lib/kitchen/verifier/pester.rb in kitchen-pester-0.12.2 vs lib/kitchen/verifier/pester.rb in kitchen-pester-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author:: Steven Murawski (<>)
# Copyright (C) 2015, Steven Murawski
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -14,13 +12,16 @@
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
+require "fileutils"
require "pathname"
+require "kitchen/util"
require "kitchen/verifier/base"
require "kitchen/version"
+require "base64"
require_relative "pester_version"
module Kitchen
module Verifier
@@ -30,13 +31,28 @@
kitchen_verifier_api_version 1
plugin_version Kitchen::Verifier::PESTER_VERSION
default_config :restart_winrm, false
- default_config :test_folder
- default_config :use_local_pester_module, false
+ default_config :test_folder, "tests"
+ default_config :remove_builtin_powershellget, true
+ default_config :remove_builtin_pester, true
+ default_config :skip_pester_install, false
+ default_config :bootstrap, {
+ repository_url: "",
+ modules: [],
+ }
+ default_config :register_repository, []
+ default_config :pester_install, {
+ SkipPublisherCheck: true,
+ Force: true,
+ ErrorAction: "Stop",
+ }
+ default_config :install_modules, []
default_config :downloads, ["./PesterTestResults.xml"] => "./testresults"
+ default_config :copy_folders, []
+ default_config :sudo, false
# Creates a new Verifier object using the provided configuration data
# which will be merged with any default configuration.
# @param config [Hash] provided verifier configuration
@@ -62,25 +78,60 @@
# # any further file copies, preparations, etc.
# end
# end
def create_sandbox
- prepare_powershell_modules
+ prepare_supporting_psmodules
+ prepare_copy_folders
+ debug("\n\n")
+ debug("Sandbox content:\n")
+ list_files(sandbox_path).each do |f|
+ debug(" #{f}")
+ end
# Generates a command string which will install and configure the
# verifier software on an instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
# will be returned.
+ # PowerShellGet & Pester Bootstrap are done in prepare_command (after sandbox is transferred)
+ # so that we can use the PesterUtil.psm1
# @return [String] a command string
def install_command
- return if local_suite_files.empty?
- return if config[:use_local_pester_module]
+ # the sandbox has not yet been copied to the SUT.
+ install_command_string = <<-PS1
+ Write-Verbose 'Running Install Command...'
+ $modulesToRemove = @(
+ if ($#{config[:remove_builtin_powershellget]}) {
+ Get-module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = 'PackageManagement'; RequiredVersion = ''}
+ Get-module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = 'PowerShellGet'; RequiredVersion = ''}
+ }
- really_wrap_shell_code(install_command_script)
+ if ($#{config[:remove_builtin_pester]}) {
+ Get-module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = 'Pester'; RequiredVersion = '3.4.0'}
+ }
+ )
+ if ($modulesToRemove.ModuleBase.Count -eq 0) {
+ # for PS7 on linux
+ return
+ }
+ $modulesToRemove.ModuleBase | Foreach-Object {
+ $ModuleBaseLeaf = Split-Path -Path $_ -Leaf
+ if ($ModuleBaseLeaf -as [System.version]) {
+ Remove-Item -force -Recurse (Split-Path -Parent -Path $_) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ else {
+ Remove-Item -force -Recurse $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ }
+ PS1
+ really_wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(install_command_string))
# Generates a command string which will perform any data initialization
# or configuration required after the verifier software is installed
# but before the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work
@@ -95,48 +146,49 @@
# configuration required just before the main verifier run command but
# after the sandbox has been transferred to the instance. If no work is
# required, then `nil` will be returned.
# @return [String] a command string
- def prepare_command; end
+ def prepare_command
+ info("Preparing the SUT and Pester dependencies...")
+ really_wrap_shell_code(install_command_script)
+ end
# Generates a command string which will invoke the main verifier
# command on the prepared instance. If no work is required, then `nil`
# will be returned.
# @return [String] a command string
def run_command
- return if local_suite_files.empty?
# Download functionality was added to the base verifier behavior after
# version 2.3.4
if <="2.3.4")
def call(state)
- download_test_files(state)
+ download_test_files(state) unless config[:download].nil?
def call(state)
# If the verifier reports failure, we need to download the files ourselves.
# Test Kitchen's base verifier doesn't have the download in an `ensure` block.
- download_test_files(state)
+ download_test_files(state) unless config[:download].nil?
