lib/kitchen/verifier/pester.rb in kitchen-pester-0.5.0 vs lib/kitchen/verifier/pester.rb in kitchen-pester-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,197 +1,310 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# Author:: Steven Murawski (<>)
-# Copyright (C) 2015, Steven Murawski
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'pathname'
-require 'kitchen/verifier/base'
-require 'kitchen/verifier/pester_version'
-module Kitchen
- module Verifier
- class Pester < Kitchen::Verifier::Base
- kitchen_verifier_api_version 1
- plugin_version Kitchen::Verifier::PESTER_VERSION
- default_config :restart_winrm, false
- default_config :test_folder
- # Creates a new Verifier object using the provided configuration data
- # which will be merged with any default configuration.
- #
- # @param config [Hash] provided verifier configuration
- def initialize(config = {})
- init_config(config)
- end
- # Creates a temporary directory on the local workstation into which
- # verifier related files and directories can be copied or created. The
- # contents of this directory will be copied over to the instance before
- # invoking the verifier's run command. After this method completes, it
- # is expected that the contents of the sandbox is complete and ready for
- # copy to the remote instance.
- #
- # **Note:** any subclasses would be well advised to call super first when
- # overriding this method, for example:
- #
- # @example overriding `#create_sandbox`
- #
- # class MyVerifier < Kitchen::Verifier::Base
- # def create_sandbox
- # super
- # # any further file copies, preparations, etc.
- # end
- # end
- def create_sandbox
- super
- prepare_pester_tests
- end
- # Generates a command string which will install and configure the
- # verifier software on an instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
- # will be returned.
- #
- # @return [String] a command string
- def install_command
- return if local_suite_files.empty?
- cmd = <<-CMD
- set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force
- if (-not (get-module -list pester)) {
- if (get-module -list PowerShellGet){
- import-module PowerShellGet -force
- import-module PackageManagement -force
- get-packageprovider -name NuGet -force | out-null
- install-module Pester -force
- }
- else {
- if (-not (get-module -list PsGet)){
- iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
- }
- import-module psget -force
- Install-Module Pester
- }
- }
- wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(cmd))
- end
- # Generates a command string which will perform any data initialization
- # or configuration required after the verifier software is installed
- # but before the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work
- # is required, then `nil` will be returned.
- #
- # @return [String] a command string
- def init_command
- restart_winrm_service if config[:restart_winrm]
- end
- # Generates a command string which will perform any commands or
- # configuration required just before the main verifier run command but
- # after the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work is
- # required, then `nil` will be returned.
- #
- # @return [String] a command string
- def prepare_command
- end
- # Generates a command string which will invoke the main verifier
- # command on the prepared instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
- # will be returned.
- #
- # @return [String] a command string
- def run_command
- return if local_suite_files.empty?
- wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(<<-CMD
- $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
- $TestPath = "#{File.join(config[:root_path], 'suites')}"
- import-module Pester -force; invoke-pester -path $testpath -enableexit
- ))
- end
- #private
- def restart_winrm_service
- cmd = 'schtasks /Create /TN restart_winrm /TR ' \
- '"powershell -command restart-service winrm" ' \
- '/SC ONCE /ST 00:00 '
- wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(<<-CMD
- #{cmd}
- schtasks /RUN /TN restart_winrm
- ))
- end
- # Returns an Array of test suite filenames for the related suite currently
- # residing on the local workstation. Any special provisioner-specific
- # directories (such as a Chef roles/ directory) are excluded.
- #
- # @return [Array<String>] array of suite files
- # @api private
- def local_suite_files
- base = File.join(test_folder, config[:suite_name])
- top_level_glob = File.join(base, "*")
- folder_glob = File.join(base, "*/**/*")
- top = Dir.glob(top_level_glob)
- nested = Dir.glob(folder_glob)
- (top << nested).flatten!.reject do |f|
- end
- end
- # Copies all test suite files into the suites directory in the sandbox.
- #
- # @api private
- def prepare_pester_tests
- base = File.join(test_folder, config[:suite_name])
- info("Preparing to copy files from #{base} to the SUT.")
- local_suite_files.each do |src|
- dest = File.join(sandbox_suites_dir, src.sub("#{base}/", ""))
- debug("Copying #{src} to #{dest}")
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest))
- FileUtils.cp(src, dest, preserve: true)
- end
- end
- # @return [String] path to suites directory under sandbox path
- # @api private
- def sandbox_suites_dir
- File.join(sandbox_path, "suites")
- end
- def test_folder
- return config[:test_base_path] if config[:test_folder].nil?
