in knife-windows-1.0.0.rc.1 vs in knife-windows-1.0.0.rc.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,323 +1,323 @@
-This file is reset every time a new release is done. This file describes changes that have not yet been released.
-Example Doc Change:
-### Headline for the required change
-Description of the required change.
-# knife-windows 1.0.0 doc changes
-### WinRM default port default change
-The `winrm_port` option specifies the TCP port on the remote system to which
-to connect for WinRM communication for `knife-windows` commands that use
-WinRM. The default value of this option is **5986** if the WinRM transport
-(configured by the `winrm_transport` option) is SSL, otherwise it is **5985**.
-These defaults correspond to the port assignment conventions for the WinRM
-protocol, which is also honored by WinRM tools built-in to Windows such as the
-`winrs` tool.
-In previous releases, the default port was always 5985, regardless of the
-transport being used. To override the default, specify the `winrm_port`
-(`-p`) option and specify the desired port as the option's value.
-### WinRM authentication protocol defaults to `negotiate` regardless of name formats
-Unless explicitly overridden using the new `winrm_authentication_protocol`
-option, `knife-windows` subcommands that use WinRM will authenticate using the
-negotiate protocol, just as the tools built-in to the Windows operating
-system would do.
-Previously, `knife-windows` would use basic authentication, unless the
-username specified to the `winrm_user` option had the format `domain\user`,
-and in that case `knife-windows` would use negotiate authentication.
-To override the new behavior, specify the `winrm_authentication_protocol`
-option with a value of either the `basic` or `kerberos` to choose a different
-authentication protocol.
-### New `:winrm_authentication_protocol` option
-This option allows the authentication protocol used for WinRM communication to
-be explicitly specified. The supported protocol values are `kerberos`, `negotiate`,
-and `basic`, each of which directs `knife-windows` to use the respective authentication protocols.
-If the option is not specified, `knife-windows` treats this as a default value
-of `negotiate` and the tool uses negotiate authentication for WinRM.
-### New `:winrm_ssl_verify_mode` option
-When running the `winrm` and `bootstrap windows` subcommands with the
-`winrm_transport` option set to `ssl` to communicate with a remote Windows system using
-the WinRM protocol via the SSL transport, you may disable `knife`'s verification of
-the remote system's SSL certificate. This is useful for testing or
-troubleshooting SSL connectivity before you've verified the certificate of the remote system's SSL WinRM listener.
-The option that controls whether the server is validated is the
-`knife[:winrm_verify_ssl_mode]` option, which has the same values as Chef's
-[`:ssl_verify_mode`]( option. By default, the option is set to `:verify_peer`,
-which means that SSL communication must be verified using a certificate file
-specified by the `:ca_trust_file` option. To avoid the need to have this file available
-during testing, you can specify the `knife[:winrm_ssl_verify_mode]` option in
-`knife.rb` OR specify it directly on the `knife` command line as
-`--winrm-ssl-verify-mode` and set its value to `:verify_none`, which will
-override the default behavior and skip the verification of the remote system
--- there is no need to specify the `:ca_trust_file` option in this case.
-Here's an example that disables peer verification:
- knife winrm -m -x 'mydomain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -t ssl --winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none ipconfig
-This option should be used carefully since disabling the verification of the
-remote system's certificate can subject knife commands to spoofing attacks.
-### New subcommands to automate WinRM SSL listener configuration
-The WinRM protocol may be encapsulated by SSL, but the configuration of such
-connections can be difficult, particularly when the WinRM client is a
-non-Windows system. Three new knife subcommands have been implemented in
-knife-windows 1.0.0.rc.0 to simplify and automate this configuration:
-* `knife windows cert generate` subcommand:
- Generates certificates in formats useful for creating WinRM SSL listeners.
- It also generates a related public key file in .pem format to validating
- communication involving listeners configured with the generated certificate.
-* `knife windows cert install` subcommand:
- Installs a certificate such as one generated by the `cert generate`
- subcommand into the Windows certificate store so that it can be used as the
- SSL certificate for a WinRM listener. This command will only function on the
- Windows operating system. Certificates are always installed in the
- computer's personal store, i.e. the store that can be viewed via the
- PowerShell command `ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My`.