# Rethrow original exception, we still want to register the failure.
# private
def run_command_script
- <<-CMD
- Import-Module -Name Pester -Force
+ <<-PS1
+ Import-Module -Name Pester -Force -ErrorAction Stop
$TestPath = Join-Path "#{config[:root_path]}" -ChildPath "suites"
$OutputFilePath = Join-Path "#{config[:root_path]}" -ChildPath 'PesterTestResults.xml'
$options = New-PesterOption -TestSuiteName "Pester - #{instance.to_str}"
@@ -146,152 +198,188 @@
$LASTEXITCODE = $result.FailedCount
+ PS1
- def really_wrap_shell_code(code)
- wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(use_local_powershell_modules(code)))
- end
+ def get_powershell_modules_from_nugetapi
+ # don't return anything is the modules subkey or bootstrap is null
+ return if config.dig(:bootstrap, :modules).nil?
- def use_local_powershell_modules(script)
- <<-EOH
- try {
- Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force
- }
- catch {
- $_ | Out-String | Write-Warning
- }
+ bootstrap = config[:bootstrap]
+ # if the repository url is set, use that as parameter to Install-ModuleFromNuget. Default is the PSGallery url
+ gallery_url_param = bootstrap[:repository_url] ? "-GalleryUrl '#{bootstrap[:repository_url]}'" : ""
- $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
- $env:PSModulePath = "$(Join-Path "#{config[:root_path]}" -ChildPath 'modules');$env:PSModulePath"
- #{script}
+ info("Bootstrapping environment without PowerShellGet Provider...")
+ Array(bootstrap[:modules]).map do |powershell_module|
+ if powershell_module.is_a? Hash
+ <<-PS1
+ ${#{powershell_module[:Name]}} = #{ps_hash(powershell_module)}
+ Install-ModuleFromNuget -Module ${#{powershell_module[:Name]}} #{gallery_url_param}
+ PS1
+ else
+ <<-PS1
+ Install-ModuleFromNuget -Module @{Name = '#{powershell_module}'} #{gallery_url_param}
+ PS1
+ end
+ end
- def install_command_script
- <<-EOH
- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
+ # Returns the string command to set a PS Repository
+ # for each PSRepo configured.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] array of suite files
+ # @api private
+ def register_psrepository
+ return if config[:register_repository].nil?
- function Confirm-Directory {
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param($Path)
+ info("Registering a new PowerShellGet Repository")
+ Array(config[:register_repository]).map do |psrepo|
+ # Using Set-PSRepo from ../../*/*/*/PesterUtil.psm1
+ debug("Command to set PSRepo #{psrepo[:Name]}.")
+ <<-PS1
+ Write-Host 'Registering psrepo #{psrepo[:Name]}...'
+ ${#{psrepo[:Name]}} = #{ps_hash(psrepo)}
+ Set-PSRepo -Repository ${#{psrepo[:Name]}}
+ PS1
+ end
+ end
- $Item = if (Test-Path $Path) {
- Get-Item -Path $Path
- }
- else {
- New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory
- }
+ # Returns the string command set the PSGallery as trusted, and
+ # Install Pester from gallery based on the params from Pester_install_params config
+ #
+ # @return <String> command to install Pester Module
+ # @api private
+ def install_pester
+ return if config[:skip_pester_install]
- $Item.FullName
+ pester_install_params = config[:pester_install] || {}
+ <<-PS1
+ if ((Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery).InstallationPolicy -ne 'Trusted') {
+ Write-Host -Object "Trusting the PSGallery to install Pester without -Force"
+ Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- function Test-Module {
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param($Name)
+ Write-Host "Installing Pester..."
+ $installPesterParams = #{ps_hash(pester_install_params)}
+ $installPesterParams['Name'] = 'Pester'
+ Install-module @installPesterParams
+ Write-Host 'Pester Installed.'
+ PS1
+ end
- @(Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 0
- }
+ # returns a piece of PS scriptblock for each Module to install
+ # from gallery that has been sepcified in install_modules config.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] array of PS commands.
+ # @api private
+ def install_modules_from_gallery
+ return if config[:install_modules].nil?
