in knapsack_pro-0.3.0 vs in knapsack_pro-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -69,10 +69,11 @@
- [Supported CI providers](#supported-ci-providers)
- [Info for CircleCI users](#info-for-circleci-users)
- [Info for Travis users](#info-for-travis-users)
- [Info for users](#info-for-semaphoreappcom-users)
- [Info for users](#info-for-buildkitecom-users)
+ - [Info for users](#info-for-snap-cicom-users)
- [Gem tests](#gem-tests)
- [Spec](#spec)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
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@@ -359,9 +360,24 @@
Please remember to set up token like `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` as global environment.
#### Info for users
Knapsack Pro supports buildkite ENVs `BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT` and `BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB`. The only thing you need to do is to configure the parallelism parameter in your build step and run the appropiate command in your build
+ # Step for RSpec
+ bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec
+ # Step for Cucumber
+ bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:cucumber
+ # Step for Minitest
+ bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:minitest
+Please remember to set up token like `KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC` as global environment.
+### Info for users
+Knapsack Pro supports ENVs `SNAP_WORKER_TOTAL` and `SNAP_WORKER_INDEX`. The only thing you need to do is to configure number of workers for your project in configuration settings in order to enable parallelism. Next thing is to set below commands to be executed in your stage:
# Step for RSpec
bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec
# Step for Cucumber