-* `knife windows listener create` subcommand:
- Creates a WinRM listener on a Windows system. This command functions only on
- the Windows operating system.
-#### Example WinRM listener configuration workflows
-The subcommands are used in the following scenarios
-##### Creation of a new listener with a new SSL certificate
-This workflow assumes that WinRM is enabled on the system, which can be
-accomplished with the command
- winrm quickconfig
-If you're creating a listener and don't already have an SSL certificate with
-which to configure it, you can quickly create an enabled listener with a short
-sequence of commands. The example below assumes that the `knife-windows`
-plugin is being executed on a Windows system via the PowerShell command shell,
-and that the system is registered with the relevant DNS with the name
-`` and that this is the name with which the user would like
-to remotely access this system.
-This sequence of commands creates a listener -- it assumes the existence of the directory `winrmcerts`
-under the user's profile directory:
- knife windows cert generate --domain --output-file $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
- knife windows listener create --hostname * --cert-install $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl.pfx
-The first command, `cert generate`, may be executed on any computer (even one not running the
-Windows operating system) and produces three files. The first two are certificates containing
-private keys that should be stored securely. The 3rd is a `.pem` file
-containing the public key required to validate the server. This file may be
-shared. The command also outputs the thumbprint of the generated certificate,
-which is useful for finding the certificate in a certificate store or using
-with other commands that require the thumbprint.
-The next command, `listener create`, creates the SSL listener -- if it is executed on a different
-system than that which generated the certificates, the required certificate
-file **must** be transferred securely to the system on which the listener will
-be created. It requires a PKCS12 `.pfx` file for the `--cert-install` argument
-which is one of the files generated by the previous `cert generate` command.
-After these commands are executed, an SSL listener will be created listening
-on TCP port 5986, the default WinRM SSL port. Using PowerShell, the following
-command will show this and other listeners on the system:
- ls wsman:\localhost\listener
-As an alternative to the command sequence above, the `cert install` command could be used to install the
-certificate in a separate step, i which case the `--cert-install` option must
-be replaced with the `--cert-thumbprint` option to use the generated
-certificate's thumbprint to identify the certificate with which the listener
-should be configured:
- knife windows cert generate --domain --output-file $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
- knife windows cert install $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
- knife windows listener create --hostname * --cert-thumbprint 1F3A70E2601FA1576BC4850ED2D7EF6587076423
-The system would then be in the same state as that after the original shorter
-command sequence.
-Note that the `cert install` command could be skipped if the certificate
-already exists in the personal certificate store of the computer. To view that store and
-see the thumbprints of certificates that could be used with the `listener
-create` command to create an SSL listener, the following PowerShell command
-may be executed:
- ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My
-##### Connecting to a configured SSL listener
-In order to connect securely to the configured SSL listener via the `knife
-winrm` or `knife bootstrap windows winrm` subcommands, the workstation running
-`knife` must have a `.pem` file that contains the listener's public key, such
-as the one generated by `knife windows cert generate`. If the file was
-generated from a different system than the one initiating the connection with
-the listener, it must be transferred securely to the initiating system.
-For example, assume the file `./winrmcerts/myserver.pem` was securely
-copied from another system on which the `cert generate` command originally
-produced the file. Now it can be used against a system with the appropriately
-configured listener as follows:
- knife winrm -f ./winrmcerts/myserver.pem -m -t ssl ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
-This will send the output of the Windows command `ipconfig` on the remote
-system. The argument to the `-f` option is the public key for the listener so
-that the listener's authenticity can be validated. The specified key
-can simply be a copy of the `.pem` file generated by the `cert generate` subcommand if
-that was used to create the certificates for the listener. The user
-`my_ad_domain\myuser` in the example is a user in the Windows Active Directory
-domain `my_ad_domain`.
