in knapsack_pro-1.16.1 vs in knapsack_pro-1.17.0

- old
+ new

@@ -480,9 +480,14 @@ # Minitest bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:queue:minitest # Cucumber +# If you use spring gem and spring-commands-cucumber gem to start Cucumber tests faster please set +# export KNAPSACK_PRO_CUCUMBER_QUEUE_PREFIX=bundle exec spring +# or you can use spring binstub +# export KNAPSACK_PRO_CUCUMBER_QUEUE_PREFIX=bin/spring +# Thanks to that Cucumber will start tests faster for each batch of tests fetched from Knapsack Pro Queue API bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:queue:cucumber ``` If the above command fails for RSpec then you may need to explicitly pass an argument to require the `rails_helper` file or `spec_helper` in case you are not doing this in some of your test files: