lib/chef/knife/github_base.rb in knife-github-0.0.3 vs lib/chef/knife/github_base.rb in knife-github-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -15,20 +15,22 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# require 'chef/knife'
+require "knife-github/version"
class Chef
class Knife
module GithubBase
def self.included(includer)
includer.class_eval do
deps do
require 'chef/mixin/shell_out'
+ require 'mixlib/versioning'
option :github_url,
:long => "--github_url URL",
:description => "URL of the github enterprise appliance"
@@ -49,83 +51,283 @@
option :github_ssl_verify_mode,
:long => "--github_ssl_verify_mode",
:description => "SSL verify mode: verify_peer, verify_none (default: verify_peer)",
:boolean => true
- option :github_cache,
- :long => "--github_cache MIN",
- :description => "Max life-time for local cache files in minutes (default: 900)"
+ option :github_tmp,
+ :long => "--github_tmp PATH",
+ :description => "A path where temporary files for the diff function will be made default: /tmp/gitdiff)"
+ option :github_no_update,
+ :long => "--github_no_update",
+ :description => "Turn github update checking off",
+ :boolean => true
def validate_base_options
unless locate_config_value('github_url')
ui.error "Github URL not specified"
exit 1
unless locate_config_value('github_organizations')
ui.error "Github organization(s) not specified"
exit 1
+ unless locate_config_value('github_no_update')
+ check_gem_version
+ end
@github_url = locate_config_value("github_url")
@github_organizations = locate_config_value("github_organizations")
- @github_cache = (locate_config_value("github_cache") || 900).to_i
@github_link = locate_config_value("github_link") || 'ssh'
@github_api_version = locate_config_value("github_api_version") || 'v3'
@github_ssl_verify_mode = locate_config_value("github_ssl_verify_mode") || 'verify_peer'
+ @github_tmp = locate_config_value("github_tmp") || '/var/tmp/gitdiff'
+ @github_tmp = "#{@github_tmp}#{}"
+ def check_gem_version
+ url = ''
+ result = `curl -L -s #{url}`
+ begin
+ json = JSON.parse(result)
+ webversion = Mixlib::Versioning.parse(json['version'])
+ thisversion = Mixlib::Versioning.parse(::Knife::Github::VERSION)
+ if webversion > thisversion
+ "INFO: New version (#{webversion.to_s}) of knife-github is available!"
+ "INFO: Turn off this message with --github_no_update or add knife[:github_no_update] = true to your configuration"
+ end
+ Chef::Log.debug("local_gem_version : " + thisversion.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("repo_gem_version : " + webversion.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("repo_downloads : " + json['version_downloads'].to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("repo_total_downloads : " + json['downloads'].to_s)
+ rescue
+ "INFO: Cannot verify gem version information from"
+ "INFO: Turn off this message with --github_no_update or add knife[:github_no_update] = true to your configuration"
+ end
+ end
def display_debug_info
- Chef::Log.debug("github_url: " + @github_url.to_s)
- Chef::Log.debug("github_org: " + @github_organizations.to_s)
- Chef::Log.debug("github_api: " + @github_api_version.to_s)
- Chef::Log.debug("github_link: " + @github_link.to_s)
- Chef::Log.debug("github_cache: " + @github_cache.to_s)
- Chef::Log.debug("github_ssl_mode: " + @github_ssl_verify_mode.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("github_url : " + @github_url.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("github_org : " + @github_organizations.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("github_api : " + @github_api_version.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("github_link : " + @github_link.to_s)
+ Chef::Log.debug("github_ssl_mode : " + @github_ssl_verify_mode.to_s)
def locate_config_value(key)
key = key.to_sym
config[key] || Chef::Config[:knife][key]
- def get_github_link(link)
- git_link = case link
+ def get_repo_clone_link
+ link = locate_config_value('github_link')
+ repo_link = case link
when 'ssh' then 'ssh_url'
when 'http' then 'clone_url'
when 'https' then 'clone_url'
when 'svn' then 'svn_url'
when 'html' then 'html_url'
when 'git' then 'git_url'
else 'ssh_url'
- git_link
+ return repo_link
+ def get_all_repos(orgs)
+ # Parse every org and merge all into one hash
+ repos = {}
+ orgs.each do |org|
+ get_repos(org).each { |repo| name = repo['name'] ; repos["#{name}"] = repo }
+ end
+ repos
+ end
+ def get_repos(org)
+ dns_name = get_dns_name(@github_url)
+ file_cache = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/.#{dns_name.downcase}_#{org.downcase}"
+ if File.exists?(file_cache + ".json")
+ json = JSON.parse( + ".json"))
+ json_updated = Time.parse(json['updated_at'])
+"#{org} - cache created at : " + json_updated.to_s)
+ repo_updated = get_org_updated_time(org)
+"#{org} - repos updated at : " + repo_updated.to_s)
+ unless json_updated >= repo_updated
+ # update cache file
+ create_cache_file(file_cache + ".cache", org)
+ create_cache_json(file_cache + ".json", org)
+ end
+ else
+ create_cache_file(file_cache + ".cache", org)
+ create_cache_json(file_cache + ".json", org)
+ end
+ # use cache files
+ JSON.parse( + ".cache"))
+ end
+ def create_cache_json(file, org)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Updating the cache file: #{file}")
+ url = @github_url + "/api/" + @github_api_version + "/orgs/" + org
+ params = {'response' => 'json'}
+ result = send_request(url, params)
+, 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(result)) }
+ end
+ def create_cache_file(file, org)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Updating the cache file: #{file}")
+ result = get_repos_github(org)
+, 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(result)) }
+ end
+ def get_org_updated_time(org)
+ url = @github_url + "/api/" + @github_api_version + "/orgs/" + org
+ params = {'response' => 'json'}
+ result = send_request(url, params)
+ Time.parse(result['updated_at'])
+ end
+ def get_repos_github(org)
+ # Get all repo's for the org from github
+ arr = []
+ page = 1
+ url = @github_url + "/api/" + @github_api_version + "/orgs/" + org + "/repos"
+ while true
+ params = {'response' => 'json', 'page' => page }
+ result = send_request(url, params)
+ break if result.nil? || result.count < 1
+ result.each { |key|
+ if key['tags_url']
+ tags = get_tags(key)
+ key['tags'] = tags unless tags.nil? || tags.empty?