-Alternatively, the [`knife ssl fetch`]( command can be used to retrieve the
-public key for the listener by simply reading it from the listener, though this command *must* be executed under
-conditions where the connection to the server is considered secure:
- knife ssl fetch
- knife winrm -f ./.chef/trusted_certs/wildcard_myorg_org.crt -m -t ssl ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
-In the `fetch` subcommand, the URL specified for testing WinRM connectivity to
-a given server SERVER on port PORT takes the form `https://SERVER:PORT/wsman`,
-hence the url specified above to retrieve the key for ``.
-The command also outputs the location to which the key was retrieved, which
-can then be used as input to a subsequent `knife winrm` command.
-For that `knife winrm` command in the example, the argument to the `-f` option is again the public key -- this time its value
-of `./.chef/trusted_certs/wildcard_myorg_org.crt` is the file system location to which
-`knife ssl fetch` retrieved the public key.
-#### Testing WinRM SSL configuration
-The techniques below are useful for validating a WinRM listener's configuration -- all
-examples below assume there is a WinRM SSL listener configured on a remote Windows
-system `` on the default WinRM port of 5986 and this is
-the server being tested.
-##### PowerShell's `test-wsman` cmdlet
-If you have access to a workstation running
-the Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 or later versions of the Windows
-operating systems, you can use the `test-wsman` command to validate the
-configuration of a listener on a remote system ``:
-1. On the Windows workstation client (not the system with the listener),
- install the .pfx public key certificate for the listener using
- certmgr.msc. This should be installed in the personal store under *"Trusted
- Root Certification Authorities"*.
-2. Start PowerShell, and use it to run this command:
- `test-wsman -ComputerName -UseSSL`
-If the command executes without error, the ssl configuration is correct.
-##### End to end SSL testing with `knife winrm`
-To validate that SSL is enabled for the listener without validating the
-server's certificate, the `--winrm-ssl-verify-mode` option of the `winrm`
-subcommand can be used:
- knife winrm -m -t ssl --winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
-If this succeeds, then any failures to execute the command when correctly
-validating the server, i.e. when specifying the `-f` parameter, are due to
-certificate configuration issues, not other connectivity or authentication
-##### The winrs tool
-The `winrs` tool is built into Windows, so if a Windows system is available,
-`winrs` may be used to troubleshoot. It takes parameters analogous to those of
-`knife winrm` and differences in success and failure between the two tools may
-indicate areas to investigate.
-Visit Microsoft's documentation for [`winrs`]( to learn more about the tool.
-### Troubleshooting WinRM authentication issues
-Authentication issues can be debugged by loosening the authentication
-requirements on the server and explicitly using
-`--winrm-authentication-protocol` option for `knife winrm` to attempt to
-connect. As an example, the following PowerShell commands on the server will allow basic authentication
-and unencrypted communication:
- si wsman:\localhost\service\allowunencrypted $true
- # Don't set the following if attempting domain authentication
- si wsman:\localhost\service\auth\basic $true
-From the client, `knife winrm` can be instructed to explicitly allow basic
-authentication when validating authentication using a non-domain (i.e. local)
- # For testing a local account
- knife winrm -m --winrm-authentication-protocol basic ipconfig -x 'localuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -VV
- # For testing a domain account
- knife winrm -m --winrm-authentication-protocol negotiate ipconfig -x 'localuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -VV
-If the listener is an SSL listener, the additional arguments `-t ssl
---winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none` should be supplied to enable SSL
-communication and disable peer verification for testing. The specification of
-`-VV` enables additional detailed debug output that can provide clues to the
-root cause of any failures.
-If the command fails, there is either a connectivity issue or a problem with
-an incorrect or expired password or disabled account.
-If the command succeeds, try the following
- si wsman:\localhost\service\allowunencrypted $false
-Then retry the earlier `knife winrm` command. If it fails, this may indicate
-an issue with your operating system's ability to encrypt traffic, particularly
-when using the `plaintext` transport, i.e. when not using the `SSL` transport.
-In that case, the Windows platform supports encryption of plaintext traffic
-through native Windows authentication protocols, but such support is often incomplete on other platforms.
