tpl/skel/config/cloud.yml in kite-0.2.0 vs tpl/skel/config/cloud.yml in kite-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,66 +1,11 @@
- keypair_name: "kitekey"
- public_key_path: "~/.ssh/"
- private_key_path: "~/.ssh/kite.key"
- bucket_name: "kite-state-project-example"
- access_key: "enter your amazon key"
- secret_key: "enter your secret key"
- region: "eu-central-1"
- zone: "eu-central-1a"
- vpc_name: "platform-tools"
- vpc_cidr_block: ""
- vpc_id: "" # submit vpc id if you want to use an existing vpc
- public_subnet:
- name: "platform-dmz"
- gateway: ""
- network: ""
- id: "" # submit id if you want to use an existing public subnet
- private_subnet:
- name: "platform-net"
- gateway: ""
- network: ""
- project: "gcp-project"
- region: "europe-west1"
- zone: "europe-west1-c"
- service_account: "~/safe/terraform.json"
- vpc_name: "platform-tools"
- subnet_name: "platform-net"
- subnet_cidr: ""
- internal_gw: ""
- name: "bosh-director"
- static_ip: ""
- config_path: "~/.kube/config"
- cluster_address: ""
- api_server_address: ""
- vip: ""
- hostname: ""
- hostname: ""
- hostname: ""
- hostname: ""
- hostname: ""
- url: ""
- auth_username: "concourse"
- hostname: ""
- url: ""
+default: &default
+ region: "us-east1" # Note that region formats differ between AWS and GCP
+ zone: "us-east1-a"
+ gcp:
+ project: "hc-public"
+ service_account: "~/safe/hc-public/terraform.json"
+ bucket_name: "kite-state-helios-devel"
+ aws:
+ access_key: "********************"
+ secret_key: "****************************************"
+ bucket_name: "kite-state-helios-devel"