- absolute_test_folder
- end
- def absolute_test_folder
- path = ( config[:test_folder]).realpath
- integration_path = File.join(path, 'integration')
- return path unless Dir.exist?(integration_path)
- integration_path
- end
- end
- end
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# Author:: Steven Murawski (<>)
+# Copyright (C) 2015, Steven Murawski
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'pathname'
+require 'kitchen/verifier/base'
+require 'kitchen/verifier/pester_version'
+module Kitchen
+ module Verifier
+ class Pester < Kitchen::Verifier::Base
+ kitchen_verifier_api_version 1
+ plugin_version Kitchen::Verifier::PESTER_VERSION
+ default_config :restart_winrm, false
+ default_config :test_folder
+ default_config :run_as_scheduled_task, false
+ default_config :use_local_pester_module, false
+ # Creates a new Verifier object using the provided configuration data
+ # which will be merged with any default configuration.
+ #
+ # @param config [Hash] provided verifier configuration
+ def initialize(config = {})
+ init_config(config)
+ end
+ # Creates a temporary directory on the local workstation into which
+ # verifier related files and directories can be copied or created. The
+ # contents of this directory will be copied over to the instance before
+ # invoking the verifier's run command. After this method completes, it
+ # is expected that the contents of the sandbox is complete and ready for
+ # copy to the remote instance.
+ #
+ # **Note:** any subclasses would be well advised to call super first when
+ # overriding this method, for example:
+ #
+ # @example overriding `#create_sandbox`
+ #
+ # class MyVerifier < Kitchen::Verifier::Base
+ # def create_sandbox
+ # super
+ # # any further file copies, preparations, etc.
+ # end
+ # end
+ def create_sandbox
+ super
+ prepare_powershell_modules
+ prepare_pester_tests
+ end
+ # Generates a command string which will install and configure the
+ # verifier software on an instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
+ # will be returned.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a command string
+ def install_command
+ return if local_suite_files.empty?
+ return if config[:use_local_pester_module]
+ really_wrap_shell_code(install_command_script)
+ end
+ # Generates a command string which will perform any data initialization
+ # or configuration required after the verifier software is installed
+ # but before the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work
+ # is required, then `nil` will be returned.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a command string
+ def init_command
+ restart_winrm_service if config[:restart_winrm]
+ end
+ # Generates a command string which will perform any commands or
+ # configuration required just before the main verifier run command but
+ # after the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work is
+ # required, then `nil` will be returned.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a command string
+ def prepare_command
+ end
+ # Generates a command string which will invoke the main verifier
+ # command on the prepared instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
+ # will be returned.
+ #
+ # @return [String] a command string
+ def run_command
+ return if local_suite_files.empty?
+ cmd = if config[:run_as_scheduled_task]
+ wrap_scheduled_task('verify-run', run_command_script)
+ else
+ run_command_script
+ end
+ really_wrap_shell_code(cmd)
+ end
+ #private
+ def run_command_script
+ <<-CMD
+ $TestPath = "#{File.join(config[:root_path], 'pester')}";
+ import-module Pester -force;
+ $result = invoke-pester -path $testpath -passthru ;
+ $result |
+ export-clixml (join-path $testpath 'result.xml');
+ $host.setshouldexit($result.failedcount)
+ end
+ def really_wrap_shell_code(code)
+ wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(use_local_powershell_modules(code)))
+ end
+ def use_local_powershell_modules(script)
+ <<-EOH
+ set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force;
+ $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
+ #{"$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'" if instance.logger.logdev.level == 0}
+ $env:psmodulepath += ";$(join-path (resolve-path $env:temp).path 'verifier/modules')";
+ # $env:psmodulepath -split ';' | % {write-output "PSModulePath contains:"} {write-output "`t$_"}
+ #{script}
+ end
+ def random_string
+ (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join
+ end
+ def wrap_scheduled_task (name, script)
+ randomized_name = "#{name}-#{random_string}"
+ <<-EOH
+ import-module NamedPipes, ScheduledTaskRunner, PesterUtil
+ $Action = @'
+ $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($action)