-If the command succeeds, then there may be a more subtle issue with negotiate
-authentication. It may be necessary to explicitly specify a domain in the user
-name parameter (e.g. `mydomain\myuser` rather than just `user`) for instance,
-or a specified domain may actually be incorrect and something that should be omitted.
-### Platform WinRM authentication support
-`knife-windows` supports `Kerberos`, `Negotiate`, and `Basic` authentication
-for WinRM communication. However, some of these protocols
-may not work with `knife-windows` on non-Windows systems because
-`knife-windows` relies on operating system libraries such as GSSAPI to implement
-Windows authentication, and some versions of these libraries do not
-fully implement the protocols.
-The following table shows the authentication protocols that can be used with
-`knife-windows` depending on whether the knife workstation is a Windows
-system, the transport, and whether or not the target user is a domain user or
-local to the target Windows system.
-| Workstation OS / Account Scope | SSL | Plaintext |
-| Windows / Local | Kerberos, Negotiate* , Basic | Kerberos, Negotiate, Basic |
-| Windows / Domain | Kerberos, Negotiate | Kerberos, Negotiate |
-| Non-Windows / Local | Kerberos, [Negotiate*]( Basic | Kerberos, Basic |
-| Non-Windows / Domain | Kerberos, Negotiate | Kerberos |
-> \* There is a known defect in the `knife winrm` and `knife bootstrap windows
-> winrm` subcommands invoked on any OS platform when authenticating with the Negotiate protocol over
-> the SSL transport. The defect is tracked by
-> [knife-windows issue #176]( If the remote system is
-> domain-joined, local accounts may not be used to authenticate via Negotiate
-> over SSL -- only domain accounts will work. Local accounts will only
-> successfully authenticate if the system is not joined to a domain.
-> This is generally not an issue for bootstrap scenarios, where the
-> system has yet to be joined to any domain, but can be a problem for remote
-> management cases after the system is domain joined. Workarounds include using
-> a domain account instead, or enabling Basic authentication on the remote
-> system (unencrypted communication **does not** need to be enabled to make
-> Basic authentication function over SSL).
+This file is reset every time a new release is done. This file describes changes that have not yet been released.
+Example Doc Change:
+### Headline for the required change
+Description of the required change.
+# knife-windows 1.0.0 doc changes
+### WinRM default port default change
+The `winrm_port` option specifies the TCP port on the remote system to which
+to connect for WinRM communication for `knife-windows` commands that use
+WinRM. The default value of this option is **5986** if the WinRM transport
+(configured by the `winrm_transport` option) is SSL, otherwise it is **5985**.
+These defaults correspond to the port assignment conventions for the WinRM
+protocol, which is also honored by WinRM tools built-in to Windows such as the
+`winrs` tool.
+In previous releases, the default port was always 5985, regardless of the
+transport being used. To override the default, specify the `winrm_port`
+(`-p`) option and specify the desired port as the option's value.
+### WinRM authentication protocol defaults to `negotiate` regardless of name formats
+Unless explicitly overridden using the new `winrm_authentication_protocol`
+option, `knife-windows` subcommands that use WinRM will authenticate using the
+negotiate protocol, just as the tools built-in to the Windows operating
+system would do.
+Previously, `knife-windows` would use basic authentication, unless the
+username specified to the `winrm_user` option had the format `domain\user`,
+and in that case `knife-windows` would use negotiate authentication.
+To override the new behavior, specify the `winrm_authentication_protocol`
+option with a value of either the `basic` or `kerberos` to choose a different
+authentication protocol.
+### New `:winrm_authentication_protocol` option
+This option allows the authentication protocol used for WinRM communication to
+be explicitly specified. The supported protocol values are `kerberos`, `negotiate`,
+and `basic`, each of which directs `knife-windows` to use the respective authentication protocols.
+If the option is not specified, `knife-windows` treats this as a default value
+of `negotiate` and the tool uses negotiate authentication for WinRM.
+### New `:winrm_ssl_verify_mode` option
+When running the `winrm` and `bootstrap windows` subcommands with the
+`winrm_transport` option set to `ssl` to communicate with a remote Windows system using
+the WinRM protocol via the SSL transport, you may disable `knife`'s verification of
+the remote system's SSL certificate. This is useful for testing or
+troubleshooting SSL connectivity before you've verified the certificate of the remote system's SSL WinRM listener.