+ key['latest_tag'] = get_latest_tag(tags)
+ arr << key
+ else
+ arr << key
+ end
+ }
+ page = page + 1
+ end
+ arr
+ end
+ def get_tags(repo)
+ params = {'response' => 'json'}
+ tags = send_request(repo['tags_url'], params)
+ tags
+ end
+ def get_latest_tag(tags)
+ return "" if tags.nil? || tags.empty?
+ tags_arr =[]
+ tags.each do |tag|
+ tags_arr.push(Mixlib::Versioning.parse(tag['name'])) if tag['name'] =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)$/
+ end
+ return "" if tags_arr.nil? || tags_arr.empty?
+ return tags_arr.sort.last.to_s
+ end
+ def get_dns_name(url)
+ url = url.downcase.gsub("http://","") if url.downcase.start_with?("http://")
+ url = url.downcase.gsub("https://","") if url.downcase.start_with?("https://")
+ url
+ end
def send_request(url, params = {})
- params['response'] = 'json'
+ unless params.empty?
+ params_arr = []
+ params.sort.each { |elem|
+ params_arr << elem[0].to_s + '=' + CGI.escape(elem[1].to_s).gsub('+', '%20').gsub(' ','%20')
+ }
+ data = params_arr.join('&')
+ url = "#{url}?#{data}"
+ end
- params_arr = []
- params.sort.each { |elem|
- params_arr << elem[0].to_s + '=' + CGI.escape(elem[1].to_s).gsub('+', '%20').gsub(' ','%20')
- }
- data = params_arr.join('&')
- github_url = "#{url}?#{data}"
- # Chef::Log.debug("URL: #{github_url}")
+ if @github_ssl_verify_mode == "verify_none"
+ config[:ssl_verify_mode] = :verify_none
+ elsif @github_ssl_verify_mode == "verify_peer"
+ config[:ssl_verify_mode] = :verify_peer
+ end
- uri = URI.parse(github_url)
+ Chef::Log.debug("URL: " + url.to_s)
+ uri = URI.parse(url)
req_body =
request ="GET", uri, req_body, headers={})
response =
- if !response.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) then
+ unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) then
puts "Error #{response.code}: #{response.message}"
puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(response.body))
puts "URL: #{url}"
exit 1
- json = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ begin
+ json = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ rescue
+ ui.warn "The result on the RESTRequest is not in json format"
+ ui.warn "Output: " + response.body
+ exit 1
+ end
+ return json
+ end
+ def get_clone(url, cookbook)
+ if ! @github_tmp
+ Dir.mkdir("#{@github_tmp}")
+ end
+ Dir.mkdir("#{@github_tmp}/git")
+"Getting #{@cookbook_name} from #{url}")
+ output = `git clone #{url} #{@github_tmp}/git/#{cookbook} 2>&1`
+ if $?.exitstatus != 0
+ Chef::Log.error("Could not clone the repository for: #{cookbook}")
+ FileUtils.remove_entry(@github_tmp)
+ exit 1
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ def add_tag(version)
+ cpath = cookbook_path_valid?(@cookbook_name, false)
+ Dir.chdir(cpath)
+ Chef::Log.debug "Adding tag"
+ output = `git tag -a "#{version}" -m "Added tag #{version}" 2>&1`
+ if $?.exitstatus != 0
+ Chef::Log.error("Could not add tag for: #{@cookbook_name}")
+ FileUtils.remove_entry(@github_tmp)
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ def cookbook_path_valid?(cookbook_name, check_exists)
+ cookbook_path = config[:cookbook_path] || Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]
+ if cookbook_path.nil? || cookbook_path.empty?
+ Chef::Log.error("Please specify a cookbook path")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ unless File.exists?(cookbook_path.first) &&
+ Chef::Log.error("Cannot find the directory: #{cookbook_path.first}")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ cookbook_path = File.join(cookbook_path.first,cookbook_name)
+ if check_exists
+ if File.exists?(cookbook_path)
+"Processing [S] #{cookbook_name}")
+"Path to #{cookbook_path} already exists, skipping.")
+ return nil
+ end
+ else
+ if ! File.exists?(cookbook_path)
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return cookbook_path