lib/kithe/engine.rb in kithe-2.0.3 vs lib/kithe/engine.rb in kithe-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,11 +7,10 @@
# But we need to patch it to create functions first so we can use them as default values
require 'fx'
-require 'kithe/patch_fx'
# not auto-loaded, let's just load it for backwards compat though
require "kithe/config_base"
module Kithe
@@ -19,8 +18,16 @@
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture => false
g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot, :dir => 'spec/factories'
g.assets false
g.helper false
+ end
+ # the fx gem lets us include stored procedures in schema.rb. For it to work
+ # in kithe's case, the stored procedures have to be *first* in schema.rb,
+ # so they can then be referenced as default value for columns in tables
+ # subsequently created. We configure that here, forcing it for any app, yes, sorry.
+ Fx.configure do |config|
+ config.dump_functions_at_beginning_of_schema = true