+The option that controls whether the server is validated is the
+`knife[:winrm_verify_ssl_mode]` option, which has the same values as Chef's
+[`:ssl_verify_mode`]( option. By default, the option is set to `:verify_peer`,
+which means that SSL communication must be verified using a certificate file
+specified by the `:ca_trust_file` option. To avoid the need to have this file available
+during testing, you can specify the `knife[:winrm_ssl_verify_mode]` option in
+`knife.rb` OR specify it directly on the `knife` command line as
+`--winrm-ssl-verify-mode` and set its value to `:verify_none`, which will
+override the default behavior and skip the verification of the remote system
+-- there is no need to specify the `:ca_trust_file` option in this case.
+Here's an example that disables peer verification:
+ knife winrm -m -x 'mydomain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -t ssl --winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none ipconfig
+This option should be used carefully since disabling the verification of the
+remote system's certificate can subject knife commands to spoofing attacks.
+### New subcommands to automate WinRM SSL listener configuration
+The WinRM protocol may be encapsulated by SSL, but the configuration of such
+connections can be difficult, particularly when the WinRM client is a
+non-Windows system. Three new knife subcommands have been implemented in
+knife-windows 1.0.0.rc.0 to simplify and automate this configuration:
+* `knife windows cert generate` subcommand:
+ Generates certificates in formats useful for creating WinRM SSL listeners.
+ It also generates a related public key file in .pem format to validating
+ communication involving listeners configured with the generated certificate.
+* `knife windows cert install` subcommand:
+ Installs a certificate such as one generated by the `cert generate`
+ subcommand into the Windows certificate store so that it can be used as the
+ SSL certificate for a WinRM listener. This command will only function on the
+ Windows operating system. Certificates are always installed in the
+ computer's personal store, i.e. the store that can be viewed via the
+ PowerShell command `ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My`.
+* `knife windows listener create` subcommand:
+ Creates a WinRM listener on a Windows system. This command functions only on
+ the Windows operating system.
+#### Example WinRM listener configuration workflows
+The subcommands are used in the following scenarios
+##### Creation of a new listener with a new SSL certificate
+This workflow assumes that WinRM is enabled on the system, which can be
+accomplished with the command
+ winrm quickconfig
+If you're creating a listener and don't already have an SSL certificate with
+which to configure it, you can quickly create an enabled listener with a short
+sequence of commands. The example below assumes that the `knife-windows`
+plugin is being executed on a Windows system via the PowerShell command shell,
+and that the system is registered with the relevant DNS with the name
+`` and that this is the name with which the user would like
+to remotely access this system.
+This sequence of commands creates a listener -- it assumes the existence of the directory `winrmcerts`
+under the user's profile directory:
+ knife windows cert generate --domain --output-file $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
+ knife windows listener create --hostname * --cert-install $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl.pfx
+The first command, `cert generate`, may be executed on any computer (even one not running the
+Windows operating system) and produces three files. The first two are certificates containing
+private keys that should be stored securely. The 3rd is a `.pem` file
+containing the public key required to validate the server. This file may be
+shared. The command also outputs the thumbprint of the generated certificate,
+which is useful for finding the certificate in a certificate store or using
+with other commands that require the thumbprint.
+The next command, `listener create`, creates the SSL listener -- if it is executed on a different
+system than that which generated the certificates, the required certificate
+file **must** be transferred securely to the system on which the listener will
+be created. It requires a PKCS12 `.pfx` file for the `--cert-install` argument
+which is one of the files generated by the previous `cert generate` command.