- $VerifierModulePath = Confirm-Directory -Path (Join-Path #{config[:root_path]} -ChildPath 'modules')
- $VerifierDownloadPath = Confirm-Directory -Path (Join-Path #{config[:root_path]} -ChildPath 'pester')
+ Array(config[:install_modules]).map do |powershell_module|
+ if powershell_module.is_a? Hash
+ # Sanitize variable name so that $powershell-yaml becomes $powershell_yaml
+ module_name = powershell_module[:Name].gsub(/[\W]/, "_")
+ # so we can splat that variable to install module
+ <<-PS1
+ $#{module_name} = #{ps_hash(powershell_module)}
+ Write-Host -NoNewline 'Installing #{module_name}'
+ Install-Module @#{module_name}
+ Write-host '... done.'
+ PS1
+ else
+ <<-PS1
+ Write-host -NoNewline 'Installing #{powershell_module} ...'
+ Install-Module -Name '#{powershell_module}'
+ Write-host '... done.'
+ PS1
+ end
+ end
+ end
- $env:PSModulePath = "$VerifierModulePath;$PSModulePath"
+ def really_wrap_shell_code(code)
+ windows_os? ? really_wrap_windows_shell_code(code) : really_wrap_posix_shell_code(code)
+ end
- if (-not (Test-Module -Name Pester)) {
- if (Test-Module -Name PowerShellGet) {
- Import-Module PowerShellGet -Force
- Import-Module PackageManagement -Force
+ def really_wrap_windows_shell_code(code)
+ wrap_shell_code(Util.outdent!(use_local_powershell_modules(code)))
+ end
- Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force > $null
+ # Writing the command to a ps1 file, adding the pwsh shebang
+ # invoke the file
+ def really_wrap_posix_shell_code(code)
+ if config[:sudo]
+ pwsh_cmd = "sudo pwsh"
+ else
+ pwsh_cmd = "pwsh"
+ end
- Install-Module Pester -Force
- }
- else {
- if (-not (Test-Module -Name PsGet)){
- $webClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
+ my_command = <<-BASH
+ echo "Running as '$(whoami)'"
+ # Send the bash heredoc 'EOF' to the file current.ps1 using the tool cat
+ cat << 'EOF' > current.ps1
+ #!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+ #{Util.outdent!(use_local_powershell_modules(code))}
+ # create the modules folder, making sure it's done as current user (not root)
+ mkdir -p foo #{config[:root_path]}/modules
+ # Invoke the created current.ps1 file using pwsh
+ #{pwsh_cmd} -f current.ps1
- if ($env:HTTP_PROXY){
- if ($env:NO_PROXY){
- Write-Host "Creating WebProxy with 'HTTP_PROXY' and 'NO_PROXY' environment variables.
- $webproxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $env:HTTP_PROXY, $true, $env:NO_PROXY
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "Creating WebProxy with 'HTTP_PROXY' environment variable.
- $webproxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $env:HTTP_PROXY
- }
+ debug(Util.outdent!(my_command))
+ Util.outdent!(my_command)
+ end
- $webClient.Proxy = $webproxy
- }
+ def use_local_powershell_modules(script)
+ <<-PS1
+ try {
+ if (!$IsLinux -and !$IsMacOs) {
+ Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ $_ | Out-String | Write-Warning
+ }
- Invoke-Expression -Command $webClient.DownloadString('')
- }
+ $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
+ $PSModPathToPrepend = Join-Path "#{config[:root_path]}" -ChildPath 'modules'
+ Write-Verbose "Adding '$PSModPathToPrepend' to `$Env:PSModulePath."
+ if (!$isLinux -and -not (Test-Path -Path $PSModPathToPrepend)) {
+ # if you create this folder now un Linux, it will run as root (via sudo).
+ $null = New-Item -Path $PSModPathToPrepend -Force -ItemType Directory
+ }
+ if ($Env:PSModulePath.Split([io.path]::PathSeparator) -notcontains $PSModPathToPrepend) {
+ $env:PSModulePath = @($PSModPathToPrepend, $env:PSModulePath) -Join [io.path]::PathSeparator
+ }
- try {
- # If the module isn't already loaded, ensure we can import it.
- if (-not (Get-Module -Name PsGet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
- Import-Module -Name PsGet -Force -ErrorAction Stop
- }
+ #{script}
+ PS1
+ end
- Install-Module -Name Pester -Force
- }
- catch {
- Write-Host "Installing from Github"
+ def install_command_script
+ <<-PS1
+ $PSModPathToPrepend = "#{config[:root_path]}"
- $zipFile = Join-Path (Get-Item -Path $VerifierDownloadPath).FullName -ChildPath ""
+ Import-Module -ErrorAction Stop PesterUtil
- if (-not (Test-Path $zipfile)) {
- $source = ''
- $webClient = New-Object -TypeName Net.WebClient
+ #{get_powershell_modules_from_nugetapi.join("\n") unless config.dig(:bootstrap, :modules).nil?}
- if ($env:HTTP_PROXY) {
- if ($env:NO_PROXY) {
- Write-Host "Creating WebProxy with 'HTTP_PROXY' and 'NO_PROXY' environment variables."
