spec/support/knife_support.rb in knife-essentials-1.0.0.beta5 vs spec/support/knife_support.rb in knife-essentials-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+require 'chef/config'
require 'chef/knife'
require 'chef/application/knife'
require 'logger'
require 'chef/log'
@@ -16,46 +17,56 @@
# Make output stable
Chef::Config[:concurrency] = 1
- # This is Chef::Knife.run without load_commands and load_deps--we'll
- # load stuff ourselves, thank you very much
- stdout = StringIO.new
- stderr = StringIO.new
- old_loggers = Chef::Log.loggers
- old_log_level = Chef::Log.level
- begin
- puts "knife: #{args.join(' ')}" if DEBUG
- subcommand_class = Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(args)
- subcommand_class.options = Chef::Application::Knife.options.merge(subcommand_class.options)
- instance = subcommand_class.new(args)
+ # Work on machines where we can't access /var
+ checksums_cache_dir = Dir.mktmpdir('checksums') do |checksums_cache_dir|
+ old_cache_options = Chef::Config[:cache_options]
+ Chef::Config[:cache_options] = {
+ :path => checksums_cache_dir,
+ :skip_expires => true
+ }
- # Capture stdout/stderr
- instance.ui = Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, STDIN, {})
+ # This is Chef::Knife.run without load_commands and load_deps--we'll
+ # load stuff ourselves, thank you very much
+ stdout = StringIO.new
+ stderr = StringIO.new
+ old_loggers = Chef::Log.loggers
+ old_log_level = Chef::Log.level
+ begin
+ puts "knife: #{args.join(' ')}" if DEBUG
+ subcommand_class = Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(args)
+ subcommand_class.options = Chef::Application::Knife.options.merge(subcommand_class.options)
+ instance = subcommand_class.new(args)
- # Don't print stuff
- Chef::Config[:verbosity] = ( DEBUG ? 2 : 0 )
- instance.configure_chef
- logger = Logger.new(stderr)
- logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity}: #{msg}\n" }
- Chef::Log.use_log_devices([logger])
- Chef::Log.level = ( DEBUG ? :debug : :warn )
- Chef::Log::Formatter.show_time = false
+ # Capture stdout/stderr
+ instance.ui = Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, STDIN, {})
- instance.run
+ # Don't print stuff
+ Chef::Config[:verbosity] = ( DEBUG ? 2 : 0 )
+ instance.configure_chef
+ logger = Logger.new(stderr)
+ logger.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity}: #{msg}\n" }
+ Chef::Log.use_log_devices([logger])
+ Chef::Log.level = ( DEBUG ? :debug : :warn )
+ Chef::Log::Formatter.show_time = false
- exit_code = 0
+ instance.run
- # This is how rspec catches exit()
- rescue SystemExit => e
- exit_code = e.status
- ensure
- Chef::Log.use_log_devices(old_loggers)
- Chef::Log.level = old_log_level
- end
+ exit_code = 0
- KnifeResult.new(stdout.string, stderr.string, exit_code)
+ # This is how rspec catches exit()
+ rescue SystemExit => e
+ exit_code = e.status
+ ensure
+ Chef::Log.use_log_devices(old_loggers)
+ Chef::Log.level = old_log_level
+ Chef::Config[:cache_options] = old_cache_options
+ end
+ KnifeResult.new(stdout.string, stderr.string, exit_code)
+ end
class KnifeResult