+After these commands are executed, an SSL listener will be created listening
+on TCP port 5986, the default WinRM SSL port. Using PowerShell, the following
+command will show this and other listeners on the system:
+ ls wsman:\localhost\listener
+As an alternative to the command sequence above, the `cert install` command could be used to install the
+certificate in a separate step, i which case the `--cert-install` option must
+be replaced with the `--cert-thumbprint` option to use the generated
+certificate's thumbprint to identify the certificate with which the listener
+should be configured:
+ knife windows cert generate --domain --output-file $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
+ knife windows cert install $env:userprofile/winrmcerts/winrm-ssl
+ knife windows listener create --hostname * --cert-thumbprint 1F3A70E2601FA1576BC4850ED2D7EF6587076423
+The system would then be in the same state as that after the original shorter
+command sequence.
+Note that the `cert install` command could be skipped if the certificate
+already exists in the personal certificate store of the computer. To view that store and
+see the thumbprints of certificates that could be used with the `listener
+create` command to create an SSL listener, the following PowerShell command
+may be executed:
+ ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My
+##### Connecting to a configured SSL listeners
+In order to connect securely to the configured SSL listener via the `knife
+winrm` or `knife bootstrap windows winrm` subcommands, the workstation running
+`knife` must have a `.pem` file that contains the listener's public key, such
+as the one generated by `knife windows cert generate`. If the file was
+generated from a different system than the one initiating the connection with
+the listener, it must be transferred securely to the initiating system.
+For example, assume the file `./winrmcerts/myserver.pem` was securely
+copied from another system on which the `cert generate` command originally
+produced the file. Now it can be used against a system with the appropriately
+configured listener as follows:
+ knife winrm -f ./winrmcerts/myserver.pem -m -t ssl ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
+This will send the output of the Windows command `ipconfig` on the remote
+system. The argument to the `-f` option is the public key for the listener so
+that the listener's authenticity can be validated. The specified key
+can simply be a copy of the `.pem` file generated by the `cert generate` subcommand if
+that was used to create the certificates for the listener. The user
+`my_ad_domain\myuser` in the example is a user in the Windows Active Directory
+domain `my_ad_domain`.
+Alternatively, the [`knife ssl fetch`]( command can be used to retrieve the
+public key for the listener by simply reading it from the listener, though this command *must* be executed under
+conditions where the connection to the server is considered secure:
+ knife ssl fetch
+ knife winrm -f ./.chef/trusted_certs/wildcard_myorg_org.crt -m -t ssl ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
+In the `fetch` subcommand, the URL specified for testing WinRM connectivity to
+a given server SERVER on port PORT takes the form `https://SERVER:PORT/wsman`,
+hence the url specified above to retrieve the key for ``.
+The command also outputs the location to which the key was retrieved, which
+can then be used as input to a subsequent `knife winrm` command.
+For that `knife winrm` command in the example, the argument to the `-f` option is again the public key -- this time its value
+of `./.chef/trusted_certs/wildcard_myorg_org.crt` is the file system location to which
+`knife ssl fetch` retrieved the public key.
+#### Testing WinRM SSL configuration
+The techniques below are useful for validating a WinRM listener's configuration -- all
+examples below assume there is a WinRM SSL listener configured on a remote Windows
+system `` on the default WinRM port of 5986 and this is
+the server being tested.
+##### PowerShell's `test-wsman` cmdlet
+If you have access to a workstation running
+the Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 or later versions of the Windows
+operating systems, you can use the `test-wsman` command to validate the
+configuration of a listener on a remote system ``:
+1. On the Windows workstation client (not the system with the listener),
+ install the .pfx public key certificate for the listener using
+ certmgr.msc. This should be installed in the personal store under *"Trusted
+ Root Certification Authorities"*.
+2. Start PowerShell, and use it to run this command:
+ `test-wsman -ComputerName -UseSSL`
+If the command executes without error, the ssl configuration is correct.
+##### End to end SSL testing with `knife winrm`
+To validate that SSL is enabled for the listener without validating the
+server's certificate, the `--winrm-ssl-verify-mode` option of the `winrm`
+subcommand can be used:
+ knife winrm -m -t ssl --winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none ipconfig -x 'my_ad_domain\myuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR"
+If this succeeds, then any failures to execute the command when correctly
+validating the server, i.e. when specifying the `-f` parameter, are due to
+certificate configuration issues, not other connectivity or authentication
+##### The winrs tool
+The `winrs` tool is built into Windows, so if a Windows system is available,
+`winrs` may be used to troubleshoot. It takes parameters analogous to those of
+`knife winrm` and differences in success and failure between the two tools may
+indicate areas to investigate.