- $webproxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $env:HTTP_PROXY, $true, $env:NO_PROXY
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "Creating WebProxy with 'HTTP_PROXY' environment variable."
- $webproxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $env:HTTP_PROXY
- }
+ #{register_psrepository.join("\n") unless config[:register_repository].nil?}
- $webClient.Proxy = $webproxy
- }
+ #{install_pester}
- [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($zipfile, $webClient.DownloadData($source))
- [GC]::Collect()
- Write-Host "Downloaded"
- }
- Write-Host "Creating Shell.Application COM object"
- $shellcom = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
- Write-Host "Creating COM object for zip file."
- $zipcomobject = $shellcom.Namespace($zipfile)
- Write-Host "Creating COM object for module destination."
- $destination = $shellcom.Namespace($VerifierModulePath)
- Write-Host "Unpacking zip file."
- $destination.CopyHere($zipcomobject.Items(), 0x610)
- Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $VerifierModulePath -ChildPath "Pester-4.10.1") -NewName 'Pester' -Force
- }
- }
- }
- if (-not (Test-Module Pester)) {
- throw "Unable to install Pester. Please include Pester in your base image or install during your converge."
- }
+ #{install_modules_from_gallery.join("\n") unless config[:install_modules].nil?}
+ PS1
def restart_winrm_service
+ return unless verifier.windows_os?
cmd = "schtasks /Create /TN restart_winrm /TR " \
'"powershell -Command Restart-Service winrm" ' \
"/SC ONCE /ST 00:00 "
@@ -299,12 +387,13 @@
def download_test_files(state)
- info("Downloading test result files from #{instance.to_str}")
+ return if config[:downloads].nil?
+ info("Downloading test result files from #{instance.to_str}")
instance.transport.connection(state) do |conn|
config[:downloads].to_h.each do |remotes, local|
debug("Downloading #{Array(remotes).join(", ")} to #{local}"), local)
@@ -317,35 +406,31 @@
# residing on the local workstation. Any special provisioner-specific
# directories (such as a Chef roles/ directory) are excluded.
# @return [Array<String>] array of suite files
# @api private
def suite_test_folder
@suite_test_folder ||= File.join(test_folder, config[:suite_name])
- def suite_level_glob
- Dir.glob(File.join(suite_test_folder, "*"))
+ # Returns the current file's parent folder's full path.
+ #
+ # @return [string]
+ # @api private
+ def script_root
+ @script_root ||= File.dirname(__FILE__)
- def suite_verifier_level_glob
- Dir.glob(File.join(suite_test_folder, "*/**/*"))
+ # Returns the absolute path of the Supporting PS module to
+ # be copied to the SUT via the Sandbox.
+ #
+ # @return [string]
+ # @api private
+ def support_psmodule_folder
+ @support_psmodule_folder ||=, "../../support/modules/PesterUtil")).cleanpath
- def local_suite_files
- suite = suite_level_glob
- suite_verifier = suite_verifier_level_glob
- (suite << suite_verifier).flatten!.reject do |f|
- end
- end
- def sandboxify_path(path)
- File.join(sandbox_path, "suites", path.sub(%r{#{suite_test_folder}/}i, ""))
- end
# Returns an Array of common helper filenames currently residing on the
# local workstation.
# @return [Array<String>] array of helper files
# @api private
@@ -367,52 +452,130 @@
FileUtils.cp(src, dest, preserve: true)
- # Copies all test suite files into the suites directory in the sandbox.
+ # Creates a PowerShell hashtable from a ruby map.
+ # The only types supported for now are hash, array, string and Boolean.
# @api private
- def prepare_pester_tests
- info("Preparing to copy files from #{suite_test_folder} to the SUT.")
