo.encrypted_data_bag_secret")
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:config_content).and_return("echo.config_content")
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:start_chef).and_return("echo.echo start_chef_command")
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:run_list).and_return("echo.run_list")
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:install_chef).and_return("echo.echo install_chef_command")
- # Change the directories where bootstrap files will be created
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:bootstrap_directory).and_return(@temp_directory.gsub(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR))
- allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:local_download_path).and_return(@local_file_download_destination.gsub(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR))
- # Prevent password prompt during bootstrap process
- allow(mock_winrm.ui).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil)
- allow(Chef::Knife::Winrm).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_winrm)
- allow(Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_bootstrap_context)
- Chef::Config[:knife] = {:winrm_transport => 'plaintext', :chef_node_name => 'foo.example.com', :winrm_authentication_protocol => 'negotiate'}
- end
- it "downloads the chef-client MSI from the default location during winrm bootstrap" do
- run_download_scenario
- end
- context "when provided a custom msi_url to fetch from" do
- let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new(
- { :msi_url => "file:///C:/Windows/System32/xcopy.exe" }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
- it "downloads the chef-client MSI from a custom path during winrm bootstrap" do
- run_download_scenario
- end
- end
- context "when provided a custom msi_url with space in path to fetch from" do
- let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new(
- { :msi_url => "file:///C:/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe" }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
- it "downloads the chef-client MSI from a custom path with spaces during winrm bootstrap" do
- run_download_scenario
- end
- end
- end
- def download_succeeded?
- File.exists?(@local_file_download_destination) && ! File.zero?(@local_file_download_destination)
- end
- # Remove file artifacts generated by individual test cases
- def clean_test_case
- if File.exists?(@local_file_download_destination)
- File.delete(@local_file_download_destination)
- end
- end
- def run_download_scenario
- clean_test_case
- winrm_bootstrapper = Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new([ "" ])
- if chef_gte_12?
- winrm_bootstrapper.client_builder = instance_double("Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::ClientBuilder", :run => nil, :client_path => nil)
- elsif chef_lt_12?
- allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return(true)
- end
- allow(WinRM::Connection).to receive(:new).and_return(Dummy::Connection.new)
- allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:wait_for_remote_response)
- allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:validate_options!)
- allow(winrm_bootstrapper.ui).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil)
- winrm_bootstrapper.config[:template_file] = @template_file_path
- winrm_bootstrapper.config[:run_list] = []
- # Execute the commands locally that would normally be executed via WinRM
- allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:run_command) do |command|
- system(command)
- end
- winrm_bootstrapper.run
- # Download should succeed
- expect(download_succeeded?).to be true
- end
-describe "bootstrap_install_command functionality through WinRM protocol", :if_chef_11 => true do
- context "bootstrap_install_command option is not specified" do
- let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new([]) }
- before do
- @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
- @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
- end
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil", :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- @template_output)
- end
- context "when running chef-client 12.5.0 or greater", :chef_gte_12_5_only => true do
- let(:template_12_5_output) { sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command_on_12_5_client.txt') }
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil" do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- template_12_5_output)
- end
- end
- end
- context "bootstrap_install_command option is specified" do
- let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new(['--bootstrap-install-command', 'chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]']) }
- before do
- bootstrap.config[:bootstrap_install_command] = "chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]"
- @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
- @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
- end
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template", :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- @template_output)
- end
- context "when running chef-client 12.5.0 or greater", :chef_gte_12_5_only => true do
- let(:template_12_5_output) { sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command_on_12_5_client.txt') }
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template" do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- template_12_5_output)
- end
- end
- after do
- bootstrap.config.delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
- Chef::Config[:knife].delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
- end
- end
-describe "bootstrap_install_command functionality through SSH protocol", :if_chef_11 => true, :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
- context "bootstrap_install_command option is not specified" do
- let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsSsh.new([]) }
- before do
- @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
- @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
- end
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil" do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- @template_output)
- end
- end
- context "bootstrap_install_command option is specified" do
- let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsSsh.new(['--bootstrap-install-command', 'chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]']) }
- before do
- bootstrap.config[:bootstrap_install_command] = "chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]"
- @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
- @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
- end
- it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template" do
- expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
- @template_output)
- end
- after do
- bootstrap.config.delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
- Chef::Config[:knife].delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
- end
- end
+# Author:: Adam Edwards (<adamed@chef.io>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'dummy_winrm_connection'
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'tmpdir'
+# These test cases exercise the Knife::Windows knife plugin's ability
+# to download a bootstrap msi as part of the bootstrap process on
+# Windows nodes. The test modifies the Windows batch file generated
+# from an erb template in the plugin source in order to enable execution
+# of only the download functionality contained in the bootstrap template.
+# The test relies on knowledge of the fields of the template itself and
+# also on knowledge of the contents and structure of the Windows batch
+# file generated by the template.
+# Note that if the bootstrap template changes substantially, the tests
+# should fail and will require re-implementation. If such changes
+# occur, the bootstrap code should be refactored to explicitly expose
+# the download funcitonality separately from other tasks to make the
+# test more robust.
+describe 'Knife::Windows::Core msi download functionality for knife Windows winrm bootstrap template' do
+ before(:all) do
+ # Since we're always running 32-bit Ruby, fix the
+ # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable.