+Visit Microsoft's documentation for [`winrs`]( to learn more about the tool.
+### Troubleshooting WinRM authentication issues
+Authentication issues can be debugged by loosening the authentication
+requirements on the server and explicitly using
+`--winrm-authentication-protocol` option for `knife winrm` to attempt to
+connect. As an example, the following PowerShell commands on the server will allow basic authentication
+and unencrypted communication:
+ si wsman:\localhost\service\allowunencrypted $true
+ # Don't set the following if attempting domain authentication
+ si wsman:\localhost\service\auth\basic $true
+From the client, `knife winrm` can be instructed to explicitly allow basic
+authentication when validating authentication using a non-domain (i.e. local)
+ # For testing a local account
+ knife winrm -m --winrm-authentication-protocol basic ipconfig -x 'localuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -VV
+ # For testing a domain account
+ knife winrm -m --winrm-authentication-protocol negotiate ipconfig -x 'localuser' -P "$PASSWORDVAR" -VV
+If the listener is an SSL listener, the additional arguments `-t ssl
+--winrm-ssl-verify-mode verify_none` should be supplied to enable SSL
+communication and disable peer verification for testing. The specification of
+`-VV` enables additional detailed debug output that can provide clues to the
+root cause of any failures.
+If the command fails, there is either a connectivity issue or a problem with
+an incorrect or expired password or disabled account.
+If the command succeeds, try the following
+ si wsman:\localhost\service\allowunencrypted $false
+Then retry the earlier `knife winrm` command. If it fails, this may indicate
+an issue with your operating system's ability to encrypt traffic, particularly
+when using the `plaintext` transport, i.e. when not using the `SSL` transport.
+In that case, the Windows platform supports encryption of plaintext traffic
+through native Windows authentication protocols, but such support is often incomplete on other platforms.
+If the command succeeds, then there may be a more subtle issue with negotiate
+authentication. It may be necessary to explicitly specify a domain in the user
+name parameter (e.g. `mydomain\myuser` rather than just `user`) for instance,
+or a specified domain may actually be incorrect and something that should be omitted.
+### Platform WinRM authentication support
+`knife-windows` supports `Kerberos`, `Negotiate`, and `Basic` authentication
+for WinRM communication. However, some of these protocols
+may not work with `knife-windows` on non-Windows systems because
+`knife-windows` relies on operating system libraries such as GSSAPI to implement
+Windows authentication, and some versions of these libraries do not
+fully implement the protocols.
+The following table shows the authentication protocols that can be used with
+`knife-windows` depending on whether the knife workstation is a Windows
+system, the transport, and whether or not the target user is a domain user or
+local to the target Windows system.
+| Workstation OS / Account Scope | SSL | Plaintext |
+| Windows / Local | Kerberos, Negotiate* , Basic | Kerberos, Negotiate, Basic |
+| Windows / Domain | Kerberos, Negotiate | Kerberos, Negotiate |
+| Non-Windows / Local | Kerberos, [Negotiate*]( Basic | Kerberos, Basic |
+| Non-Windows / Domain | Kerberos, Negotiate | Kerberos |
+> \* There is a known defect in the `knife winrm` and `knife bootstrap windows
+> winrm` subcommands invoked on any OS platform when authenticating with the Negotiate protocol over
+> the SSL transport. The defect is tracked by
+> [knife-windows issue #176]( If the remote system is
+> domain-joined, local accounts may not be used to authenticate via Negotiate
+> over SSL -- only domain accounts will work. Local accounts will only
+> successfully authenticate if the system is not joined to a domain.
+> This is generally not an issue for bootstrap scenarios, where the
+> system has yet to be joined to any domain, but can be a problem for remote
+> management cases after the system is domain joined. Workarounds include using
+> a domain account instead, or enabling Basic authentication on the remote
+> system (unencrypted communication **does not** need to be enabled to make
+> Basic authentication function over SSL).