+ def ps_hash(obj, depth = 0)
+ if [true, false].include? obj
+ %{$#{obj}} # Return $true or $false when value is a bool
+ elsif obj.is_a?(Hash)
+ do |k, v|
+ # Format "Key = Value" enabling recursion
+ %{#{pad(depth + 2)}#{ps_hash(k)} = #{ps_hash(v, depth + 2)}}
+ end
+ .join("\n") # append \n to the key/value definitions
+ .insert(0, "@{\n") # prepend @{\n
+ .insert(-1, "\n#{pad(depth)}}\n") # append \n}\n
- local_suite_files.each do |src|
- dest = sandboxify_path(src)
- debug("Copying #{src} to #{dest}")
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest))
- FileUtils.cp(src, dest, preserve: true)
+ elsif obj.is_a?(Array)
+ array_string = { |v| ps_hash(v, depth + 4) }.join(",")
+ "#{pad(depth)}@(\n#{array_string}\n)"
+ else
+ # When the object is not a string nor a hash or array, it will be quoted as a string.
+ # In most cases, PS is smart enough to convert back to the type it needs.
+ "'" + obj.to_s + "'"
- def prepare_powershell_module(name)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(sandbox_path, "modules/#{name}"))
- FileUtils.cp(
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../support/powershell/#{name}/#{name}.psm1"),
- File.join(sandbox_path, "modules/#{name}/#{name}.psm1"),
- preserve: true
- )
+ # returns the path of the modules subfolder
+ # in the sandbox, where PS Modules and folders will be copied to.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def sandbox_module_path
+ File.join(sandbox_path, "modules")
- def prepare_powershell_modules
- info("Preparing to copy supporting powershell modules.")
- %w{PesterUtil}.each do |module_name|
- prepare_powershell_module module_name
+ # copy files into the 'modules' folder of the sandbox,
+ # so that copied folders can be discovered with the updated $Env:PSModulePath.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def prepare_copy_folders
+ return if config[:copy_folders].nil?
+ info("Preparing to copy specified folders to #{sandbox_module_path}.")
+ kitchen_root_path = config[:kitchen_root]
+ config[:copy_folders].each do |folder|
+ debug("copying #{folder}")
+ folder_to_copy = File.join(kitchen_root_path, folder)
+ copy_if_src_exists(folder_to_copy, sandbox_module_path)
- def test_folder
- return config[:test_base_path] if config[:test_folder].nil?
+ # returns an array of string
+ # Creates a flat list of files contained in a folder.
+ # This is useful when trying to debug what has been copied to
+ # the sandbox.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] array of files in a folder
+ # @api private
+ def list_files(path)
+ base_directory_content = Dir.glob(File.join(path, "*"))
+ nested_directory_content = Dir.glob(File.join(path, "*/**/*"))
+ [base_directory_content, nested_directory_content].flatten
+ end
- absolute_test_folder
+ # Copies all test suite files into the suites directory in the sandbox.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def prepare_pester_tests
+ info("Preparing to copy files from '#{suite_test_folder}' to the SUT.")
+ sandboxed_suites_path = File.join(sandbox_path, "suites")
+ copy_if_src_exists(suite_test_folder, sandboxed_suites_path)
+ def prepare_supporting_psmodules
+ debug("Preparing to copy files from '#{support_psmodule_folder}' to the SUT.")
+ sandbox_module_path = File.join(sandbox_path, "modules")
+ copy_if_src_exists(support_psmodule_folder, sandbox_module_path)
+ end
+ # Copies a folder recursively preserving its layers,
+ # mostly used to copy to the sandbox.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def copy_if_src_exists(src_to_validate, destination)
+ unless Dir.exist?(src_to_validate)
+ info("The path #{src_to_validate} was not found. Not copying to #{destination}.")
+ return
+ end
+ debug("Moving #{src_to_validate} to #{destination}")
+ unless Dir.exist?(destination)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination)
+ debug("Folder '#{destination}' created.")
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(destination, "__bugfix"))
+ FileUtils.cp_r(src_to_validate, destination, preserve: true)
+ end
+ # returns the absolute path of the folders containing the
+ # test suites, use default if not set.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def test_folder
+ config[:test_folder].nil? ? config[:test_base_path] : absolute_test_folder
+ end
+ # returns the absolute path of the relative folders containing the
+ # test suites, use default i not set.
+ #
+ # @api private
def absolute_test_folder
path = ( config[:test_folder]).realpath
integration_path = File.join(path, "integration")
- return path unless Dir.exist?(integration_path)
- integration_path
+ Dir.exist?(integration_path) ? integration_path : path
+ # returns a string of space of the specified depth.
+ # This is used to pad messages or when building PS hashtables.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def pad(depth = 0)
+ " " * depth
+ end