+ end
+ # All file artifacts from this test will be written into this directory
+ @temp_directory = Dir.mktmpdir("bootstrap_test")
+ # Location to which the download script will be modified to write
+ # the downloaded msi
+ @local_file_download_destination = "#{@temp_directory}/chef-client-latest.msi"
+ source_code_directory = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ @template_file_path ="#{source_code_directory}/../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/windows-chef-client-msi.erb"
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ # Clear the temp directory upon exit
+ if Dir.exists?(@temp_directory)
+ FileUtils::remove_dir(@temp_directory)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "running on any version of the Windows OS", :windows_only do
+ let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new({ }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
+ let(:mock_winrm) { Chef::Knife::Winrm.new }
+ before do
+ # Stub the bootstrap context and prevent config related sections
+ # from being populated, i.e. chef installation and first chef
+ # run sections
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:validation_key).and_return("echo.validation_key")
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:secret).and_return("echo.encrypted_data_bag_secret")
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:config_content).and_return("echo.config_content")
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:start_chef).and_return("echo.echo start_chef_command")
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:run_list).and_return("echo.run_list")
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:install_chef).and_return("echo.echo install_chef_command")
+ # Change the directories where bootstrap files will be created
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:bootstrap_directory).and_return(@temp_directory.gsub(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR))
+ allow(mock_bootstrap_context).to receive(:local_download_path).and_return(@local_file_download_destination.gsub(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR))
+ # Prevent password prompt during bootstrap process
+ allow(mock_winrm.ui).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil)
+ allow(Chef::Knife::Winrm).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_winrm)
+ allow(Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_bootstrap_context)
+ Chef::Config[:knife] = {:winrm_transport => 'plaintext', :chef_node_name => 'foo.example.com', :winrm_authentication_protocol => 'negotiate'}
+ end
+ it "downloads the chef-client MSI from the default location during winrm bootstrap" do
+ run_download_scenario
+ end
+ context "when provided a custom msi_url to fetch from" do
+ let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new(
+ { :msi_url => "file:///C:/Windows/System32/xcopy.exe" }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
+ it "downloads the chef-client MSI from a custom path during winrm bootstrap" do
+ run_download_scenario
+ end
+ end
+ context "when provided a custom msi_url with space in path to fetch from" do
+ let(:mock_bootstrap_context) { Chef::Knife::Core::WindowsBootstrapContext.new(
+ { :msi_url => "file:///C:/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe" }, nil, { :knife => {} }) }
+ it "downloads the chef-client MSI from a custom path with spaces during winrm bootstrap" do
+ run_download_scenario
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def download_succeeded?
+ File.exists?(@local_file_download_destination) && ! File.zero?(@local_file_download_destination)
+ end
+ # Remove file artifacts generated by individual test cases
+ def clean_test_case
+ if File.exists?(@local_file_download_destination)
+ File.delete(@local_file_download_destination)
+ end
+ end
+ def run_download_scenario
+ clean_test_case
+ winrm_bootstrapper = Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new([ "" ])
+ if chef_gte_12?
+ winrm_bootstrapper.client_builder = instance_double("Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::ClientBuilder", :run => nil, :client_path => nil)
+ elsif chef_lt_12?
+ allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return(true)
+ end
+ allow(WinRM::Connection).to receive(:new).and_return(Dummy::Connection.new)
+ allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:wait_for_remote_response)
+ allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:validate_options!)
+ allow(winrm_bootstrapper.ui).to receive(:ask).and_return(nil)
+ winrm_bootstrapper.config[:template_file] = @template_file_path
+ winrm_bootstrapper.config[:run_list] = []
+ # Execute the commands locally that would normally be executed via WinRM
+ allow(winrm_bootstrapper).to receive(:run_command) do |command|
+ system(command)
+ end
+ winrm_bootstrapper.run
+ # Download should succeed
+ expect(download_succeeded?).to be true
+ end
+describe "bootstrap_install_command functionality through WinRM protocol", :if_chef_11 => true do
+ context "bootstrap_install_command option is not specified" do
+ let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new([]) }
+ before do
+ @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
+ @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
+ end
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil", :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ @template_output)
+ end
+ context "when running chef-client 12.5.0 or greater", :chef_gte_12_5_only => true do
+ let(:template_12_5_output) { sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command_on_12_5_client.txt') }
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil" do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ template_12_5_output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "bootstrap_install_command option is specified" do
+ let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new(['--bootstrap-install-command', 'chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]']) }
+ before do
+ bootstrap.config[:bootstrap_install_command] = "chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]"
+ @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
+ @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
+ end
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template", :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ @template_output)
+ end
+ context "when running chef-client 12.5.0 or greater", :chef_gte_12_5_only => true do
+ let(:template_12_5_output) { sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command_on_12_5_client.txt') }
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template" do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ template_12_5_output)
+ end
+ end
+ after do
+ bootstrap.config.delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
+ Chef::Config[:knife].delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
+ end
+ end
+describe "bootstrap_install_command functionality through SSH protocol", :if_chef_11 => true, :chef_lt_12_5_only => true do
+ context "bootstrap_install_command option is not specified" do
+ let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsSsh.new([]) }
+ before do
+ @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
+ @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_without_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
+ end
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is not rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template as its value is nil" do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ @template_output)
+ end
+ end
+ context "bootstrap_install_command option is specified" do
+ let(:bootstrap) { Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsSsh.new(['--bootstrap-install-command', 'chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]']) }
+ before do
+ bootstrap.config[:bootstrap_install_command] = "chef-client -o recipe[cbk1::rec2]"
+ @template_input = sample_data('win_template_unrendered.txt')
+ @template_output = sample_data('win_template_rendered_with_bootstrap_install_command.txt')
+ end
+ it "bootstrap_install_command option is rendered in the windows-chef-client-msi.erb template" do
+ expect(bootstrap.send(:render_template,@template_input)).to eq(
+ @template_output)
+ end
+ after do
+ bootstrap.config.delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
+ Chef::Config[:knife].delete(:bootstrap_install_command)
+ end
+ end