+ Add-ScheduledTaskCommand -name #{randomized_name} -Action $ScriptBlock
+ Invoke-ScheduledTaskCommand -name #{randomized_name}
+ $ExitCode = Get-ScheduledTaskExitCode -name #{randomized_name}
+ Remove-ScheduledTaskCommand -name #{randomized_name}
+ $TestResultPath = "#{File.join(config[:root_path], 'pester/result.xml')}"
+ $TestResults = import-clixml $TestResultPath
+ Write-Host
+ ConvertFrom-PesterOutputObject $TestResults
+ Write-Host
+ $host.SetShouldExit($ExitCode)
+ end
+ def install_command_script
+ <<-EOH
+ function directory($path){
+ if (test-path $path) {(resolve-path $path).providerpath}
+ else {(resolve-path (mkdir $path)).providerpath}
+ }
+ $VerifierModulePath = directory $env:temp/verifier/modules
+ $VerifierTestsPath = directory $env:temp/verifier/pester
+ function test-module($module){
+ (get-module $module -list) -ne $null
+ }
+ if (-not (test-module pester)) {
+ if (test-module PowerShellGet){
+ import-module PowerShellGet -force
+ import-module PackageManagement -force
+ get-packageprovider -name NuGet -force | out-null
+ install-module Pester -force
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-not (test-module PsGet)){
+ iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
+ }
+ try {
+ import-module psget -force -erroraction stop
+ Install-Module Pester
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Output "Installing from Github"
+ $zipfile = join-path(resolve-path "$env:temp/verifier") ""
+ if (-not (test-path $zipfile)){
+ $source = ''
+ [byte[]]$bytes = (new-object$source)
+ [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($zipfile, $bytes)
+ $bytes = $null
+ [gc]::collect()
+ write-output "Downloaded"
+ }
+ write-output "Creating Shell.Application COM object"
+ $shellcom = new-object -com shell.application
+ Write-Output "Creating COM object for zip file."
+ $zipcomobject = $shellcom.namespace($zipfile)
+ Write-Output "Creating COM object for module destination."
+ $destination = $shellcom.namespace($VerifierModulePath)
+ Write-Output "Unpacking zip file."
+ $destination.CopyHere($zipcomobject.Items(), 0x610)
+ rename-item (join-path $VerifierModulePath "Pester-3.3.14") -newname 'Pester' -force
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (-not (test-module Pester)) {
+ throw "Unable to install Pester. Please include Pester in your base image or install during your converge."
+ }
+ end
+ def restart_winrm_service
+ cmd = 'schtasks /Create /TN restart_winrm /TR ' \
+ '"powershell -command restart-service winrm" ' \
+ '/SC ONCE /ST 00:00 '
+ wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(<<-CMD
+ #{cmd}
+ schtasks /RUN /TN restart_winrm
+ ))
+ end
+ # Returns an Array of test suite filenames for the related suite currently
+ # residing on the local workstation. Any special provisioner-specific
+ # directories (such as a Chef roles/ directory) are excluded.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] array of suite files
+ # @api private
+ def suite_test_folder
+ @suite_test_folder ||= File.join(test_folder, config[:suite_name])
+ end
+ def suite_level_glob
+ Dir.glob(File.join(suite_test_folder, "*"))
+ end
+ def suite_verifier_level_glob
+ Dir.glob(File.join(suite_test_folder, "*/**/*"))
+ end
+ def local_suite_files
+ suite = suite_level_glob
+ suite_verifier = suite_verifier_level_glob
+ (suite << suite_verifier).flatten!.reject do |f|
+ end
+ end
+ def sandboxify_path(path)
+ File.join(sandbox_path, path.sub("#{suite_test_folder}/", ""))
+ end
+ # Copies all test suite files into the suites directory in the sandbox.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def prepare_pester_tests
+ info("Preparing to copy files from #{suite_test_folder} to the SUT.")
+ local_suite_files.each do |src|
+ dest = sandboxify_path(src)
+ debug("Copying #{src} to #{dest}")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest))
+ FileUtils.cp(src, dest, preserve: true)
+ end
+ end
+ def prepare_powershell_module(name)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(sandbox_path, "modules/#{name}"))
+ FileUtils.cp(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../support/powershell/#{name}/#{name}.psm1"), File.join(sandbox_path, "modules/#{name}/#{name}.psm1"), preserve: true)
+ end
+ def prepare_powershell_modules
+ info("Preparing to copy supporting powershell modules.")
+ %w[NamedPipes ScheduledTaskRunner PesterUtil].each do |module_name|
+ prepare_powershell_module module_name
+ end
+ end
+ def test_folder
+ return config[:test_base_path] if config[:test_folder].nil?
+ absolute_test_folder
+ end
+ def absolute_test_folder
+ path = ( config[:test_folder]).realpath
+ integration_path = File.join(path, 'integration')
+ return path unless Dir.exist?(integration_path)
+ integration_path
+ end
+ end
+ end