spec/klipp_spec.rb in klipp-0.0.1 vs spec/klipp_spec.rb in klipp-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,139 +1,134 @@
# coding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
describe Klipp do
- before do
- @output = Klipp.output = StringIO.new
- end
+ context 'capturing stdout' do
- describe 'when routing' do
- it 'prints help without any parameters' do
- expect { Klipp.route *%w[] }.to raise_error SystemExit
- should include 'Xcode templates for the rest of us.'
+ it 'matches stdout' do
+ capture_stdout {
+ puts "I'm out"
+ }.should eq "I'm out\n"
- it 'prints warnings accordingly' do
- expect { Klipp.route *%w[prepare Bullshit] }.to raise_error SystemExit
- should include '[!]'
+ it 'matches formatador stdout' do
+ capture_stdout {
+ Formatador.display_line "I'm [green]green[/]"
+ }.should include "green"
- it 'raises a warning when routing unknown commands' do
- expect { Klipp.route *%w[allyourbase] }.to raise_error SystemExit
- should include '[!]'
- end
+ end
- it 'routes `prepare`' do
- Klipp.expects(:prepare)
- Klipp.route *%w[prepare Example]
+ context 'when routing commands' do
+ it 'returns exit code 1 without any commands and displays a hint' do
+ (capture_stdout do
+ Klipp.route(*%w[]).should eq 1
+ end).should include '[?]'
- it 'prints help when preparing without a template name' do
- expect { Klipp.route *%w[prepare] }.to raise_error SystemExit
- should include 'Add a template name to the `prepare` command.'
+ it 'returns exit code 1 with an unknown command and displays the error' do
+ (capture_stdout do
+ Klipp.route(*%w[magic]).should eq 1
+ end).should include '[!]'
- it 'routes `list`' do
- Klipp.expects(:list)
- Klipp.route *%w[list]
+ it 'routes prepare' do
+ Klipp.expects(:cli_prepare).with(['Example'])
+ Klipp.route(*%w[prepare Example])
- it 'routes `version`' do
- Klipp.expects(:version)
- Klipp.route *%w[version]
+ it 'routes create' do
+ Klipp.expects(:cli_create).with(['-f'])
+ Klipp.route(*%w[create -f])
- it 'routes `create``' do
- Klipp.expects(:create)
- Klipp.route *%w[create]
+ it 'routes template with exit code 0' do
+ Template.expects(:route)
+ Klipp.route(*%w[template]).should eq 0
- describe 'when preparing' do
+ context 'prepare' do
before do
- Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures')
+ Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns(File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures'))
- it 'raises help if the template argument is missing' do
- expect { Klipp.prepare nil }.to raise_error HelpRequest
+ it 'without template name raises error' do
+ expect { Klipp.cli_prepare([]) }.to raise_error Klipp::Hint
- it 'saves a klippfile' do
- IO.expects(:write).with('Example.klippfile', anything).once
- Klipp.prepare 'Example'
- end
+ context 'without an existing Klippfile' do
+ before do
+ File.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
+ end
- it 'raises an error when the template argument is incorrect' do
- expect { Klipp.prepare 'Bullshit' }.to raise_error RuntimeError
+ it 'write a new Klippfile' do
+ klippfile = read_fixture 'Klippfile-after-prepare'
+ File.expects(:write).with('Klippfile', klippfile)
+ Klipp.cli_prepare(%w[Example])
+ end
- it 'raises an error when a .klippfile for the template already exists' do
- File.stubs(:exists?).with(anything).returns true
- expect { Klipp.prepare 'Example' }.to raise_error RuntimeError
- end
- end
+ context 'with an existing Klippfile' do
- describe 'when listing' do
+ before do
+ File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
+ end
- it 'lists templates' do
- Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures')
- Klipp.list
- should include 'Example'
- end
+ it 'will not overwrite' do
+ File.expects(:write).never
+ expect { Klipp.cli_prepare(%w[Example]) }.to raise_error RuntimeError
+ end
- it 'raises an error when there are no templates' do
- Klipp.expects(:template_files).returns([])
- expect { Klipp.list }.to raise_error RuntimeError
+ it 'will overwrite when forced' do
+ klippfile = read_fixture 'Klippfile-after-prepare'
+ File.expects(:write).with('Klippfile', klippfile)
+ Klipp.cli_prepare(%w[Example -f])
+ end
- describe 'when versioning' do
+ context 'create' do
- it 'displays the current version' do
- Klipp.version
- should include Klipp::VERSION
+ before do
+ Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns(File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures'))
+ Dir.stubs(:pwd).returns(Dir.mktmpdir)
+ maker = Klipp::Creator.new
+ maker.eval_string(read_fixture('Klippfile'), fixture_path('Klippfile'))
+ Klipp::Creator.stubs(:from_file).returns(maker)
- end
+ it 'creates files from a Klippfile' do
- describe 'when creating' do
+ Klipp.cli_create([])
+ File.exists?(File.join Dir.pwd, 'Podfile').should be true
+ File.exists?(File.join Dir.pwd, '.gitignore').should be true
+ File.exists?(File.join Dir.pwd, 'AmazingApp').should be true
+ File.exists?(File.join Dir.pwd, 'Example.klippspec').should be false
- before do
- Klipp::Configuration.stubs(:root_dir).returns File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures')
- @example_klippfile_contents = File.read(File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures', 'klipps', 'Example.klippfile'))
- it 'calls create on a project with a named template' do
- mock_project = mock
- mock_project.expects(:create)
- Klipp::Project.expects(:new).with(is_a(Klipp::Template)).returns(mock_project)
- File.stubs(:read).with(anything).returns( @example_klippfile_contents )
- Klipp.create('Example')
- end
+ it 'creates files interactively' do
- it 'calls create on a project with an inferred template' do
- Dir.expects(:glob).with(anything, anything).returns %w(Example.klippfile)
- mock_project = mock
- mock_project.expects(:create)
- Klipp::Project.expects(:new).with(is_a(Klipp::Template)).returns(mock_project)
- File.stubs(:read).with(anything).returns( @example_klippfile_contents )
- Klipp.create nil
- end
+ input = StringIO.new
+ output = StringIO.new
+ highline = HighLine.new(input, output)
- it 'raises an error when the template name can\'t be inferred' do
- Dir.expects(:glob).with(anything, anything).returns []
- expect { Klipp.create nil }.to raise_error RuntimeError
- end
+ input << "KLPObject\nN\n"
+ input.rewind
- end
+ Klipp.cli_create(%w(Interactive), highline)
+ File.exists?(File.join Dir.pwd, 'KLPObjectTests.m').should be true
- def subject
- @output.string
+ end
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